A place to share your sexy stories
By Shardog
I have been toying with the idea of letting a pic of my wife's tits be seen by my best friend. I know him since we were kids and we have always talked about girlfriends and a little about our wives. What their tits/nips looked like and what they liked sex wise, about sucking cock and stuff like that. I don't get into talking about stuff like that with anyone else I personally know.

I was in the process of switching to a new hard drive and installing a new OS. My friend knows this and that I have had some computer hardware problems in the past. I just recently had a motherboards go bad and installed a new one. I figured this would be a good opportunity to let a pic slip. He knows that I am installing a lot of stuff and slowly copying files and my 1000's of pics to the new drive. He does not know much about computers so it was easy to say that with so many files and pics that they can become misplaced on such big hard drives, like I forgot what folder I put them in. And that

I use temp folders when transferring pics from the camera to the drive and sometimes find them later with pics that I forgot to copy into their correct folders, i.e.- vacations, family and such.

My wife has told me that on a few occasions when my friend had stopped at our place unannounced that he was stealing peeks at her tits. He has heard plenty about her and that she has nice tits and big nipples and that she is a great cock sucker. So there has always been an interest sparked in him.

He is an ass/leg & tit man, like most of us are I guess, so he is always on the look out for goodies. On one of the occasions he stopped by my wife & I had been cleaning the house when he arrived. She had on an old pink top with no bra. It had been worn and washed many times and became even more sheer, which is why we bought it in the first place. He followed my wife into the kitchen and was asking her questions about a topic we were discussing a few
days ago. He could not help stealing looks at her partially visible nips in the bright sunlight coming through the window. My wife told me about it after he left. It was fun. She liked the attention and that he was so interested in her tits. So I figured that he deserved a better look.

Back to the real story. On a recent vacation I took a great pic of my wife upon returning from the hotel pool - arms up in the air holding onto the shower curtain rod. I moved her bathing suite top to the sides and her tits and nips looked really nice! I decided that was going to be the pic I "slipped" to him. I made a "temppics" folder and left it on the desktop and explained that I am finding old pics that I forgot about, some of which were of him and so on. After finishing some computer stuff we had to do I opened the folder and started the photo album software to see what pics were in there.

I started the slide show and we were looking at pics and commenting on them. He was sitting on a chair next to and a few inches behind me. I placed the full sized tit shot towards the end of the pics. If you don't click to the next pic it stays there for around 20 seconds before going to the next pic.

I knew it was the next shot and I was talking about one of the other pics with my arms crossed on my chest so I was away from the mouse and keyboard.The pic popped up and he was like, "Wooo, OK, wow ... move to the next pic." Trying to be as courteous as possible. I could see from the corner of my eye that he rolled his chair forward a little but was holding his stare before he mockingly held his hand up to cover one eye. From my reclined position I fumbled reaching for the mouse and the pic stayed there long enough for a great view of her totally uncovered tits/nips. No more peeking through sheer tops he got the real color view. He had a huge smile on his face, as I acted surprised and explaining that it was a left over pic from a vacation that I was supposed to file away in a "hidden folder". I said it was a "very fun" vacation and I took a lot of pics, wink wink. Next time he comes over the pink "house cleaning" shirt will be ready and he will be trying to see them in person. It is great fun watching him sweating it trying to get peaks without us noticing.

It was a thrill to have my best friend see my wife topless and it led to a number of other times when I was like, "well you already saw her topless so you might as well see how good she looks now that she is in great shape." The pics I showed him got more involved leading up to sexy poses in high heels, thongs, bra's, ass shots and lots of topless shots. He loved our little viewing sessions and commented on how great she looked. I was hoping that it would lead to him showing me some pics of his wife. I would have been happy just seeing her topless but he never did it. I would have went as far with the showing as he wanted as long as he didn't mind seeing my cock. I would have showed him my wife blowing me and so on but he never showed me anything and the viewing sessions eventually faded off. I wonder if he still thinks about the pics and seeing her just about nude. I assume he jerked off about it at least a few times.

By Mike1594
This happened a long time ago before the whole camera phone thing came on the scene and Polaroid's were the easiest way to take nudes. For a honeymoon gift, my wife gave me a Polaroid camera with one film cartridge and told me that I could take naked pictures of her on our honeymoon. The catch was that I only could take one cartridge of film. Needless to say, I took some great nudes of her in various poses from tame to quite explicit. Just for good measure I always kept a new cartridge in the camera just in case the opportunity arose again. Fast forward a few years...

A friend of mine from college came to town and stayed overnight. The three of us enjoyed drinks and some playful flirtatious banter and nothing more and we eventually turned in. My wife turned in a few minutes before us and my friend then proceeded to tell me how much he enjoyed the evening and how attractive he thought my wife was. I thanked him and went upstairs to make sure the guest bedroom was ready. Just for fun, I took the envelope containing my wife's nude honeymoon pictures and placed them in the drawer of the nightstand with the flap of the envelope open and the pictures slightly spilling from the envelope just enough to tell they were pictures of my wife but without revealing anything unless you investigated further.

