Political discussions about everything
By elklindo69
While most of the country is busy trying to get voters — and in particular, young ones — to the polls for the upcoming mid-term elections, Fox News co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle seemed to have a different message this week for young women: Don’t bother going.

During an episode on Tuesday of The Five, Guilfoyle said young women should be “excused” from their civic duties so they can “go back on Tinder and Match.com.” She added that young women don’t have the proper “life experience” such as having kids and paying bills that allows older women to make informed decisions, whether in the voting booth or the courtroom. “They’re like healthy and hot and running around without a care in the world,” she said.

After this story was published, Guilfoyle clarified her remarks on Thursday's episode, saying that she did think it was important for young women to exercise their rights to vote, but that they should educate themselves on the issues before they do so.

"My point is you’ve been given a powerful blessing in life in this country to be able to vote and to be able to sit on the jury so come equipped, come prepared because you don’t want to dilute the votes out there because you are uninformed and you’re spoon-fed something that’s inaccurate or you don’t even bother to equip yourself with the facts – anybody out there, this goes for everyone,” she said.

Her initial statement led to an immediate outcry from politically active and plugged-in women who pointed out that young women are, in fact, involved in the democratic process and worried about issues beyond what their online dating profile picture looks like. Statistics show that young women — and really, women in general — vote in slightly larger numbers than their male counterparts, according to Mindy Romero, the director of the California Civic Engagement Project at the UC Davis Center for Regional Change. The issues they’re concerned about range from access to health care to ending pay inequality and gender discrimination.

Jess McIntosh, a spokesperson for Emily’s List, which helps Democratic women get elected to office, says, “I have a job where I get to see a lot of really awful things said about women and this really shocked me in a way that I haven't been shocked in awhile. Republicans have a hard time with messaging to young women specifically, but to tell them to just stay home is the most insulting thing they could do. Young women are some of the most concerned and engaged segment in the electorate that's out there. The idea that they're hot and running around without a care in the world isn't found in reality.”

Most likely, Guilfoyle’s statement was politically motivated: The young female vote skews Democratic, something many Republican strategists are aware of. “Hers is not a neutral political statement,” Romero says. “Only white, married women skew Republican. Unmarried women, women of color, and single moms skew Democratic. These groups are all more economically vulnerable, and more likely to be supportive of issues that are on the Democratic platform, like education, social services, and a social safety net.”

In 2012, single women voted for President Barack Obama over Mitt Romney by a margin of 36 points, and many experts say that single women could be the deciding factor in many of the upcoming midterm elections.

Romero also points out, however, that Guilfoyle might be making a tactical mistake. Voting is habit forming, and telling younger women to stay home is a good way of not ever getting them to polls. This means they won’t go even when, according to Guilfoyle’s logic, they’re old enough to make those informed decisions that come only from paying bills or having babies.

“If you start voting while you’re young, you’re likely to continue to be a voter for the rest of your life,” Romero says. “If you don’t, it’s harder for voting to become a regular thing. If you choose to ignore younger women, you are setting older women up to have a less of a voice in the electorate someday too.”

Beyond that, experts said it’s unsettling that the older woman’s message to women still finding their way in the world was basically to tell them not to get more involved. “It's just so profoundly sexist to suggest that young women are incapable of understanding the decisions they make in the voting both, and it's extra disappointing to hear a women saying that,” McIntosh says.

Romero agreed: “I think it terribly discouraging and irresponsible for anyone to make that argument, but particularly a high-profile woman who has a platform that could be utilized to encourage young women to have a greater voice. In fact, she’s discouraging them.”
By johnforbes
Oh, come on, she's a lawyer who is very much known for her sense of humor.

Sure, she is conservative, but she is one of the few talking heads in DC who would be fun to sip a beer with.

I don't drink, but I'd be glad to have a non-alcoholic beer with her.

