Exhibitionists meet here!
By beachguy60
yeah... I know where your talking about. It would be a fun walk if I were alone and didn't load my chair/back pack down to heavy but wifey ain't gonna walk that far so Sunday looks like our boat day this weelend and we'll make it down there. If we can keep the storms away. thanks for the info guys.
By nakedfisherman
The LEO ranger on ATV patrol does go all the way to the end (Pensacola Pass).
When they patrol, which has not been very often over the past three years.
So do not assume an atv patrol is only a biologist.
By beachguy60
Yes they are TF....Yes there are and yesterday was fun although I caught hell when I got home. I made like I got caught up with a costumer and couldn't be helped. Still got my presents though..... and You got yours you lucky fucker !!! Oh and I get free bushwackers for a month because of that sweet lady of yours.... nawww sweet lady of ours, I'm claiming her as my beach wife ..... I know it's just my imagination but ...that's my story !!! hehehe... that was fun yesterday though !! We need to get Debonair down there with us.
By beachguy60
That's the best time to come down. a lot of the tourist are gone , tents are gone and kids are back in school. I just don't know if Titfreak will be here with Leggs. That would be a hoot !
By johnsonbeachfun
Yes we're waiting till the kids go back to school too. Actually just got the boat running it's been a busy year work wise. So where's this other point further down folks are going to? Can anyone put a map up to show the location? We normally go to the last sandy beach anchor there and walk over and it's about where the "camping" sign is. Further east it looks like marsh, no beaches am I wrong? Looking forward to nudie time :P
By nakedfisherman
I believe the area popeye is referring to is on the east side of Redfish Point.
The first point being Langley Point on ICW side which is about equal to "G" post on the beach side.
The next point to the east is Redfish Point.
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By SeanSteinbeck
Here's a map of the post locations. I've been meaning to bring a UAV out there and take some areal shots, but that's a lot of equipment to haul.
Johnson's Beach Post Locations
Johnson's Beach Post Locations
JBMap.jpg (885.96 KiB) Viewed 21842 times
By beachguy60
JBFUN , that's where I usually go with my boat. I pulled up there last week and anchored out a little so I wouldn't get stuck again and another boat was there already. we weren't that close but when we walked over to the beach and walked back the couple pulled anchor and moved so I guess they didn't like us.
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By SeanSteinbeck
I am going out this weekend. I will be out tomorrow morning, camp Saturday night and be out until the weather goes south on Sunday.

This will be my last trip to Johnson's Beach for a bit, so I'm going to go ahead and haul the photography equipment this time. If anybody wants free professional photography, now is your chance. I posted a few things in the gallery to show the kind of work I can do. Sorry fellas, it's just shots of me because I don't post other people. I've done a lot of work for other nudists and some of the swingers groups. I process the shots and either email them to you or send you a disk.

If you don't trust me and just want the shots without processing, you can bring your own SD card and I use that for the shots and then pull it out if the camera and give it back.

Feel free to message or email me if you're interested.
By beachguy60
Where is everybody ?? It was a couple of interesting days. I don't usually go on the weekends but found myself alone at home and headed down. Set up my stuff this side of the camping area because it looked like a commune down there. There was a couple already there and I gave them plenty of room but could still see the lady was topless and a little while later a couple came and sat just a little ways from me on the other side and the younger blonde lady with a killer suit on was taking her top off but making sure she was hidden by her hubby. There was also a white guy and a black girl(I think I have seen her running on that road before). I thought it might have been Debonair but wasn't sure. They stayed out in the water for hours and everytime I looked they were kissing and Kissing and more kissing. It was fun though except for the boaters with children would bounce over the dunes now and then.
By beachguy60
I didn't think it was you DB. This girl is a local I'm pretty sure with the body of an athlete and she was with a little skinny white and I mean really white . They were fun to watch because they just looked like the odd couple. She a dark skinned black lady and he a very white guy and they were always attached some how.
By nakedfisherman
I too was out on Saturday till about 3pm. Was very quite out around G post.
I saw the odd couple on my way out, they put her top back on and he wrapped up in a towel as they exited the gulf.
Sunday panned out a bit better as there were only two campers present.
And a really stunner decided to go topless just east of the roads end, right behind where I was on the gulf edge.
They were on tour from Chicago and being daring I guess.

This Saturday is looking better as it gets closer. Right now it is at 20% chance of thunderstorms. Which is on the low side for this time of year.

Not sure how the Kenny Chesney concert at the Flora-Bama this Sat. will effect our area of JB.
By beachguy60
Oh it's going to be a great day at the beach. We have lots of people it seems that are here for the Kenny Chesney thing that know where to get naked. Just be on the look out for that little twurp of a deputy. Friday is usually when I see him but I think they will have every cop available down at the Flora-Bama. Hope Monique is still there. I didn't get down yesterday.
By beachguy60
Where is everybody. This is the perfect time. Stopped at the shower late yesterday and there were a couple a ladies rinsing off and had obviously been there a while.They were fucked up and having a ball. Neither was what I would call model material but then again neither am I. They could care less that I was standing right there as they washed their hair and couldn't be bothered with walking all the way around to the rest room to change. One slipped on one of those net looking cover ups(white) and took her suit off,top and bottom. The other one was older and did the same with a different cover up on. One of those real shear silky things . They said they were headed to Reef to get their drink on is the way she put it. I gave them a 20 to have a couple on me and to show their appreciation they flashed me tits and asses and the older on even showed me her slick kitty. Just another unexpected fun time at JB !!
By johnsonbeachfun
We went down yesterday by boat landed about a quarter mile east of the camping sign. Had the beach all to ourselves only two guys walked our way but turned around before getting all the way on us. Saw a blue umbrella kinda near the camping sign wonder if it was anyone from here I put up a red umbrella and will continue to do so I like the shade she likes the sun.

Hey Titfreak sent you a photo of the day to your email check it out so next week you guys are down? We plan to get down once a week since school has started back we like our nudie time.

Any other reports from JB?
By debonair
Was down there Friday alone then left and came back with a friend. We saw a few guys and one couple but that was about it. We did notice 3 guys going at it on a boat though.
By debonair
was down there with a friend yesterday and only passed one guy who let me know we were gonna be the only people past him. I guess that was so we would know and get comfortable which we did. I did see one tent passed the sign but didn't see who was in it. Got rained on but it was still a great time
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By GC2Sum4Fun
Hey Folks! We've been down to Johnson's recently and just wanted to make sure we are getting naked in the right spot! Maybe, just maybe, we need some tour guides...... ;-)

Also we've noticed all the posts here are a year old. Anybody still "hanging out" down there??
By beachguy60
OOOOEEEE !! This is our time of year. My favorite DAY of the year. Most tourist are gone except for the ones we like and the kids are in school. I might run down there now. It's been a crazy summer.
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