A place to share your sexy stories
By Pink
I 1st met Jeff in high school, I was 16, he and his parents moved in down the street and we hit it off. I took it upon myself to show him around and introduce him to the crowd and we have been best mates ever since.
I met Stan when I was 23 and married him at 25, had our 1st child at 28 and 2nd at 30. I am now 41. Thankfully Stan and Jeff got on well and Stan even asked him to be a groomsman at our wedding. Now Jeff and I had never been boyfriend and girlfriend. He had a few girlfriends and I had my boyfriends but we were just mates. Jeff later married and had 2 children also but unfortunately lost his wife to cancer 3yrs ago. That should give you an idea of our background.
Jeff has always been a welcome visitor to our house and us to his and Iv always felt comfortable with him. I'm only a Bcup and rarely wear a bra at home so I'm sure he has had a few peeks but he has never seen me naked. Well last Sunday that sorta changed. Stan had taken the kids to a sporting event and I was home alone doing some gardening when Jeff dropped in. I was wearing my favourite gardening outfit, worn out jeans and hubby's old flannel shirt with the top 4 buttons missing. He turned up on his Ducati and rolled right up to me. I invited him for a coffee which he readily excepted.
We sat talking and drinking our coffee, just being friends. I noticed him checking my chest a few times, I was showing a bit of skin but everything was covered so I didn't do anything. Actually I kind of liked it. I think all us females like to be checked out occasionally. A news program was on the TV but we weren't taking any notice of it until an article on it being legal for women to go topless in New York. The conversation then turned to wether it should be legal here in Australia too and from there to tits in general and on to my tits in particular.
I must admit the conversation was turning me on a bit and the further it went harder my nipples were getting. He asked a question about the colour of my nipple and I said he should know because he has had plenty of chances to have a peek as I'm usually braless when he turns up, and IM pretty sure that's why he rolled up to me on the bike when he arrived, to get a peek down my shirt. He admitted he had and hoped I didn't mind. I replied that I didn't. Actually I liked it when he got a peek, especially when he tried to position himself to peek without being obvious. Although I liked it, whenever I caught him doing this I would reposition myself so he couldn't see anything, modesty and being married I suppose. He then asked what would I do if he asked to see them. About now my nipples were that hard they were starting to ache. I replied that I didn't know as he had never asked. My heart was beating double time now. He asked if he could see my breasts. You want me to show you my tits just for your enjoyment I asked. Yes he replied.
I think he expected me to say no or at best pull the shirt aside and give him a quick peek because his eyes bulged when I undid the remaining buttons and took the shirt off and just sat there, drinking coffee, completely topless, for his enjoyment.
Well we talked for about an hour, had 2 more coffee's before he said he had to leave as he was picking his kids up from his parents. I walked him to the door, still topless and kissed him good bye. he asked if we could do this again sometime. I said maybe. I hope we do as I think I enjoyed it as much as he did.
By AnonAnon
Pink, what a great story! Good fun for both of you.