Also, if you think she doesn't own every item in the Victoria's Secret inventory, you are nuts.
By Clownkicker
johnforbes is one of the dimwits who says Obama committed sexual assault as he's joking and laughing and the woman is laughing and leans into the lighthearted hug and kiss on the cheek, and then comes here as an apologist for Guilfoyle who is dead serious about young women being unsuitable for juries and voting, and johnny claims she's just joking.

Start at 2:50 and hear her make a fool of herself...

That's not a joke, dimwit. She means it.

And if you're too chickenshit to click the link, go to youtube yourself and listen to it.
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By RealJustme
While most of the country is busy trying to get voters — and in particular, young ones — to the polls for the upcoming mid-term elections, Fox News co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle ...
Kimberly Guilfoyle 8-) Now what were you saying Elk?
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By tvd
Problem is she is right.

I was in a bar in Columbia SC about two weeks ago.
Waitress was absolutely in this demographic.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear her say she was joining the Army.
I asked her where she was going to be doing boot camp.

She said Ft. Sam Houston. I asked her where that was. (I knew, but I wanted to see if she knew.)
She didn't know. She couldn't even guess Texas. She hadn't even bothered to see where she would be going.
I warned her about her commander in chief sending US military to Africa to fight Ebola.
To shorten this up....she didn't know the president was the commander in chief, and she didn't know
what Ebola is.

I have said it before on this forum...I say it again....the country is at the mall.
Young ppl don't care about anything but their smartphones, who will win Dancing with the Stars, and what Kim and Kanye are doing.

They are woefully ignorant of anything political, and therefore by voting, they aid in turning the election into a popularity contest.

And that is what KG was saying. And she is right.
By Clownkicker
"Young ppl don't care about anything but their smartphones, who will win Dancing with the Stars, and what Kim and Kanye are doing.
They are woefully ignorant of anything political, and therefore by voting, they aid in turning the election into a popularity contest.
And that is what KG was saying. And she is right."-tvd

That was Kim's point."-johnforbes

No, it wasn't.

She didn't say "kids" or "those under 21" or any other such term.
She singled out young women with a serious, straight face, suggesting that they don't know anything until they have had kids, (resurrecting the old "women should be barefoot and pregnant" thing for conservatives) as if young men are any better at that age.

She may be right if she had said kids, as a whole, don't know enough to vote, but there is one trump card that out-weighs the ignorance factor, and that is: if you are old enough to be sent to die for your country, you are old enough to have a say in the matter.

You, johnforbes, of all people, should understand why that is important. So what if their vote is a popularity contest. At least then they can vote against the ignorant fools who are sending them to die for nothing, or worse, evil purposes.
And everyone has a vote in their past they are embarrassed by. Voting is a learned skill, like anything else. Better to learn it young and you are more likely to continue the habit.

No, she doesn't get off the hook because her dimwitted apologists try to spin her sexist statements into a thing about dumb kids in general. She didn't say that, and she was serious when she said what she did about young women.
Watch the video and it will shut you up if you have any integrity.
By johnforbes
Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is made up of 587,287 words.

Twain's "The Adventures of Huck Finn" weighs in at 109,571 words and Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five" comes in at just 49,459 words.

Clowndoper is a professional leftist who is an amateur.

To be fair, though, Clownhacker's stupidity is pro-level.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^johnforbes shows up just to parade his intellectual impotence and fails once again to refute a word I said. :lol:

It sucks being senile, doesn't it, johnny?
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By tvd
Clown...what the fuck was the tirade for? You made no sense.

Palin is right.

I say the country is at the mall.

And they are, and the two statements literally mean the same thing.

How am I wrong? GIve me an example....like I gave you..
By Clownkicker
"How am I wrong?"-tvd
Who said you were wrong? This isn't about you being right or wrong. Get over yourself.
You clowns need to learn to think a while instead of just automatically opening your traps when you don't get it.
(But if you agree that 18 year old women shouldn't be allowed to vote but 18 year old men should, then yes, you're as stupid as she is.)

