A place to share your sexy stories
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By FastFive
There's a blissful moment each morning when you find yourself on the brink of awake, but still teetering on the edge of asleep. You are just conscious enough to actually know that you're sleeping. It's like a small tug of war between your brain and your body... still asleep... nope, time to get up... not a chance, still asleep.

On a weekday I inevitably yield to the brain, and wake up. Work to be done, and all that. On the weekend the body usually wins out! Most of my clients recently have been in Europe, which has meant many an early start for me. If they want a meeting by noon (their time) that means I have to be up by dawn (my time), or even before the sun just to login on time. Thank goodness my office is just downstairs. However, I'm pretty sure today is Saturday, so why haven't I rolled over and pulled the covers back up over my head?


Why can I hear music? I am dead certain I did not set an alarm for a Saturday morning. And despite being only half conscious, I'm pretty sure that's not my music. No rest for the wicked it seems. I finally give in to the "hey wake up" side of the tug of war and open my eyes and glance at my watch... 7:03.

And Iggy Azalea.


7:03 on a Saturday morning is way too early for Iggy Azalea.

I reach up over the headboard and fumble around until I feel my iPhone and tap the Home button until Siri chirps. "Playlist... Chillstep," I ask.

The volume on the stereo downstairs fades down for a moment, and then restarts... something slower, softer and much more in line with a dark bedroom on a Saturday morning: Skylar Grey.


Much better.

The door to the bathroom swings open, spilling far too much light for my half closed eyes into the bedroom.

"Hey what happened to my music?"

I look across to the other side of the king-size bed and realize it's empty just as Brianna steps into the doorway between the two rooms, toweling her hair dry. Lit from behind by the bright lights in the bathroom I can only see her silhouette, but I can tell by her voice shes smiling. I smile back at her, albeit in my half-awake state I'd bet my smile is a lot dimmer than hers. Not that there's anything unusual about that... there isn't a girl on earth that can smile at me like she does.

"It is way too early for your music," I reply. "And besides, why are we.. and by 'we' I mean 'you'... even awake this early on a Saturday?"

She shifts her weight from one foot to the other as she flips her hair over her head and starts drying it from the other side. If I wasn't awake before, watching her move like she does... I'm awake now. Each movement she makes is liquid smooth, like she's modeling for me. I know she's not though... at least not on purpose. It's just how she is. When she moves through a room she can look angelic, or erotic. Or anywhere in between.

And you would never think she was trying. Her confidence in herself in nearly tangible, but you would never mistake it for arrogance. Well, maybe some other women would... but that would be their problem, not hers.

Maybe I'm biased though. When I look at her I see nothing but perfection. Fresh out of the shower, hair still a wet, tangled mess, no make-up... and I still have to remind myself to breathe when I'm looking at her. There isn't an inch of her that I don't want to drink in. Everything line of her body, every curve, could not be more beautiful than it is.

It's hard to reduce a girl like her to mere words. It almost feels vulgar to even try.

"The reason we are awake this early on a Saturday is that it is a beautiful day out, and we are going to take advantage of that. You're leaving for Germany on Wednesday, and you're going to be gone for a month and a half. This weekend is pretty much the last summer weekend we're going to have together." She dropped the towel and picked up a brush and was running it through her hair with her back to me at this point. "I want to go to the beach."

"At 7 o'clock in the morning?" I asked.

I snickered as I heard her sigh. "No, not at 7 o'clock in the morning." She walked towards the windows on the opposite side of the bed (the windows ran nearly the length of room and were virtually floor to ceiling) and passed her hand over the touchscreen control for the blinds, lighting it up. She tapped it once, and slid the control part-ways up the screen. Warm sunlight poured into the room and I dragged the covers back up over the head.

It was her turn to snicker.

"Not funny!" I mumbled from under the comforter.

"Funny," she replied. I heard her walk back towards the bed and start pulling the blanket from the foot of the bed.

"Now," she started, as she pulled the cover down a little further, "I need you to get a move on." She tugged it further down again. "You hop in the shower while I go make some coffee." The blanket slid even further, now exposing my erection that hadn't really been hidden up to this point anyway. "I want to get to the beach early enough, but first we need to go shopping... I need a new bikini." She winked at me as she yanked the covers the rest of the way off the bed, leaving me laying naked atop the sheets.