I can say from experience that it gets easier and more fun the more you do it. When I first met my wife, I was a little jealous when guy friends of hers would casually photograph her up her skirt or flash photograph her through a see through top, sometimes even using those same images as caller ID images for her, but I now enjoy her having fun doing it and my support of it has allowed her to push the boundaries even more than she did on her own. She's a B, too, and I doubt even many of her co-workers are unaware of the color of her nipples, because she often wears see through tops when we have them over socially and, once or twice, has even worn very flimsy tees to work braless. Most of our friends have seen her nipples and breasts and it is something of a signature look for her to wear something tight that shows her nipples and areolae through it and she usually gets several direct compliments. Often, she doesn't even think about it and only sometimes mentions it if a new acquaintance gets a look or if someone stares a lot.
By Shardog
Pink, hot story. I like that it was just getting to look at you and didn't turn into one of those story's that ends like a porno movie. (not that there is anything wrong with that) I like it even more that you liked showing him and you were getting hot with the conversation.
I had similar situations with my wife's sister when we were all younger. They wore just about anything around me in the house. And sometimes I think they were doing it on purpose to give me looks. I never found out if it was true or not. I guess I should have just asked like your friend did.
There are so many times it happened with them I could write story after story. I did say one time to one of them that "it was getting a little nippy in here" when she had on a shirt with her nipples shooting through it. She gave me a weird look in return that i couldn't tell if she liked it or didn't so I didn't push it any further. I wonder if during one of the more obvious times that they seemed to be showing me if I just directly asked if they would show me if they would have. I guess I will never know.
By Gina
I had a similar situation happen to me. Where I live my home is rather hidden and the neighbors are spread out pretty far so we don't have a lot of contact with our neighbors. However, the closest neighbor is a retired man who lost his wife about ten years ago. He is a great neighbor and gets our mail and such when we go out of town. Occasionally we will have him over for burgers and beers. On one occasion we were all enjoying our beers and my hubby started bragging about some of my adventures where I had flashed my boobs to strangers. My neighbor was listening very intently when finally he (laughingly) stated that he was offended because after 10 years of being our neighbor I had never flashed him but yet I had no problem sharing with complete strangers. He then boldly asked for the "show". I looked at hubby and he looked back with that shrugged shoulder look as to say why not? So I lifted my shirt and flashed him a brief look at my boobs. When I was done he then said that he expected more than what the strangers get and wanted a better look and asked that I take my shirt and bra completely off! I obliged and kept my shirt off for at least a full 10 minutes. It was a strangely erotic experience like none I had ever experienced. Needless to say, after he left I had to take a dip in the pool to cool off.
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By WickedWonder
Nice Pink! My wife has shown off her breasts and even her bare bottom a couple of times to some of our good friends whom were not expecting to see them. Before the hurricane hit New Orleans, we made some trips to Mardigraw(spelling?)

Several times without even thinking about our friends she would lift her top to show them off for beads. A couple of times she even dropped her pants for some special beads.

Only once back at the hotel did one of our friends ask for another look. He got a quick flash and a good laugh from her.