This thread (and my post) is about the woman's sexist comments singling out young women as being unfit to vote or be on juries until they get pregnant and get a job, etc., but saying nothing about young men being unfit to vote at the same age. She made a complete fool of herself. That clowns like johnforbes and yourself can't see this is disturbing. (Now johnforbes will come back with nothing but the most obvious of stupid puns about me being "disturbed" because he is witless and doesn't have the brain power to actually argue against my position.)

If Guilfoyle doesn't think 18-year-olds should be allowed the vote, then that should be her position and she can argue it.
But she didn't do that because she would be booed off the stage and Republicans would lose half their races when the indignant teens find out what Republicans really stand for, like how RealTool wants a Plutocracy.

"I say the country is at the mall."-tvd

I didn't say the country ISN'T "at the mall." I didn't say you were wrong. That's my point. It isn't just young women "at the mall" and on their cell phones. It's our entire culture, as far as I can tell. But she didn't indict everyone on a cell phone. She only picked on young women, as though they are worse than young men.

42% of Americans continue to believe that God created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago. Republicans account for most of them.
If Guilfoyle is arguing that young women shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're too stupid, then she has to argue Republicans shouldn't be allowed to vote either.

You (and everyone else here) can't even argue against the things I say and instead waste my time arguing against things I never said.
Forget the young women. Don't you see why I am every bit as concerned that YOU GUYS are allowed to vote?
By johnforbes
Not since Sartre has any person presented such futility as Clownhalter.

Many years ago, when knighthood was in flower, Clownnutter's posts began littering the forum.

He was disturbed, and his posts were disturbing, but on the bright side nobody reads them.

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is made up of 587,287 words.

Twain's "The Adventures of Huck Finn" weighs in at 109,571 words and Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five" comes in at just 49,459 words.

Clowndoper is a professional leftist who is an amateur.

To be fair, though, Clownhacker's stupidity is pro-level.
By johnforbes
Sisyphean sissy, that's Clowndoper.

Not since Camus has any person presented such futility as Clownhalter.

Many years ago, when knighthood was in flower, Clownnutter's posts began littering the forum.

He was disturbed, and his posts were disturbing, but on the bright side nobody reads them.
By johnforbes
Not since Sartre has any person presented such futility as Clownhalter.

Many years ago, when knighthood was in flower, Clownnutter's posts began littering the forum.

He was disturbed, and his posts were disturbing, but on the bright side nobody reads them.

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is made up of 587,287 words.

Twain's "The Adventures of Huck Finn" weighs in at 109,571 words and Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five" comes in at just 49,459 words.

Clowndoper is a professional leftist who is an amateur.

To be fair, though, Clownhacker's stupidity is pro-level.
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By tvd

First off, she never says a thing about young women shouldn't vote.

She says...."same reason young women on JURIES are not a good idea.." She is speaking as an attorney, and apparently, it is well known among attorneys that young women shouldn't be on a jury.

I don't know for a fact one way or the other. Jury selection experts would know.

But she says nothing about VOTING. At the end...she mentions "excuse them" as in excuse them from JURY DUTY.

Why does your ilk always try to spin things into something other than what it IS? You must get awfully dizzy.

KGs statements are right on.
By Clownkicker
yes, she says "excuse them" as in 'excuse young women from jury duty.'
She doesn't say excuse young men as well.

That's the point. Her comments let slip the actual Republican attitude towards women, that they shouldn't be included in things like jury duty until they get pregnant or 'grow up' some other way.
Nothing about comparable men.
And she says this right after a guy says Democrats think women can't take care of themselves. She essentially says young women are too dumb can't take care of themselves. :lol:

All you apologist clowns are simply letting this sexism go, out of shame and embarrassment I suppose.
By elklindo69
It's quite clear that this woman, who is on a notoriously conservative news network was looking to score points by debasing a demographic who overwhelming vote for democrats. I bet if younger women tended to vote republican then she wouldn't say anything.

