Political discussions about everything
By Intrepid
Its only fitting that I make the century post to Grog's tombstone thread. Writhe and seeth with impotent frustration Grog. Nobody does it better.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^Look at this dumb fuck posting compulsively.

Talk about your impotent frustration. :lol:
By johnforbes
There are more curves in Grog's "logic" than in Sofia Vergara's photo.

But they are far more ugly on Grog.

E.g., Grog trims his unibrow with a Toro weedwhacker.
By Grog
Well, a Platinum certified thread. Doesn't happen around here often. Insipid, please go back through the list of threads and find out how many other Plat threads we've had here. Thanks in advance!

I probably should take a moment to thank all who made this possible, but you all know who you are. Instead I will just say: The ruffle of taffeta and the preening prance of typing with a discernible lisp of effete and effeminate effrontery can only mean Forbes has arrived in his pink Mustang and is in the house once again seeking out JustFreedManMe's minuscule scepter to validate their co-rule of the clueless conservative cadre. Hopefully Forbes won't get his satin slippers too dirty as he rounds the bases and heads for JustFreedManMe's nappy dugout in the circular reading room.
By johnforbes
I've ordered Grog to stop by at least weekly and post weakly.

Grog must obey.
By Grog
It is a delight!

Let's keep this as close to the top as possible so Insipid will see his assignment first thing in the morning and get right to it.
By johnforbes
My staffers have now completed all the paperwork relating to Grog's request to leave the forum.

When they placed it on my desk for scrutiny, a tear formed at the corner of my eye at the very notion that this august body would no longer be exposed to the raw, egregious idiocy of Grog's postings.

But I dabbed that tear away and signed my approval for Grog to leave.

Now, at last, Grog has my permission to leave.
By Grog
Let's get past the finding's of Insipid's research before we do anything rash. Anyone who can author a Plat thread in this morgue, is clearly a valuable asset.

By sillydaddy
By now gorg should have the door knob well imprinted on his ass.....as many times as he has left.
By Intrepid
Just so he is constantly reminded of who he is, and what he can never have:

Grog originally started this thread in a pique of PMS (Pansy Man Syndrome) all pissy pants and in a girly snit, stamping his little foot and shrieking, "NO FAIR, NO FAIR!" The same way he reacted back when the big kids stole his lunch money. He had suffered another in a long string of epic beat downs and humiliations and he was intent on shutting down the source of his pain. He thought he could use his influence as someone who had been previously banned from VW (along with his buddy Lucky and the late, not so great James) as being an incorrigible asshole and guilty of felony annoying.

Far from being a tribute thread, this thread exists as a testament to Grog's humiliation and surrender.

Grog is someone who feels no self worth and needs to piss someone off in order to feel relevant and significant. He is a shit stirrer of the first rank. As Grog is in no way relevant or significant, he is in constant need of someone, anyone to insult, disparage, tear down and sneer at. After suffering a particularly harsh beat down, Grog will disappear for a few days or weeks, as he did after he started this thread, but he will soon reappear after he realizes nobody is paying attention to him and the dawning that he is insignificant and small once again rears it's ugly head, as reality tends to do.

His obsession with Sara Palin and the Queen of anal sex and beer farts, Tori, shows that he lusts after hot Shiksa women that he could never hope to meet, let alone satisfy. So he self medicates with Molosn and raves.

There you go Grog. Hope you don't dislocate your shoulder as you furiously jerk off to a woman who wouldn't even notice you if you passed her on the street.

But, from now on, this thread will be a testament to your failure and frustration.

Mozel Tov you Shikker Nebish Zhlub.

And Grog, apparently neither you or your fellow VW banishee, the pot head junkie, Loser Lucky, ever know when you are being played like a gefelte fish.

Now, let's all sing once more for dear old Grog before he leaves to defend his ancestral homeland from the muzzie hoards!

"When Groggy gets carried back home again OY VEY! OY VEY!
When Groggy gets carried back home again OY VEY! OY VEY!
The men will sneer and the fags will pout,
The shiksas they will all turn out,
And we'll all bash gays,
When Groggy gets carried back home!

By Grog

Insipid let this fall down below the halfway mark on the first page?

Let's not let that happen again.