Of course there has been a few occasions that she showed all, but then they are another story.
By Fish
A few years back I had invited an out of town friend over for the night to go out to a local bar and have drinks with me and the wife. My wife ended up wearing a wrap type blouse that she would normally pin to keep from falling open but once we got to the bar me and my friend noticed that she had forgotten to pin it. At first she was very conscientious and was constantly checking herself but as the drinks and playful compliments about her blouse started flowing she became less concerned and would allow the blouse to fall open in front of our friend revealing her boobs in a very nice bra to which only encouraged more compliments. We left the bar and made the drive home and when we got back to my house we cracked open a few more beers when my wife said she was going to get changed for bed. I made the comment that we were enjoying her blouse so much that we would prefer that she just keep wearing it. She did and continued to make no effort to keep it closed until our friend finally announced that he had been looking at her boobs all night anyway so she might as well just take off the blouse since it was doing little to hide anything anyway!
I did not think she would but she complied and took off her top right there in front of my friend and proceeded to enjoy her drink while wearing only her bra and shorts. Of course, being guys it was not long before we were begging for the bra to be removed to which she eventually complied when our friend asked straight out to see her boobs. So now we were just standing there looking at her boobs and we were all feeling a bit tipsy when our friend asked for the shorts too! I was a bit surprised when my wife told him that she would trade the shorts for both of our shirts and shorts to which we completely and quickly complied. I have to say that my wife never looked more stunning to me at that moment standing there in nothing but a pair of skimpy panties. We all ended up staying that way for at least an hour. It was a great night that I am thankful that we had a friend that had the balls to ask for a peek. No sex or swapping happened that night but it did not exactly end without just a little fun. Maybe I will share the details on a fresh thread sometime.
By Pink
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thankyou all for your kind comments and similar adventures, I loved reading them. I got adventurous myself on reading them and decided to show you what I showed Jeff but after about an hour of trying to work it out I gave up. Sorry. If someone can explain how to post a picture I might try again later.
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By redback
Great story Pink, and thanks for the pic, being able to see what Jeff saw really adds value to your story and makes imagining the scene more real in my head. I hope you don't stop there though and let him see more and tell us all about it.
About 12 yrs ago I was invited to a Christmas party held by a friend of ours for his clients. There was a string attached to the invitation tho, he was going through some hard times and needed help in setting it up so my wife and I went over early to help. I was bbq cook for the night to allow him to mingle with his guests and shore up business but as it was a male only party with a topless waitress ordered so my wife was going home before it started. About 2 hrs before the guests were due to arrive the phone rings. Its the agent saying the girl Steve ordered was sick and they couldn't find a replacement, they were very sorry and a full refund was on its way. This really took the wind out of Steve's sails. Steve's wife was in hospital with a complicated pregnancy and she had been taking up a lot of his time and he had neglected his clients. He really needed this party to be a success.
"Can I do it"
I turned to my wife, stunned, "what"
"Steve and Darlene are very close friends and need our help" she said
"And besides Iv often wondered what its like to do one of these parties and Il never get the chance again and we don't know anyone coming so there wont be any comeback"
I knew it was one of her fantasies as she has told me most of them. I Iooked at Steve who didn't say anything but his eyes said "PLEASE I need this"
I said "If your sure you want to do it then im ok with it"
She grabbed the car keys and said she will be back at 8.
The guests start arriving at 7 and I crank up the barbie at 7.30. I didn't get much time to think about what will happen until 8 when the door bell rings. Steve come's across and asks if I want him to take over while I let Amy in.
I shook my head, "I don't know her, remember, You have to let her in".
As I watched Steve walk off to let my wife in my heart started to thump.
Steve came out with Amy. She had her hair back in a pony tail with a pink ribbon and butterfly clip. She wore her tennis dress which was short with button up front, the front was undone and folded back inside the dress under her arms. Her 34B breasts were completely exposed. Her puffy nipples were puffed up and hard. She looked gorgeous.
All conversation stopped as Steve showed her to the bar, she looked around and smiled and said "who needs a drink".
Well for the next 3 hrs she served drinks, laughed and chatted and mingled with the crowd, giving everyone equal time and service. She also did a few party tricks like rub a bottle over her nipples making them wet and pointy and at one point I saw someone's key ring dangling from her nipple. She was a hit and Iv never been more proud of her.
At 10.45 she called last drinks as it was time for her to go and despite many calls for her to stay Steve walked her to the door at 11 sharp. Actually the door he walked her to was his bedroom door where she hid for the next hr until the last of the guests had left.
When Steve and I entered his lounge room Amy came out, she had showered, let her hair down and was wearing a bath robe. She still looked gorgeous. I gave her a hug and asked how she was. "horny" she said.
Steve came over , hugged her and sad "thank you, you just saved my business"
He then said he hoped she wasn't to traumatised by the experience and Amy said she wasn't, She said she enjoyed it and was glad she did it. She admitted to Steve that it was a fantasy of hers and thanked him for giving her the opportunity to fulfil it. I had a fair bit to drink so I blame that for my drop in inhibitions and said if she wanted to carry on her fantasy a bit longer Id be happy to let her. She said she would but she was naked under the robe. Both Steve and I sad "bonus" in unison and Amy looked at me and said "you want me to go naked. I nodded. Steve nodded. Amy shakes her head and says "Men, you drive a girl to drink" With that she went outside to the esky and got herself a drink. She called out if we wanted one. Yes. She came back in with 3drinks and no robe.