This woman claims that potential jurists should be 'informed.' That's absolute bullshit. Lawyers are looking for the most closed minded tools who believe anything that is spoon fed to them...
By johnforbes
Elkin, grow up.

She was kidding around, but she had a salient point.

Obama's base all along, other than unions and welfare recipients and racists, has been no-information voters.
By Grog
No, she wasn't kidding. And no, she wasn't talking about jurors. She was specifically talking about young women voting.

But even better was her and Perrino's belabored and wholly fatuous attempt at denying it the next day.

I love Fox. They have created an entirely manufactured "reality" that can only be believed by low intelligence conservatives.
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By RealJustme
During an episode on Tuesday of The Five, Guilfoyle said young women should be “excused” from their civic duties so they can “go back on Tinder and Match.com.” She added that young women don’t have the proper “life experience” such as having kids and paying bills that allows older women to make informed decisions, whether in the voting booth or the courtroom.
That's some pretty selective listening, notice they didn't quote her but rather summarized what they wanted her to say. :lol: :lol: :lol:
By elklindo69
RealJustme wrote:
During an episode on Tuesday of The Five, Guilfoyle said young women should be “excused” from their civic duties so they can “go back on Tinder and Match.com.” She added that young women don’t have the proper “life experience” such as having kids and paying bills that allows older women to make informed decisions, whether in the voting booth or the courtroom.
That's some pretty selective listening, notice they didn't quote her but rather summarized what they wanted her to say. :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a great excuse to get out of jury duty, priceless...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By tvd
Grog, Elk, Clown....you three are the epitome of the spin.

No wonder you don't recognize truth when it hits you in the face....you are too busy trying to spin
what just hit you into something that fits your twisted concept of reality.

Your twisted concept of reality will never come to fruition. Why? Because it is based on falsehood.
Utopia doesn't exist, despite your fervent efforts to twist it into existence.

I say again, in a different manner, she was commenting on the lack of understanding, the low information level, the "out at the mall" mentality of today's youth. That was the message. Young women was NOT the crux of message...she was NOT slamming young women, she was slamming overall vapidity. That was her message.
She mentioned young women, using a subject very familiar with her, young women on juries. An example she is very likely quite familiar with, and I am quite sure it is a well known trade practice among lawyers to avoid young women on juries. For the reasons stated.

That is also MY message when I say the country is at the mall. But I simply use the whole country in my assertion.
It was that message she was trying to express, not attacking young women. The "attacking young women" was NOT the message. Just is right....the posted article goes off on a voting tangent....when voting was not even mentioned by KG, or even during the verbal discussion that occurred just prior. Spin Spin Spin. Try reality for once. Try the truth for once. Call a spade a spade.

Any of you guys ever go out to eat? Step into any restaurant, and you will see at least half of the patrons with their heads in their cell phones. I even saw a table of youth sitting there texting EACH OTHER at the table. Not conversing, texting across the table. What crap. Probably texting about the latest unfriending on Facebook. LOL.

Jut look around.

Oh, and Grog.....you can stop the pot stirring shit you practice. I know you and your tactics very well.
By Clownkicker
"...she was commenting on the lack of understanding, the low information level, the "out at the mall" mentality of today's youth. That was the message. Young women was NOT the crux of message...she was NOT slamming young women, she was slamming overall vapidity. That was her message.
She mentioned young women, using a subject very familiar with her, young women on juries."-tvd

So you claim she wasn't singling out young women but then you give us an example of where she singled out young women.
Holy fuck you reactionaries are stupid.
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By tvd
Yeah clown....trying to get across a point to you is damn near impossible.

Maybe vapidity is the wrong word...but I will use it anyway.

