A place to share your sexy stories
By Funstuff
Sparks Motorcycle Rally

I just had to write about our adventures this weekend. The weather was absolutely beautiful for this
late in the year so we decided to ride to a motorcycle rally Halloween party.

We had been having a lot of fun with everyone there. As far as rallies go this one was well
attended and going good with lots of booby flashing going on. The Halloween costumes
were very good as well. I talked the Mrs into putting on her wrist and ankle cuffs and collar we had
bought for fun not to long ago. It was the perfect opportunity to have them on in public.

As the evening wore on we went back to our campsite to refresh our drinks. As we were walking
back to the stage area I saw a tree at the fork of the road that gave me a great idea.
I had the Mrs, put her hands behind her back wrapped around the tree and fastened her cuffs
together. My idea was just to mess with her a bit and get a couple pics. I started doing just that
getting a couple pics but people were wondering by and smiling at her predicament. I could see a
blush start to spread and realized either she was getting embarrassed, turned on or both. I told her I
was going to leave her there and started walking away. She was pleading with me so I came
walking back but could see the smile on her face was ear to ear so I knew she was having fun.

So when I came back instead of letting her go I pulled her tits out of her top so anyone coming by
could see, If I thought she was protesting before she really was now, but her smile was telling me
she was enjoying. A couple guys walking by stopped to make sure she was really ok. She assured
them she was so they asked if they could take her pic. I told them sure and she chided me but did
not say no.

So here are 2 guys taking pics of my helpless wife, in her skirt, tied to a tree with her tits out.
Basically at their mercy. They thanked her and walked on. I decided to up the ante a bit so I pulled
her panties down to her ankles for a couple pics even though you could not see her pussy with her panties around her ankles it really added to the helplessness of her situation and made for great pics.

More people came walking by. She was bright red now but still smiling and laughing. The guys stopped for pics when one of them asked if they could touch her. She nodded yes and they looked at me so I assured them it was ok. They began to fondle her tits as they took turns posing for pics with her. More people started gathering around as some of the guys started talking with me. They had me
walk over to their vehicle to try some moonshine. I could still see her but was not right there.

About that time security guys came up to check on her and she told them she was fine and it was
ok. Guys were grabbing her boobs and running their hands all over her some even started sucking
on her tits. I was trying to get back over to her and finally did. I came up and whispered in her ear
to let me know if she wanted me to let her go she said not yet.

So I joined the guys and sucked on her nipples and squeezed her tits myself. One guy got bold and
reached under her skirt to feel her pussy. She did not object so he kept rubbing her. This just
emboldened the others and soon someone pulled her skirt up leaving her pussy totally exposed. I

saw several put their fingers inside her as they commented to the others she is soaking wet.
“She is really liking this.” I could tell by the smile and the blush that had spread all across her
chest when she gets really turned on that they were right.

So now my wife is tied to a tree, totally exposed, helpless as complete strangers are taking advantage of her body and taking all kinds pics of her and with her. One even had his buddy hold her pussy open a bit while he took a close up of it. One guy even got his wife to kiss her pussy to everyone’s applause.

My wife was asking for her drink so they started taking turns holding her cup up to her mouth so she could drink. Was kind of funny that my wife was asking guys that were playing with her body and using her to please give her a drink and then thanking them.

I was almost pinching my self to make sure I was not dreaming but the aching boner on my
pants assured me it was really happening.Everyone was really respectful and thanking both of us for the fun. Cindy asked me to go refresh her drink. I said you sure you want me to leave you like this. She assured me she would be fine and a couple guys said they would make sure she was ok. So I left my wife helpless tied to a tree completely exposed with strangers taking liberties with her. One guy we had befriended at another rally so I somewhat ok leaving her.

I went back to get her a fresh dink. It took me about ten or fifteen minutes to walk back to campsite
and mix her a drink. When I came back she was not there anymore and her panties were hanging on the tree where she had been. when I asked where she was the guy I thought I could trust told me she had talked a guy into letting her go. I asked how she did that and he grinned and said I am not sure but she promised him something. She told me to let you know she is fine and will be right back.

My mind was really racing right now, where did she go? Was she really ok? What was she doing?
I was starting to worry a bit when she came walking up with a big smile on her face and planted and big wet sloppy tongue kiss on me. She grinned eat to ear and laughed as she joked, the things a girl has to do to get free around here. I now had a raging boner.

She was giving e a hard time about tieing her up but I asked you did like it right? She responded OH GOD YES! I was dieing to find out who let her go or what she did. I kept asking she finally kissed me again, it sure did taste like she had been sucking someone. I said did you give someone a BJ? She just grinned and said maybe, would you like that? I kissed her again to show her I thought it was hot.