Now Iv seen Amy naked many times and it never fails to arouse me, this time was no exception. A quick glance at Steve and he was trying to hide an erection too. Amy couldn't hide the fact that she was pleased with the discomfort she was causing.
she stayed like that for an hr, making no attempt to hide her body. When Steve went to the bathroom she sat on my lap and placed my hand between her legs, She was very wet. Steve returned and couldn't hide his arousal as he sat down again. Amy looked at me and said "bed". It was an order, not a request. She got up and walked down the hall, giving her ass an extra shake. A quick goodnight to Steve and I followed........
By Shardog
wow, what a great story! and what great friends you are to him. I guess you are going to have to show a little pic like pink did to add to the story in my head. ;)
I cant wait to read the rest of the story ... please continue
By Biguns
Thanks for your story. I think we have all shown a friend at one time or another. My husband and I were at the beach with a number of friends. We needed more ice and sun screen. Hubby and I were going to run to a quick stop we passed on our way to the beach to get the items we needed. One of our friends wanted to ride to pick up a couple beach toys for his kids. His wife and children stayed at the beach. I climbed in the back seat of the car and let him sit up front. As we rode toward the store, I slid on a t shirt and shorts over my swim suit. He make a little comment about I shouldn't cover up such a hot body. I kew he was a big boobs man and his wife, whom he loves very much, had small boobs, so I flirted with him about it. When we left the store, I whispered to my husband that I was going to give our friend a little show. After we pulled out of the parking lot I pulled off my shorts and then my t-shirt. I pulled my breast out of the bathing suit top and shook them for him. His eyes got as big as 50 cent pieces. I put them back in the bathing suit one at a time giving him quite a show. When we got back to the beach parking lot, I got out on the passenger side of the car that was facing away from the beach. SInce no one but the friend could see, I pulled my bottoms up into my crack and showed him my butt cheeks. He had to stay close to the car for a few minutes to let things settle down before he walked back to the beach. That was one of many times showing a friend.
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By FastFive
Clearly I need more adventurous friends. :lol:
By Pink
Hi, me again. thought you might be interested to hear an update. As you know if you read my earlier post Jeff and I have been best mates since Noah sunk the ark and a couple of months ago I went topless for him for the 1st time. No there hasn't been a 2nd time yet.
Last Saturday I was going shopping for groceries when Stan, my husband, asked me to return a power tool to Jeff while I was out. No probs. I did the shopping and dropped in to see Jeff unannounced. Jeff answered the door with wet hair wearing a towel. He had just come back from helping his father in law replace their hot water system. I asked where his kids were and he told me their gran had taken them to a matinee. Well I couldn't help myself, I said it was my turn to see him naked. He looked at me and smiled and said "fairs fairs I suppose" and dropped the towel. I really didn't think he would do it nor did I really expect him to, I was quite happy to see him as he was but I wasn't going to tell him to get dressed, he has a hot body and I just found out he was quite well endowed. This was the 1st time Id seen him naked.
Well I sat at the kitchen table and just enjoyed the view as he made coffee, feeling a little disappointed when he sat down as the table hid the view. It felt a little weird sitting there with a naked man talking about mundane stuff like the weather, kids sports and such but it was exciting too. I felt very naughty. I stayed for a 2nd cup just to watch him make it. I know , I'm a bad girl.
Finally I remembered I had frozen food in the car and forced myself to say I had to leave. Jeff walked me to the door naked and kissed me goodbye. I couldn't help it, I kissed him back, felt his hard chest with my hands and went weak at the knees. He said I owed him one. I said how come. He said that I only went topless for him and he was naked for me. I didn't hesitate, I told him to come over next Sunday. He smiled and said I didn't have to. I said that I wanted too. He kissed me again, longer.
Well I made it to the car and managed to get it home and put the groceries away before I went looking for my husband and raped him.
I decided after I went topless that I wouldn't do it again as I was afraid of where it might lead. Now I'm looking forward to Sunday.
I love my husband and I have never been unfaithful to him but I'm afraid that my friendship with Jeff will finally be consummated.
By willman
Pink, I'm looking forward with eager anticipation to you revealing what happens next Sunday. I'm sure as each day goes by you will be getting more excited ( and a little moist ) I would imagine.
By AnonAnon
My wife and went to a friend's house for a pizza dinner and movie tonight. This friend has a bit of a crush on my wife, so she always wears something "interesting" for him. Today she decided to wear a silk shirt mostly unbuttoned with a few chunky necklaces underneath. No pretense at all that the shirt would provide any cover. As soon as we got there, she shrugged off her coat and scarf in a manner that made it clear she intended for him to look all he wanted. When she bent to get a slice she said, "Don't you have the new 6+?" He took the hint and shot a beautiful downblouse image of her breasts. She settled down on the sofa between us, a nipple exposed for both of us to enjoy.
By AnonAnon
I think she was still a little charged up from the extended experience last night, because we cycled seven miles to our favorite brunch spot this morning and she pulled the zipper on a jersey that was already providing minimal concealment of her nipples down provocatively low as soon as she walked in. A nice view for me and our waiter and a lot of heads turning for a closer look throughout the meal. I wanted her to ride back like that, but we once had a driver almost hit us probably because he was distracted.
By Mike1594