Her point was the rampant vapidity. She was discussing the low-information crowd.
In her mind, I am positive that she DID NOT say what she said with the thought in mind..."How can I use this verbal time to disparage young females?".

That was the furthest thing from her mind...but the rampant vapidity is her point. And mine too.

So, continue to pretend you don't understand my point...continue to take the opposite position...just like you always do.

Or, do the right thing and cogently explain why this is NOT an example of spinning a conservative's statements into something other than what was intended.

Or, just call me stupid again...I don't care. But I will bet I know what you are gonna do.
By Clownkicker
How am I supposed to talk to someone who claims that when KG says "young women" she isn't singling out young women?

"...when voting was not even mentioned by KG, or even during the verbal discussion that occurred just prior. "-tvd

Click on the youtube video link, tvd.

time stamp 1:53
Time stamp 2:05
time stamp 2:42--even FOXnews put "women voters" into their banner under the video.
At 2:42 the guy is talking specifically about women voters as opposed to the "young people" he had been talking about a few seconds earlier. KG chimes in that "it's the same reason young women on juries are not a good idea."

(Incidently, at time stamp 3:15--even Bob (the guy next to her) is embarrassed for her and says she's wrong.)

How can I talk to someone whose position is that when FOXnews themselves says their talking heads are discussing "women voters" they aren't really talking about women voters?
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By tvd
Bob Beckel at the times you cite. That mushmouth, that I for one cannot interpret one tenth of his utterances.
Not Guilfoyle. She says nothing about voting.

Why don't you address the issue....the real issue she was pointing out. Low information crowd abounds profusely in this country.

It makes the elections (since you insist she was talking about VOTERS and not jurors) merely a popularity contest.
A contest to see whose jersey color wins.

But anyway...I tire of this crap. I will never change your mind. You will never change mine.
By Clownkicker
"How am I wrong?"-tvd Oct. 25th
"Who said you were wrong? "-me
"I say the country is at the mall."-tvd
"I didn't say the country ISN'T "at the mall." I didn't say you were wrong."-me

You're spending your time arguing with me about things I never said you were wrong about.
Okay, let's stipulate that "the country is at the mall" and that vapid, low-information voters are a problem.
Good. Now let that red herring off the hook.

Now let's talk about what was said in the FOXnews video that the FOXnews control booth itself said was talking about women voters. And let's talk about KG singling out "young women" as unfit for jury duty.
I showed you the time stamps. You can hear it for yourself.
What you should do is provide time stamps and quotations that support what you believe they are saying instead of just saying I'm wrong. Show us where KG also believes young men should be 'excused' from civic duties.
But you won't. No conservative here ever argues what was actually said, by either me or by the talking heads.

"Or, do the right thing and cogently explain why this is NOT an example of spinning a conservative's statements into something other than what was intended."-tvd

Of course she didn't 'intend' to let slip the actual extremist Republican attitude toward women.
When one of your idiotic conservatives sticks their foot in their mouth and lets something they actually believe slip out, it isn't "spinning their statement into something other than what's intended."

What they "Intended" is that people listen to their tripe and nod and get upset and mindlessly vote with them.
They "intended" that no one actually think about the implications of their positions.
What they "intended" is that vapid, low-information conservative voters get riled up and vote with them instead of with the Democrats.
They thought everyone would simply agree with them.
But sometimes the things they let slip are just too stupid to let go by.
Nowhere in the video does anyone suggest that young men are just as bad as young women. If they thought so, you would think they would say so while on the subject.
They instead single out "young women" or "women".

"But anyway...I tire of this crap. I will never change your mind. You will never change mine"-tvd

Your object in talking about this is to change MY mind?
You think my object is to change YOUR mind? :lol:
We're already more or less in agreement on the point YOU made about vapid voters. If anything, I am far more concerned about vapid voters than you are. Like I said, 42% of people in the U.S. believe humans were created by God 10,000 years ago and most of them who vote vote Republican.
They are allowed to vote.
Apparently there is almost no limit to how stupid one can be and still vote..
You don't mind when they are voting with you. You only get upset when they are voting against you.
By Clownkicker
"I for one believe our leader cares so little about our military he would actually turn a carrier into a golf course because he would rather be golfing."-RealTool

See, tvd?
He's not kidding. He's serious.