We turned in and the next morning my friend ate breakfast with us and left. My wife hit the showers and I went up to check out the guest room to see if the pictures had been disturbed. I opened the drawer and was surprised to find that the word "Thanks" had been written across the envelope. I opened the envelope and as I thumbed through the pictures I noticed that there was a new picture in the collection. Apparently, not only had my friend found the pictures, but he had also found my Polaroid camera that was on the shelf in the closet too! He had added a picture of all of the nudes of my wife spread out on the desk that was in the room which included his very erect cock in the picture. It was awesome. My wife was pretty open minded back in the day so there was no hesitation in me showing the pictures to her as an "oh, look what I forgot was in the nightstand." She loved it and the benefits were amazing to me all afternoon!
By Shardog
That's awesome, love the story and your wife's open attitude. I wish my friend would have taken a pic for my wife to see. She deserves some viewing enjoyment too. I was hoping for him to reciprocate with a few pics of his wife and then I would have tried to move on to more explicit pics. Maybe moving on to some blow job pics and hopefully he would have done the same and my wife could have seen his cock. Oh well, good times but they are gone ....
By Mike1594

Thanks. Although my wife is an attractive woman with an incredible rack and is confident in her body image, she has never really viewed herself as a woman that other men would want to fuck. So, that time and few others where men showed her that they thought she was "fuck worthy" really turned her on. I know most guys would probably get their nuts cut off if their wives/girlfriends found out they shared their pictures, but for my wife it was a huge turn-on. Honestly, just my opinion, but if you want to show a close friend your naked wife, then I say just do it straight up. It was quite a rush back then but it has not really been repeated since. Its sort of funny, but most of my closest friends have actually seen my wife completely naked anyway since we have a hot tub and like to entertain. if you want to see all of your friends naked, then all you need to do is buy a hot tub and invite them over for drinks. Works like a charm. Ha ha.
By Gina
This may not be exactly along the lines of showing a "best friend" nude pictures, but the end result was at least the same if not better for the friend. lol. I have a very close and long term make friend that I have known for a very long time. In fact, I have known him longer than my husband. It has been a strictly platonic relationship the entire time we have known each other. Simply put, the friendship just never developed further and that has been fine. Its nice just having a male friend to talk to from time to time.

However, this friend is also a part time photographer and does a lot of wedding and senior pictures. For one of my wedding anniversaries I talked him into doing a set of photos for me to give to my husband. I then informed him I wanted some of them to be nudes. Even though I have known this man for years and think of him more as a brother, it was still a rush to undress and be completely naked in front of him. There was no sexual contact between us during the shoot, but I can tell you if you look closely at a few of the more suggestive pictures it was quite obvious that I was very "happily" aroused. I only imagine that my friend loved looking at the pictures during and after the shoot as he cropped and did whatever photographers do. So yes, I guess I have shown nude pictures to my best friend even if he was the one taking the pictures. And for the record, my hubby loved the gift and had no problem with me having my friend take them.

And yes, I agree, hot tubs encourage nudity.
By Shardog
That's great. Not only did he get he pics but he got the live view also, lucky him.
How would you feel if you found out that he kept a set for himself to pleasure himself with from time to time?
By Gina

Its possible that he kept a few of the more suggestive pictures, and if he did I have no problem with it, but knowing my friend as well as I do, I doubt he would have. Just a gut feeling, I could be wrong, but even if he did I know him well enough to know that he would keep them secure and for his eyes only so its all good.
By Shardog
yes, for his eyes only is what i meant. Do you like the idea that he may be going back to look at your pics and getting aroused? Or is he just not someone you would ever think about in that way?
By Gina

My friend is actually a very attractive man and quite sexual, but we just don't have the sort of relationship where I think of him in a sexual way. For almost the whole time we have known each other we have each been in stable relationships and have never been available at the same time. After all this time, even if we were to both become available at the same time I am not sure anything would develop. We are just too good of friends the way we are.

To answer your question, The idea of him or any man getting aroused by looking at a picture of me is exciting and does get me aroused. If my friend finds me attractive enough to masturbate while looking at me, I find that even more arousing and could easily masturbate myself with the thought in mind. As a woman in her early 40's who works hard at keeping in shape it is just as important to feel like you are desirable to the opposite sex as it is to have self confidence in yourself and like your own body. A mans approval of my pictures in that way is a huge confidence boost and in my mind it is even more of a compliment to a woman to have a guy find you attractive enough to masturbate to then actually having sex with them. I like the idea of being their sexual fantasy before, during, and after they masturbate.
By luvtoshow
My work friend has seen pics and videos of my wife completely naked and it gets me excited knowing he knows what my wife's tit nips and pussy look like. He probably jacks off watching it from time to time.
By AnonAnon
When I had just started dating my wife, I think she wanted to see how comfortable I was with her carefree attitude towards showing her body.