Sounds like you had a great weekend!. My wife have a small group of friends that we have been naked with in and around our hot tub and other occasions so I guess I have certainly shown a friend or two. I will however say that the first time you wife gets naked in front of another man that has never seen her naked before is a real rush for me. I will never forget the first time my wife got naked in front of my best friend and his wife. great memories for all!
By AnonAnon
My wife hasn't been nude in front of any of my friends, but I let out a gasp on the third date when I picked her up to go to a party and saw she was wearing a pair of skin colored knit pants with a very revealing weave sans underwear. She wore a waist-length fitted tee over them so there was no additional cover alt all. She remained completely comfortable through the party, bending over to take photos without a care. The pants were absolutely not what I would call decent, but they were fun and, not having seen her naked before that point, I remember thinking her landing strip looked pretty good through the pants. Several guys took photos of her and I recall she would dangle her hand in front of her crotch when the shot was being taken, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 100% effective censorship. I received quite a few compliments on my girlfriend that night.

She's since worn those pants out in public, in the evening, many times, but now sports a slightly thinned down bush that isn't as obvious, but I love the fact that most of our friends are well aware of her "hairstyle" and that she's comfortable with that.
By Mike1594

Your wife sounds like a lot of fun, but actually a little more daring than my wife. Although my wife likes to show off, she is more inclined to do it In less revealing clothes that she can make it look like an accident when in public places. She will wear a blouse and "accidently" have buttons come undone and other things like that or even just go braless in a tight shirt when running errands on a Saturday morning. When we are in our group of "hot tub" friends is when she lets all of her inhibitions loose and gets real comfortable in her skin. She doesn't just jump out of her clothes around just anybody, only very close friends who also are naked, but I never lose the thrill of enjoying another man enjoy the view of my wife while I enjoy the view of his wife. Her job is one that if she got too crazy in public and somebody took the wrong picture it could have bad consequences but with what she does I am more than satisfied!!
By AnonAnon
Mike, the hot tub is way more daring than we've ever tried. Gotten a few invites, but it has never happened. I'm continually amazed at what she can get away with even at a serious, though artistic, workplace and among even a corporate group. I expect people enjoy it and don't complain unless you give them a reason to. I've seen her wear a slightly see through tee braless to work, though rarely, and see through tops braless to dinners with work colleagues. I asked her about the tee once and she said, "It was a bit too much for work, but I like to do it once in a while."

I enjoy a deliberate show over an accident, but on occasion the accidents can be memorable. On the way out on a date, my wife wanted to stop by the mall to make a return. I wandered into a guy store and then walked over to the store she was lined up to make a return at to find the very loosely worn wrap top she was wearing gapped and stuck outside her left nipple and most everyone in the store getting a good look. It all looked fantastic, but I wanted to be the good date so I walked up to her and used a hand on her shoulder to ease the top into place and said, "You'll have to show me again later." I think she was just a little mortified, but that didn't hold her back at dinner. When sitting across the table from someone it is hard to beat a wide plunging neckline that isn't glued anywhere. It provides a mostly private view of unfettered breasts in a beautiful natural shape. Even though I've seen them a thousand times, my wife still has to tell me to stop staring!
By AnonAnon
OKtraveler, what did you wife think of the experience?