We ended up having another drink or two talking with folks, many who thanked her again and again
for the fun. I went through some pics on my phone that I had taken and she pointed out the guy
that let her go. A nice looking slightly younger guy not what you would think of as a typical biker.

It was not until we got home and the next evening I took her to bed and started asking exactly what
had gone on. She was still somewhat coy about it knowing it drives me crazy and keeps me hard.
We fucked long and hard and she was sloppy wet as I tried to get her to relive it with me. I had her
from behind as I asked did he take you like this and she just kept screaming fuck me but would not
give me an answer exactly.

Finally when we were both spent I asked her again did he get to have some pussy and she just grinned and said maybe

Gawd I love this women, she knows just how to turn me on and keep me wondering. I am writing this out in my shop and got turned on so I went in to kiss her, she saw I was turned on and
told me wait till you hear the rest of the story. So who knows maybe there is more to the story!

What a life! What a wife!
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By ben4860
Funstuff... Awesome story I bet Cindy will keep you wanting to know for as long as possible. When you found out, please share the rest! You guys ROCK!!
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By Thinker
That was just what I suspected goes on are biker rallys. Your wife sounds like she really liked being tied up. Was this the first time you tied her up or is it a regular thing with you two?
By Funstuff
I have tied her up before but never out in public and only a few times. Even though folks think that type of thing goes on at rallies a lot it doesn't. There is plenty of flashing going on even some nudity but most rallies are not as wild as you might think.
By AnonAnon
Funstuff, that's some adventure!

We've only had one experience where someone has fondled my wife, then girlfriend, and it wasn't totally welcome or unwelcome. We were at an open party that my wife had mistaken for being just friends and worn a sleeveless backless top over low-rider jeans to. Because it was friends, she was wearing the top loosely tied and with a single knot. This made for some fun peeks for friends, but at an open party with a lot of single guys drinking, it was probably a bit much. Pretty soon she had a number of guys groping her back, but she seemed comfortable dealing with it when I asked so I didn't worry too much and wandered off. At some point, a guy started to get too "sticky" and started rubbing her back. When she brushed him off, he got pissed and pulled at the knot and got it all the way open. I didn't see it, but the way a friend who did described it to me was that my wife just smiled at him, lifted up her hair and asked him to redo the knot. This left him in a bind. If he hadn't have done it, someone else would have, happily, stepped forward, making him look like a double fool. He did redo the knot, but while he was doing so he managed to brush my wife's boobs with his fingers. I think his intention was to embarrass her, but she's way too poised for that and went right back to talking to her friend right after. I learned of it a few minutes later and went to check on her. When I asked her about it, she was calm and said, "He could have made me pretty uncomfortable by double-knotting it too tight, but he was too stupid to think of it."
By Funstuff
I would put some pics up but I have to leave faces out. How do you put pics here. When I click on img this is what it does When I click on album it does the same thing [album][/album]. Am I missing something?
Anon how did you feel about guy feeling your wifes boobs?
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By FastFive
Between the IMG tags you need to put the image URL.

The other option would be to Attach pics. Scroll down below the post box and click the "Upload Attachment" link and then find your pic and upload it from there.
By Funstuff
20141025_234338.jpg (1.08 MiB) Viewed 9284 times
Here is one of the few pics I took. This is the guy she eventually talked into letting her loose
By Titfreak
Funstuff wrote:
Here is one of the few pics I took. This is the guy she eventually talked into letting her loose
It is great to see a pic to go along w/ one of these stories! Looks like she was enjoying herself.. and it appears that the others were too. ;)

Btw, are you two the same 'Funstuff' that posted on RC a few years back?
By AnonAnon
Funstuff, to answer you question about how I felt about the guy touching my girlfriend, my first instinct was to be concerned despite her saying she was OK. By the time I got to her, the guy had left the party. A short while later I was in the kitchen getting a beer out of the fridge when a guy came up to me and said, "Man, you have a very sexy girlfriend!" For some reason that made me feel a lot better, because it affirmed the fact that she'd handled the guy and come out on top.

I asked her about it later and she said that, in the moment, she'd been all about stomping on the guy by using her sexual power, but that she didn't care for being groped. We've been together years at this point and she's very comfortable with nudity and in people being comfortable enough in her nudity to comment on it, but she's never expressed an interest in any contact with others despite several discreet offers.
By Timc99
Awsome pic to go with the story. you have a great looking woman, and it looks like you guys are having fun. I love it.
keep it up
By Funstuff
Thanks all for the replies. Titfreak we have been on RC as Funstuff for years so yes it probably was us posting several years back.
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