Political discussions about everything
The cities were there are large numbers of Pro-Palestinian protesters taking to the streets. Examples, Paris, NYC, Chicago, D.C., Berlin, Tehran, London, Islamabad, etc.

There are four primary motivating reasons to be in one of those protests.

- Anti West
- Following the Korean and wish death to those who don't
- Anti-Semitic
- Stupid liberal

In any case the world would be better off without all of them but we're stuck with them, that doesn't mean we have to like them. ;)
Once again, JustFreedManMe steps in doo of his own making and who happily jumps up to serve as JustFreedManMe's foot-wipe?


They're incorrigible and inseparable and even inseparably incorrigible! They are the yin to each other's yang! They cannot, will not exist without the other!
^^^^^RealTool actually thinks that occasionally acting like a moron intentionally will successfully mask all the times he acts like a moron simply because he's a moron.

Nice try, Tool, but we're not as dumb as the conservative Neanderthals you usually hang out with.:lol:
Lucky (who currently is attempting to hide out as ClownDicker) if from Greenville, S.C.

Which means that not only is he a drug addled Marxist idiot, he is also a cornpone munching, sister fucking, grits slobbering, southern fried hick.

That is, unless he decided to thumb his way west (paying for his passage in the way his Messiah, the Dear Leader got his thrills back in Chicago, by sucking cock) to Colorado or Washington state in order to take advantage of the liberalized pot laws.
Furrowing my noble brow, I cannot recall who made this salient point above, but it bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.
With what will Forbes accessorize his new ankle bracelet that he was given by Thurmont law enforcement? Perhaps he will decorate it with a frilly pink doily so he'll stand out as well as stand up at attention next time he goes cruising.
Here's a sampling of Forbes "discussing politics" on this thread:

Clownhicker should stop calling Grog a "moron."

Sure, it is accurate, but let's be polite.

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Can't recall who made this salient point above, but it certainly bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Furrowing my noble brow, I cannot recall who made this salient point above, but it bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Come on, Grog, you've already revealed very surprising ignorance about a reading room.

Can't you make even one post without drenching it in your homo references?

The rest of us are here to discuss politics, not dive into your deviant psyche.

I'm sure Buckley would be quite proud of your elevated political discourse.
"Grog is quite proud of your elevated political discourse."-RealTool

Geezus, RealTool, that's not political discourse, you moron.
johnforbes is the one pretending it is, not I.

I'm simply posting in the only language johnforbes apparently understands: 3rd grade school yard.
That post of mine is identical in substance to the posts of johnforbes above.
Clownhicker should stop calling Grog a "moron."

Sure, it is accurate, but let's be polite.

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Can't recall who made this salient point above, but it certainly bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Furrowing my noble brow, I cannot recall who made this salient point above, but it bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Come on, Grog, you've already revealed very surprising ignorance about a reading room.

Can't you make even one post without drenching it in your homo references?

The rest of us are here to discuss politics, not dive into your deviant psyche.

In our own quiet way, we are all proud of the bulletin board for tolerating the pronounced idiocy of Grog and Clownhick.

They do not occupy e-space here. Nay, they infest it.
Clownhicker should stop calling Grog a "moron."

Sure, it is accurate, but let's be polite.

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Can't recall who made this salient point above, but it certainly bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Furrowing my noble brow, I cannot recall who made this salient point above, but it bears repeating:

From a scientific viewpoint, it may be said that Clownhicker doesn't so much "live" in a city as infest it.

Much as, for example, Clownhicker infests this bulletin board.

Come on, Grog, you've already revealed very surprising ignorance about a reading room.

Can't you make even one post without drenching it in your homo references?

The rest of us are here to discuss politics, not dive into your deviant psyche.

In our own quiet way, we are all proud of the bulletin board for tolerating the pronounced idiocy of Grog and Clownhick.

They do not occupy e-space here. Nay, they infest it.

The above posting from Grog reflects uncommon good taste on his part.

I know not who scribbled such magnificent thoughts, but I salute them.
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