Thanks in advance!
By johnforbes
At long last, my staffers have completed all the paperwork relating to Grog's request to leave the forum.

When they placed it on my desk for scrutiny, a tear formed at the corner of my eye at the very notion that this august body would no longer be exposed to the raw, egregious idiocy of Grog's postings.

But I dabbed that tear away and signed my approval for Grog to leave.

Now, at last, Grog has my permission to leave.
By Clownkicker
The comedy rule of three, johnny.

Learn when you are only making yourself a fool of yourself, and people start laughing at you instead of with you.
It will also help you when you attend your next Mensa meeting and everyone flees rolling their eyes.
By johnforbes
Clownslacker was being laughed off the Internet not just 3 years ago, but 30 years ago.

Back then, modems were made of wood, but then so was Clowntoker's head.
By Grog
Is Insipid back in jail, bunking and buggering with Leroy? That would seem to be the only reason he's let this fall down the list.
By johnforbes
The Clownslacker rule of three.

Learn when you are only making yourself a fool of yourself, and people start laughing at you instead of with you.

But then Clownhicker has always made a fool of himself, and others always laughed at Clowntoker.

That's only two, but Clowndoper can't count.
By Grog
Forbes? Tell us about your experience with Wiki.

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By Malcolm
Grog wrote:Forbes? Tell us about your experience with Wiki.



By Grog
WTF, Inispid and Malcolm? You guys have virtually zero responsibilities here or anywhere else, and I had to find this on the third page?

Are you guys light on bail money, again?
By Intrepid
Grog is feeling especially insignificant and worthless today, so he shows up demanding that everyone notice him.
"Look at me! Look at me! Here I am! I AM important, I AM I AM I AM!"

It is only by irritating people that Grog can validate himself. Penthouse is no longer publishing his demented, fantasy ravings, two cases of Molson a day aren't having the desired effects and all the skid marked cotton Jockey For Her briefs Tori sent him are worn out and tattered from marathon masturbation sessions. All he has left is searching the internet for new photos of Sara Palin to feed his impotent fantasies.

Here is how you deal with Grog. You strike from the shadows, flicking your blade out and cutting him, then disappear. He replies and tries to taunt, but you ignore him and refuse to feed his need for validation. Give him a few days or a week, then slip your blade in again, deeper this time, and watch him bleed. This frustrates Grog because bothering people is the only way he feels important. He has been publicly rejected by the one he pursued so arduously and with such passion, publicly displaying his soul to her only to have her throw it all back into his face for all to witness his rejection and humiliation.

But take comfort in the wise words of uncle Adolph Grog,
"Arbeit macht frei!"

The Zyklon B wasn't such a bad way to go, compared to you drinking yourself to death and your epic frustration and failure to be a contributing addition to the human struggle. One quick whiff, and peace. You go on and on, each day a torturous sentence of agony and failure. Molson is a slow death Grog. There are better ways out. Seek and embrace them...for your own good.

Mazel Tov!
By Grog
Thank you, Insipid. In the future, please try to stay a lot more focused on keeping this near the top.

Thanks in advance.

By johnforbes
Grog is a serious homo, but not a serious person.

A socialist sissy such as Grog would not comprehend this, but have Hillary and Obama been correct about anything?
By johnforbes
Grog is a serious homo, but not a serious person.

A socialist sissy such as Grog would not comprehend this, but have Hillary and Obama been correct about anything?
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By Malcolm
Sorry about the.... Jimmy Two Times: I'm gonna go get the papers, get the papers..... ;)
By johnforbes
Obama is so desperate to improve his poll numbers that he gave the Medal of Honor to two white veterans today.

But veterans are wise to Obama's pandering.
By Clownkicker
^^^^The stench of PainfulTooth is strong with this one.

And no, don't come back with your angry, prescription-drug-addled cliches about the stench of "pot" or "Lucky" or other such ignorance that you are just too stupid to recognize are wrong.

To the top, Grog! ;)
By Intrepid
Welcome back Loser Lucky! We thought perhaps you had finally had your encounter with those serious men from the DEA. Now, go on with your tantrum, as I have ordered you to do. Good little Loser Lucky!
By Clownkicker

I take a minute to post one calm sentence and you call it a rant? :lol:

This from the guy who pisses away 15 or 20 minutes on one of his classic igno-rants re-hashing the past to a dead guy or to someone who isn't even here any longer?