One particular event I recall was an opening of a lighting exhibit. Despite knowing that there would be photographers about at the opening, she elected to wear a black top that was see through under bright lights braless. Photographers, needless to say, do not miss such opportunities and I saw some literally trailing her snapping images. A friend of ours posted a group shot on Facebook and she had placed herself at the edge of the photo where the tip of a nipple could be seen tenting the tight top over her left breast and the right breast was fully exposed by the flash. He'd done some work to minimize the view without entirely eliminating it, but the image didn't leave any secrets.

What I realized was that her comfort with her body was the real deal. She didn't have the slightest concern about an image of her taken in public appearing on the internet of Facebook and that literally dozens of people had images of her essentially topless. I am absolutely certain some of the people there are using those images for their pleasure, because I've worked with a few of them over the years and they've mentioned what crushes they had on her back then.

Another time, we were at a dinner and she was wearing a dress with a plunging neckline that had gapped and a friend took an image of her breast that only just barely left the nipple in shadow. It was a nice image, but a rather personal one given how much of her chest was in view. When he showed it to her, she asked him to take another one with her licking a sausage and he took one, this time with the dress gapping to reveal a lot of both breasts. I saw the first image without sausage on his Facebook and asked her about it and her response was, "It doesn't show any nipple."

This attitude is one of favorite things about my wife.
By Shardog
This attitude is one of favorite things about my wife.
That's one of my favorite things about your wife too ... and I am only reading your storys. :D
By AnonAnon
Thanks, Shardog, I think she has the perfect combination of enjoying it herself and making sure others have fun, too. I think that is what keeps her from having a negative reputation among our friends.

Last winter, we had an hour to wait at a mall for a movie to begin. My wife knows I really enjoy her wearing loose wrap tops to movies, because they gap revealingly when she is seated and the light off the screen can make for nice views. We were at a store and she noticed a sales guy politely checking her out. Without much hesitation, she asked if he would help her put on a leather motorcycle jacket. As he did so and she shrugged on the jacket, he was able to get some very nice unrestricted close-up views. I stayed a distance away so as not to inhibit him or her. She walked up to me to show me the jacket, zipper mostly open, wrap top crushed out of sight. She smiled and said, "I had some help getting undressed."

We bought the jacket, which looked great, but the part I like best is that my wife doesn't have the slightest inhibition going back to the store and having the same salesman help her try on stuff.
By Shardog
Thats awesome. I wish my wife liked it as much as she does. We have had some great times trying on clothes and other things in stores too.
By Gina
I have been known to wear revealing clothes from time to time but there is something I really want to try some time but just don't have the resources to do it since I would only do it if I were far from home. I have a black blouse that is probably 85% sheer and is meant to be worn over a tank top or sexy bra. I wear it to work and when worn over the right clothes there is absolutely nothing obscene or edgy about it. What I would absolutely love to do is find somebody to air brush a tank top onto my torso and then I would wear the blouse out on the town. I wonder how many people would figure it out? I guess I would just need to be extra careful to not spill my drink on me, lol. Anybody ever experiment with body paint?
By Shardog
That's a pretty cool idea. I would love to see what happens also. I think you would definitely fool a bunch of people. some people are just not very observant.
By AnonAnon
Gina, my wife has used body paint, but for precisely the opposite effect. She painted very geometric shapes on her body that showed through a flimsy, but not completely see through dress. The effect was to capture the motion of her body under the dress while leaving something to the imagination. I wasn't dating her at the time, but what I remember was that there was a large tilted triangle that covered her crotch, ran over one leg and under one breast. She didn't have on any underwear, but there wasn't excessive see through. It was a party of artists, so somewhat forgiving of over-exposure resulting from artistic experimentation. Black paint, black dress, no jewelry, outside in the late evening.
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By Solstice2006
I've shown an old friend pic's of my wife over the years . My wife doesn't seem to appreciate it so my reply to her is " He's been face down eating your pussy and enjoyed your sucking his cock for hours at a time so what could be the big deal if he sees your pussy in a picture ?" 8-)
By AnonAnon
My wife uses the same excuse to delight with pretty risque outfits when we have an ex-boyfriend over to dinner. We had one over to dinner today and she was wearing a denim dress without underwear and unbuttoned enough to provide ample views of her boobs. He remarked that she was a great kisser and she asked me, "May I?" and sat on his lap with her bare butt, clasped her hands behind her back, leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Then, she got off, sat on my lap, unsnapped her dress quickly, exposing her tits, gave me a long wet kiss while holding my hands down and got off almost carefully enough to avoid showing her ex and went off to get serve dinner.
By AnonAnon
She makes it fun. Her ex and I were working on his car and meeting her for dinner. We were seated across from each other at a table when she walked in in a mesh top so transparent, she was literally cupping her boobs to stop from flashing everyone. "You gentlemen had better sit against the wall," was her first sentence. "Don't want to over share the view." We did as we were told.