We once made a mistake in the delivery option for an appliance and the delivery guy didn't want to bring it in, because we didn't pay for it. We figured it was a short distance and he had a cart that would do the stairs and twenty bucks would take care of it, but he seemed to be ticked off so when I asked my wife for the money to pay him she said, "I'll show him my nipples and see if that lifts his mood." I was a little taken aback, but she took him the money in a very flimsy white house shirt that has a plunging neckline and is see through. I suspect what he enjoyed most was that she walked right out to his truck in the street with not care for passing traffic and helped him get the appliance out of the box and on to the dolly. The appliance ended up a few inches from where I wanted to install it. "Delivery guy gets to check out my nipples and we get to not lift weight up the stairs," she said. Very satisfactory, I thought.
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By oktraveler92
Sheer shirts and no bra is pretty normal for her so it wasn't a huge deal. He did have to ask before he left about the piercings but other than that he really just acted like he didn't notice
By AnonAnon
Our experience has been the same. Most people don't notice though my wife doesn't wear anything that sheer in public.

When someone does notice, my wife generally encourages them to enjoy the view even if they are awkward at first. We made an unplanned visit to a jewelry store once and my wife was wearing a slight loose tee with a plunging neckline that drew a lot of attention to her breasts. The sales guy was checking them out a bit too obviously and my wife caught him doing it. He said something about his wife being concerned about breastfeeding damaging her breasts. Kind of hilarious awkward retort. Didn't faze my wife who cupped hers briefly and told him that she'd have hers fixed if that happened. The guy said something complimentary about the way they looked then and she thanked him for enjoying them.
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By Babydoll
Hubby has always wanted me to dress slutty and show his friends. But I am quite shy. One night we were sitting on the deck in the back yard by the fire, having drinks. Hubby's friend stopped by and we just sat around and talked. Hubby kept trying to get me to go in and put something sexy on.I went into the house to get another beer and then thought, what the hell. I put on a very short black skirt and a sheer top that hubby had bought me some time ago. I walked out onto the deck and the guys eyes almost popped out of their head. Hubby had the biggest grin on his face so I knew he was OK with it. I had my arms crossed to cover my tits. I sat down and drank my beer. My shyness disappeared and I let them look all they wanted to. After several hours we decided to call it a night. Hubby's friend left and we went inside. Hubby went into the living room to listen to some music and I went upstairs. I came downstairs and hubby commented on how happy he was that I slutted out for his friend. I told him the show wasn't over yet. I started to dance. I slowly started to remove my shirt. Hubby got the biggest shittu grin on his face. I than slowly gyrated out of my skirt leaving me wearing only my stockings and high heels. I turned around to show hubby my ass and let out a scream. Hubby"s buddy had quietly walked I to the kitchen and had seen my whole show. But hubby said to continue , so I told his friend to sit down and enjoy. I than went over to hubby and let him play with me while I danced. His buddy said "How about me?" Hubby smiled and I took it as an OK. I went over and let his friend touch my tits. He squeezed them and pulled on my long nipples. This drives me crazy. Hubby told him to continue. He them moved his hands down to my ass and squeezed my cheeks. I sat facing him and his hands reached my shaved pussy. I let him rub it and he finally stuck several fingers in. I looked at hubby and he was really enjoying watching me. I started to ride his fingers for all I was worth. But I will stop here, for now. More later if you want..;)
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By Thinker
Babydoll, I can imagine the scream you let out when you saw your husband's buddy in the kitchen. It's one thing to do something slutty for your husband, but you don't expect to get caught! he-he
By AnonAnon
Babydoll, great story, please continue.

I think you're going to enjoy your new found freedom a lot. My wife is no stranger to see through pants, but a few years ago, she bought a few high slit dresses. When she first modeled them for me, I was a little surprised, because the slits seemed really high and risky and she was nervous about wearing them and used the excuse of poor lighting in the evenings. From the very first time she wore them, she started getting comfortable enough to let the slit split over her inner thigh and skim her landing strip, even giving some maybe-maybe not views at dark outside parties.