The depths of Insipid's stupidity is beyond comprehension.
Don't you ever tire of making a fool of yourself?
By Intrepid
Good little comrad loser Lucky! I've got you well trained! Now, make sure to stop in every 15 minutes or so to see if I've responded to your next fit of pique. Dig deep into your wellspring of hate and rage over your Messiah turning of to be such a complete loser, just like you. Dance loser Lucky, dance little man! Good little loser Lucky pot head junkie stoner! Good boy! Now, sit up and rave.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^Obviously he doesn't ever tire of making a fool of himself. :lol:
By johnforbes
The average rock has an IQ at least 5 points higher than Clownhick's.
By Clownkicker
And yet I run intellectual circles around you and you can never seem to refute a thing I say.

Just how stupid does that make you, johnny?
By johnforbes
Clownsucker's postings are not refuted by anybody because their content makes it obvious that Clowntoker's reality-contact is iffy (to put it mildly).

A rabid Rottweiler will argue in the Oxford Union before Clownsicker will.
By Clownkicker
Yeah, yeah, yeah, johnny, ya got nuthin.
We got that long ago.

No need to continue to make excuses for your inability to argue or refute anything I post.
You're just not that bright.
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By Malcolm
I detect a distinct smell of Loxism....A Listmania! list by Igor...... :lol:
By Intrepid
Lest we forget:
Just so he is constantly reminded of who he is, and what he can never have:

Grog originally started this thread in a pique of PMS (Pansy Man Syndrome) all pissy pants and in a girly snit, stamping his little foot and shrieking, "NO FAIR, NO FAIR!" The same way he reacted back when the big kids stole his lunch money. He had suffered another in a long string of epic beat downs and humiliations and he was intent on shutting down the source of his pain. He thought he could use his influence as someone who had been previously banned from VW (along with his buddy Lucky and the late, not so great James) as being an incorrigible asshole and guilty of felony annoying.

Far from being a tribute thread, this thread exists as a testament to Grog's humiliation and surrender.

Grog is someone who feels no self worth and needs to piss someone off in order to feel relevant and significant. He is a shit stirrer of the first rank. As Grog is in no way relevant or significant, he is in constant need of someone, anyone to insult, disparage, tear down and sneer at. After suffering a particularly harsh beat down, Grog will disappear for a few days or weeks, as he did after he started this thread, but he will soon reappear after he realizes nobody is paying attention to him and the dawning that he is insignificant and small once again rears it's ugly head, as reality tends to do.

His obsession with Sara Palin and the Queen of anal sex and beer farts, Tori, shows that he lusts after hot Shiksa women that he could never hope to meet, let alone satisfy. So he self medicates with Molosn and raves.

There you go Grog. Hope you don't dislocate your shoulder as you furiously jerk off to a woman who wouldn't even notice you if you passed her on the street.

But, from now on, this thread will be a testament to your failure and frustration.

Mozel Tov you Shikker Nebish Zhlub.

And Grog, apparently neither you or your fellow VW banishee, the pot head junkie, Loser Lucky, ever know when you are being played like a gefelte fish.
Belly up Grog/Malcom....Next round of Molson is on YOU!

Mazel Tov!
By Grog
That's more like it, Insipid.

Don't let me down again and let this slip off the top half of the first page.

Forbes? Your thought? Can you hear me over the ruffle of your taffeta prom gown?
By johnforbes
Grog's postings, like Clownsucker's, are not refuted by anybody because their content makes it obvious that Clowntoker's reality-contact is iffy (to put it mildly).

A rabid Rottweiler will argue in the Oxford Union before Grog will.
By Grog
Ah, there he is, the Miss Havisham of the poli board. All dressed up and no one to blow, despite his relentless pursuit of Just FreedManMe's attention and favor.
By johnforbes
Is Grog a gay punk?

Of course.

Grog's postings, like Clownsucker's, are not refuted by anybody because their content makes it obvious that Clowntoker's reality-contact is iffy (to put it mildly).

A rabid Rottweiler will argue in the Oxford Union before Grog will.
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By Malcolm
Call it a day champ...They're killin' ya!..killin' ya!....
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