He's your typical low-information Republican voter.
We actually ALLOW this clown to vote.
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By RealJustme
He's your typical low-information Republican voter.
I'm the one that knows Obama likes golf more than he does our military, soooo...who's the low-information one here?
By elklindo69
tvd wrote:Bob Beckel at the times you cite. That mushmouth, that I for one cannot interpret one tenth of his utterances.
Not Guilfoyle. She says nothing about voting.

Why don't you address the issue....the real issue she was pointing out. Low information crowd abounds profusely in this country.

It makes the elections (since you insist she was talking about VOTERS and not jurors) merely a popularity contest.
A contest to see whose jersey color wins.

But anyway...I tire of this crap. I will never change your mind. You will never change mine.
What is it that you don't understand?

That woman sought to disenfranchise and demean young women.

Fox news is an ideologically conservative media outlet, with an older white male demographic. That woman is a paid schill who is looking to generate ratings and clicks on her social media webpages. So why not target the largest liberal demographic, young single women. Young single women don't watch Fox News so she doesn't give a rats ass.
By johnforbes
Elkin, she used to be married to a raving liberal.

She was kidding around, but she had a salient point.

Obama's base all along, other than unions and welfare recipients and racists, has been no-information voters.
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By RealJustme
Obama's base all along, other than unions and welfare recipients and racists, has been no-information voters.
Those no-information voters that voted "again" for Obama in 2012 moved into the brain dead category.[album][/album]
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By tvd
Let's just simplify it down to basics.

Was KG correct factually in her statements? I contend she was.

She was calling a spade a spade and as predictable, liberals spun it into an issue that is not what she intended.

Elk....."That woman sought to disenfranchise and demean young women."

I contend she did nothing of the sort. She did not get up that morning, and go forth thinking...."How can I best disenfranchise and demean young women". That is the spin you guys put on it. She made a true statement, in the heat of the discussion, and liberals jumped, spun it into some diabolical Freudian hidden meaning that she "sought" to do. B.S.

If you want to fix a problem, fix the real problem...the vapid voter. Don't spin up a false war on women and then flail at fixing that...go after the root of the issue...the vapidity that is rampant.

I know you hate my anecdotal examples...so here is another one. My 30 yo DIL believes zombies are real.
I shit you not. PPL she hangs with think the same. They are waiting for the zombie apocalypse. How ridiculous is that? That's pretty vapid when zombies get more attention than the true problems of this world. I dunno....I am thinking it is where I am living now....the culture here in Central FL is not like it was when I lived in NC.
It is all style over substance.

Clown, look at this paragraph....your words:
I have highlighted the sentences therein where you are spinning my words from a previous post.

Your object in talking about this is to change MY mind? Noooo...didn't say that. Spin baby.
You think my object is to change YOUR mind? :lol: Same as above.
We're already more or less in agreement on the point YOU made about vapid voters. If anything, I am far more concerned about vapid voters than you are. Like I said, 42% of people in the U.S. believe humans were created by God 10,000 years ago and most of them who vote vote Republican.
They are allowed to vote.
Apparently there is almost no limit to how stupid one can be and still vote..
You don't mind when they are voting with you. You only get upset when they are voting against you. Never said anything of the sort, and that is a spun up conclusion that is False.

Your whole picture or concept of reality/life/xyz (whatever you want to call it) seems to be based your fervent desire to create some super perfect society using spun up conclusions, therefore lacking real truth, and being foundationally based on false assumptions.
By johnforbes
Kimberly used to be married to one of the most liberal politicians in the country.

