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By brandon
Since deer season opened on Saturday.....

To all of you fat, lazy, drunk, heart clogged rednecks who call yourselves a hunter. Please stop sitting in your 50 thousand dollar 4x4 on the side of the road all day drinking and waiting for your dogs to flush a deer into the highway so your fat ass can take 20 reckless shots towards peoples homes and motorists near you. And then, drag the dead animal with an ATV 20 feet to your vehicle to show off. You spend 99% of your time trying to recover your packs of dogs, or sitting your lazy ass in a tree stand waiting for an ambush. Shooting to watch it drop. Then leaving it to rot.

Try actually entering the woods. Alone. With one weapon. To "hunt".

Fuck every one of you.

Fucking losers. :mrgreen:
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By RealJustme
Real hunting involves survival skills pitting yourself against the animals and the elements in the wilderness, not just hiking to a tree stand to harvest a deer then dropping off bambi at the butcher's to have them cut and wrap the meat. There are very few areas outside of Canada and Alaska where "real" hunting can take place in North America. I used to be a hunter but haven't done it for years, I've grown too fond of a warm bed at night and refuse to go deer harvesting.
By Intrepid
OK, wow...where to start?

In about a month, two of my sons and my daughter ( she just turned 22 years old. She killed her first deer at 14 with her Ruger M77 in .243. If she can see you, she can kill you. And then drag your sorry, welfare recipient ass out. No shit) and I are going deer hunting. We hunt public land because the Federal welfare recipients (AKA "farmers") seem to think that anyone who wants to hunt is, "one of them rich city fellers," who can afford to pay upwards of $100.00 per gun per day to hunt. They view the deer as their private property ("I feed them critters all year long, that means I own them!"). No matter that my tax dollars go to pay for the farm program that keeps people in business who could never survive any other way. When they aren't trying to sell access to a publicly owned asset (the wildlife) they are bitching about the depredation the animals are causing and demanding further welfare payments to cover their losses. Yeah, fuckwit I have a cousin who is right there with you, whining and bitching...but holding his hand out for the check that is covered by my tax dollars.

We drive up a river bank to a place where we stop and get out and hike. From there it's mostly up hill. After we kill (we don't "harvest" deer, that's a term that's used by PC assholes who can't face up to what is really going on) a deer, we gut it, and drag it down hill to the pickups. That will happen four times. It's blood, sweat (lots of fucking sweat, something you never experience sitting in your air conditioned tractor, paid for with my tax dollars... as you sit on your fat ass drinking free coffee down at the local elevator with all your fellow government welfare recipients and bitch about how you are getting fucked by this year's farm program. Yeah...I grew up around you assholes, I know how you roll) and work. We earn out meat. When you reach up into the body cavity of the animal you just killed and feel it's hot blood on your hands, you realize this is some serious shit. You just killed a living animal, and you goddam well better not take it lightly. If you don't feel at least a little bit sorry, you have no business calling yourself a hunter. This animal is going to feed your family in the coming year and you fucking well better feel thankful for it's sacrifice. If you don't feel that way, you will never hunt with me again.

And you know what? Our family looks forward to this event EVERY SINGLE FUCKING YEAR. We walk, we sweat, we cuss and we shoot our deer like our ancestors did. We use modern rifles with optical scopes and high powered ammunition, but we gut them, we drag them out and we take them home where we skin them, butcher them and sit around the table telling the stories of past hunts and times spent together as a family. Then we eat what we killed. So FUCK YOU and your government welfare payments. We aren't going to give you one more dime to hunt. If you can't make it on your own, get the fuck out of farming and go on legitimate welfare.

OH, you are upset because I lumped you in with those whiny ass, welfare check cashing, should have been broke and out of farming years ago clod hoppers?

Tough shit.

Now go double your income, put up a second mailbox at the end of your driveway.
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By Malcolm
Real hunting involves survival skills pitting yourself against the animals and the elements in the wilderness, not just hiking to a tree stand to harvest a deer then dropping off bambi at the butcher's to have them cut and wrap the meat.
deer-hiding-tree.jpg (60.9 KiB) Viewed 4858 times
deer-eating-hunter-sleeping.jpg (51.46 KiB) Viewed 4858 times
deer j78stkHln.jpg
deer j78stkHln.jpg (32.52 KiB) Viewed 4858 times
By Clownkicker
Geezus, johnny, deer have antlers, not horns, you dimwit.
Thus, your 'pun' isn't witty and falls flat.

But I promise I'll never 'antler in' on this thread.

johnforbes is stupid.
By johnforbes
Deer me, Clownwimper seems upset.

Doe any of us really believe Clownsimper has ever been hunting?

Sure, Clownwacker has hunted amid the rubble of beer cans and pizza boxes in his hovel while in quest of his food stamp card, but that doesn't count.
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By brandon
only southern fried, inbred redneck assholes use dogs to run deer.
True that.

I have 116 acres on the Albemarle full of wheat, beans, corn, cotton, occasionally peanuts, and some veggies, black bear, deer, turkeys, foxes, ducks, geese, etc. Anyone was welcome to hunt with my permission. I used to attempt to make it very clear to them, its not party time. If i see one radio antenna or the first dog I will shoot them myself.

No more. Ignorant, lazy, rednecks.

I'll shoot your fuckin truck, your dogs, and your radios motherfucker. Or you if i have too.

Fuck you.

By johnforbes
Clownwimper went hunting one time.

It was Linda Hunt.

It was a year of living dangerously.

On the plus side, Clowntoker looks remarkably like Elmer Fudd.
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By RealJustme
I've lately been wondering what my old Case 9280 4x with triples would do to one of those new aluminum F150's
Well let me think of that, 30,000lbs verses 4,500lbs??? Sounds like you have a nice spread there to do some decent bird hunting by walking the fields, like you I've never cared for the so called hunters who fire from their trucks and call themselves "hunters" I'm not a tree stand hunter either.
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By brandon
Naturally, it was about 50 feet from a motel.
Ha! The "sportsmen" were probably inside drunk and high with their "bitches".

ABTW, I realize not all hunters are fat lazy drunken slobs. Just most of them. Yankees too. I musta hit real close to home.


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