On the way out, we left via the back because her bare back was garnering enough attention and the restaurant had filled up with people filled up on beer.
By AnonAnon
He did. It is more fun with another person, guy or girl, involved, because conversation tends to focus on her show more than if it is just the two of us. She loves it and is completely comfortable with guys looking at her tits, which shows and causes the guys to enjoy it even more. When we first started dating, she wore a see through top to four of our first five dates, including two that were first time visits with my friends. I found it a bit shocking at first, but quickly learned to enjoy it.

The first time was to a bar owned by a close friend of mine that we went to an hour before it opened for the evening. After I introduced her, she removed a leather jacket she had on over jeans to reveal a lingerie top that would have gotten a good rise out of me in the bedroom. She spent and hour totally vowing my friend with her coolness and didn't leave even when guests came in and stared. The second was a barbecue to which she drove separately, showing up rather dramatically in a very worn thin tee that provided a dramatic background for beautiful slightly jiggling firm nipples and medium-dark areolae. By the end of the evening, she had won my friends over several times over, proving once again that "sex sells".
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By jay72
(Just found this forum - hello all)

I have a pretty good portfolio of my wife taken over 10 years. I've gradually started sharing some with my best friend.

It started as topless photos - MrsJ likes to go topless on the beach - so I figured the topless photos were fair game.

I told MrsJ about sharing the photos and she was actually very cool with it.

A couple of years ago I pushed it further & started showing him the nude photos -- him being an amateur photographer he could appreciate the technical as well as aesthetic aspects.

I've now since shared full photo shoots with him, including some open-leg style shots that don't leave anything to the imagination.

I usually end up with a raging hard on which I have to try & disguise whilst he's busy checking out the images. He's pretty jealous as his wife isn't into anything remotely daring like this.

MrsJ loves to hear about it & we usually end up having great sex afterwards :)
By AnonAnon
No open legs sharing here, though that have been flashes of pussy, but all our friends have seen and enjoyed my wife's tits and most have seen her landing strip. Many of them expect her to show up to dinner with something "entertaining" on and are rarely disappointed. This fun approach is what I find sexiest about my wife.
By AnonAnon
I remembered that one of my childhood friends, who has often seen my wife nude sunbathing on the high roof deck on our house, had once admired her pussy lips. She didn't have her legs spread, but they weren't crossed either. He was so appreciative of her pussy lips and how they peeked out from the hair around them, that we decided to have him to dinner on the roof deck in the dark with her nude from the waist down and a bra on top. It turned out to be a very comfortable time of sharing.
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By jay72
Cool story Anon :)

All my shots have to artistic and have photographic merit in their own right, I'm not into porn-for-the-sake-of-it.

My wife's only been in an any "properly" undressed state in front of friends & acquaintances a couple of times, once on holiday (topless sunbathing and a little accidental nude - longish story) and once at a party where she wanted to wear a new corset. Turned out that the corset was of the type with the straight cut top and her nipples kept popping out all night. One particular stretch up to get more wine glasses from the top shelf released both boobies completely. Ahh good mammories, er memories :)
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By jay72
PS - of course there's been many strangers that have seen her nude in some form or another, usually by accident having been stumbled upon during a photo shoot, other times a little deliberate.
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By jay72
PPS - I should probably also mention, we posted once on here back in 2007. I don't have full membership so can't find the pics to link, but it would've been June 2007 (possibly July) - white linen dress near a local monument.
By AnonAnon
My wife enjoys people enjoying her showing off and I love her confidence and naturalness during the process.

Among the many looks she has, I enjoy her attempts to get as close to naked as possible while still being able to go to normal places. One dress I enjoy was a long halter dress with a mesh top and strips of fabric cut to the waist for the bottom. We went to a gallery opening and then dinner with friends. The top displayed her boobs beautifully with her nipples and areolae just slightly darkened by the mesh fabric, but very visible. When she sat, she gathered the strips of the skirt in between her legs, so the legs were naked up to the waistband with nothing on her back above the waistband. From the side, it looked like she wasn't wearing anything. The look gave off a naked vulnerability coupled with confidence while at the same time showing off a lot of skin, to the point of distraction. It added a charge to dinner that made for a spectacular evening. One of my friends commented that he could get by with just the scenery and not worry about dinner. It wasn't necessary since both were available.

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