She is more conservative, but has a very active sense of humor.

As to voters, how many could name their senators?

How many could name their Member of Congress?

Kids today live in a cell phone world. Or many of them, at any rate. They don't have to perform military service unless they volunteer. And, other than sky-high tuition and a tight job market, they seem largely concerned with voice and dance competitions on TV.

In other words, many kids today -- thankfully not all -- are as vapid and empty as Clownhicker himself.
By Clownkicker
Does everyone see what johnforbes and the rest of Guilfoyle's apologists dishonestly do?

Guilfoyle says "young women" and they come back with "kids today".
Guilfoyle did not say "kids today" or "young men and women" or any other inclusive term or phrase.
She didn't use those terms because it's not what she believes.
She said "young women" and she clearly means "young women" to the exclusion of young men.

If you clowns believe she is right, then you should stop the constant equivocating and just come out and say you also believe young women, but not young men, should be excused from jury duty instead of having to put words into her mouth in order to make her views palatable.
By Clownkicker
"Was KG correct factually in her statements? I contend she was."-tvd

No, she is not "correct factually" in the sense you are trying to portray.
What if someone said "Young blonde women should be excused from jury duty." Is that " correct factually"?

With the position you're arguing, you would have to say "yes, that's "correct factually" because 100% of "young blonde women" are members of the set "young women".
If "Young women" are unfit for jury duty, then "young blonde women" must be unfit for jury duty.
That statement would be just as "correct factually" as Guilfoyle's statement, but I'm sure if a Democrat said it, even though it would be "factual" to you, you would be ridiculing them and calling them an idiot. And you would be right.
Hypocritical, but right.

But more than that, I don't believe that even Guilfoyle, as a trial lawyer, would peremptorily excuse all young women from her juries even if she was given the power. She was using hyperbole to make a point, I'm sure. And in that narrow sense she was "joking around" as our clueless johnforbes is insisting.
There are always some young women that both you and Guilfoyle would want on your juries. Some are very intelligent and wise beyond their years. So in that sense as well, her statement is not "correct factually" either.

Now, do you see how "young women" is a subset of "young people"?
If it is laughable to say that "young blonde women should be excused from jury duty" then it should also be laughable to take the position that "young women should be excused from jury duty" ----unless you are saying that young men are generally fit for jury duty but young women generally aren't. That is the position Guilgoyle took with her statement and I believe that is her actual position, both as a lawyer and politically.

If your position is that young men aren't on their cell phones all day while young women are, then you're an idiot.
If you are saying that young men are mature enough for jury duty without getting a girl pregnant but young women aren't mature enough until they have been pregnant, then you're an idiot.
If you are saying young men are able to think rationally but young women aren't, then you're an idiot.

So make this simple, tvd.
Answer one question: Do you believe that within our culture young women, generally, are unfit for jury duty while young men, generally, are fit for jury duty?

If your answer is "yes" then I'm wasting my time arguing with an imbecile.
If your answer is "no" then we agree she's wrong and you're wasting your time arguing with me over something we agree on.
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By RealJustme
If "Young women" are unfit for jury duty, then "young blonde women" must be unfit for jury duty.
Clown, she never said that, that's your take on young blonde women, how revealing.
By johnforbes
Okay, let's assume a young blonde gal is in the jury pool.

Depending upon whether she provides a thong pic, she could be excused from duty.

Even Clownhacker will admit the logical force of this statement.

Misspelled it? I just copied what's on your own d[…]

Global Cooling

I'm not a millionaire like you Clown.. :( It take[…]

"Your 10,000 square foot home can easily incr[…]

8th Amendment

I was applauding Elkin's IQ. He was the very firs[…]

"The Coming Ice Age"

It is late April here, and April really is the cru[…]

Walk Like...


Eaten by Indigenous Natives

Thanks for Clowntoker for his agreement that each […]

Karma operates in odd ways, but Schiff -- who lied[…]