Without saying a word she crawled onto the bed and slowly inched her way towards me. Her long black hair was still a little damp, giving me goosebumps and sending a shiver up my spine as it brushed over the tops of my legs as she made her way closer. Her eyes never left mine as she moved closer, and closer still. Half way up the bed she paused over me, and leaned forward... her mouth just a fraction of an inch away from my dick, I could feel her warm breath on me.

Still, her eyes never left mine.

She stayed there a moment, warming me, staring... my heart pounding in my chest. A wicked smile slowly crept across her lips. I reached for her but she caught first one hand, then the other, and pushed them down to my sides. She pulled herself up over me and straddled me, pinning my arms to my sides, pressing my dick flat against my navel. Smiling all the time, she wiggled just a little bit... just enough for me to feel her, as warm and wet as I was hard.

She sat up, soft hands on perfectly curved hips, perfect breasts thrust forward, shoulders back, nipples erect... and that smile on her lips. The smile that could twist any man to her will. The smile that could make do anything she asked of me. She slowly, almost imperceptibly, rocked back and forth for a time, smiling and watching me... I knew she could feel the pulse of my heartbeat against her, I could tell by the look on her face.

"So, like I said," she whispered, "you're going to be in Germany for 6 weeks, and it's going to be nearly a month before I have enough time off work to fly over to spend any time with you."

She leaned forward and placed her hands on my chest. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, caressing me as she moved back and forth a little more now.

"While you're over there I don't want you getting tempted by some beer garden girl flouncing around with her steins."

She kissed my slowly, softly... her lips in stark contrast with her hips which were grinding hard against me now, making my heart race.

"So, I'm going to make sure today is something to remember me by!"
Shardog liked this
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By honora
FastFive, you write VERY well...I'm already anticipating your next submission! You created a great visual when she keeps eye contact with you while moving up your body... :oops: Wow. I hope you will be posting here again soon
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By FastFive
Honora, thank you for the compliment. :) I do work hard at that aspect... creating a visual or a feeling. Though I have to be upfront... any shred of writing skill I may have is entirely the work of my high school English teacher (grades 7, 10 & 11). Almost daily writing assignments on literally every subject and genre under the sun (well... except erotic, I suppose) paid off.

And yes, I will be posting here again soon. My story is by no means done. ;)
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By FastFive
Man, I wish I'd had the time to continue this story... so many details I'd worked out in my head that I've forgotten by now. :(
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By FastFive
Shardog wrote:with most people staying at home away from the virus this is a great time to write up another story.
Would be great if I wasn't working. :bored:
By Jocko64
Well that was great story but I will make mine quick as I am writing for my wife what was an English teacher for a while, her is very simple any guy she want them to remember her gets a blowjob! Simple and quick most of time she says!
By Jocko64
Funny, wife and I talking about some fun times we have had over the years, somehow restroom sex came up. She has probably had more than I but we were comparing notes. She reminded me of times at parties that she would suck or fuck somebody in the bathroom, I was sometimes the recipient also. She reminded me of a time we were at the Ritz Carlton sitting at a bar there and I am next to her but a guy started hitting on her and she played the hand ignoring me but did introduce me to him after she found out he was married with a family. After about a half hour she went to restroom and within two minutes he excused himself to go to men's room. I am at bar for half an hour by myself. They both come back, he finishes his drink and very politely says goodby and is gone. Wife tells me we can go anytime so we pay and leave shortly after. Valet brings car around and we leave. She then tells me what I suspected, she said she sucked him and he blew his load down her throat within a minute she thought. He said he wanted to fuck her and she bent over and he fucked her good dumping a second load in her in a 25/30 minute timespan . I had mine when we got to our hotel. Sloppy seconds are wonderful!
By AnonAnon
My wife likes to say of her most revealing outfits that people tend to remember them and talk about them. She wears something provocatively revealing to work a few times a year. Just enough to leave an impression, but not enough to get into trouble.

One of my favorites was worn to an after work dinner at a restaurant. The usual tastefully see through chest panel worn braless but the dress had a high slit that revealed a lot of leg, some ass, and most provocatively, if you were positioned just right, allowed for a darkened view of her panty less crotch. Her pussy was not on show, but it was clear she favored the landing strip hairstyle down there. Her coworkers were taking it in, with many of the guys staring openly at her nipples, but the best part was the fact that it was very clear she intended for them to check out of her crotch and for it to come to mind spontaneously when they saw her at work.
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