Today, she easily exceeded that. Having stayed out late with a friend for a drink at a local watering hole with a outside patio, I texted her to join us. A few minutes later, I was puzzled to receive a text saying "look up" so I looked up and saw her making her way to us between closely-packed tables and chairs, a high slit dress parting and showing off her neatly trimmed bush just barely covering her pussy. Several of the chairs she squeezed around were close enough to slow her down considerably and patrons likely got several seconds of observation time. She arrived at our table with the confidence of a naked Greek goddess and sat down with the dress leaving a leg exposed and only shadow and pressed together legs providing scant cover against inquiring eyes for her pussy, but not her bush. My friend and I took our time with our drinks, mostly salivating over her. The walk home was fantastic with several cars going to high beam to get a better look. My wife laughed when my friend turned his lights on as soon as he got into his car in our lit driveway.
By Jocko64
Over the years many of our friends, male and female have seen my wife naked or near naked. She always did it accidentally on purpose. She worked a school teacher /librarian and managed to flash her male co-workers at times. She was a closet exhibitionist I guess. Some of co-workers had benefits with her at times. We had open marriage so all I wanted to hear was what transpired, with me all she wanted was who she was?? Some of best times were when she went shopping, especially for shoes, she would put on a show for an hour if she took fancy to the clerk. Same thing when she would buy clothes sometimes coming out of dressing room half dressed showing me or leaning curtains or door ajar. My rewards were fantastic. She loved flashing when on trips,giving truckers a thrill and giving me BJ. (She loved doing that too). Many years back she did a bikini contest in Myrtle Beach club for the over 40 group (she was 43 at time), group of 8 of us there and friends egged her on and she was soon naked on the stage (she was feeling no pain from alcohol) and bouncer took her off stage to back where he fingered her and she jacked him she told me after. I was a bit concerned that time because she was gone for 15/20 minutes. We have had some wild experiences over the years, Great memories !
By AnonAnon
Sounds fantastic! I bet even the coworkers without benefits enjoyed the show.

A couple of times a year my wife likes to wear something revealing enough to be a conversation starter to the office. In past years she's worn simple flimsy cotton tees braless or tops where frills provide cover. This years she wore a black completely sheer fitted top over a tiny leather bra that covered her nipples, but not her areolae, which could be seen in half-round form. The visual effect was of having gone to work in a barely-there bra, her tight abs and navel on display with no evidence of underwear under her pants. She got a lot of compliments, even a coworker marveling at how see thru her top was. She always enjoys the attention.
By Intrepid
As a man, you never really know how to react when a friend or his wife or girlfriend gives you a glimpse. You are afraid to notice for fear that it wasn't intentional, or you don't know how the other guy will react and you don't want to give offense or take liberties that weren't intended. But neither do you want to ignore it or fail to appreciate it if it was.

Sometimes the woman is just so comfortable around you that her normal barriers relax, I think. Had that happen with a girlfriend of a very good friend of mine. We had similar senses of humor and got along well. She wasn't one of those women who were easily offended and usually gave as good as she got.
She also had very big boobs.
Frequently I would find her standing close to me in conversation and invariably I would find a tit pressed against my arm. There was never any sexual tension between us and no flirtation. I firmly believe she was just so comfortable around me she didn't care if she bumped into me like that. I've noticed that many times when two women talk, one will grab the arm of the other and lean close pressing her boobs against her friend. I think that was the same thing with my friends girlfriend, but I was very careful to not press back (what I usually do when I sense "accidental" boob contact) or give any hint that I noticed....but I still liked it.

I've described this situation to other women and asked for their viewpoint. The answer is usually, "A woman knows where her boobs are at all times. She was doing it on purpose."

All in all it's a fine line to walk and you have to be aware of any clues being given and be careful to not misinterpret what you are seeing.
By AnonAnon
Intrepid, we love the dance that fine line involves, simultaneously pushing the boundaries while keeping everyone comfortable. My best friend is single and not so confident around the ladies. When we were first dating, I noticed he was uncomfortable at her see through top so I said, "Oh, I forgot to say nice dress when I picked you up. There isn't too much of it." We laughed and she said, "It's mostly just me." No problem from that point on.

My wife loves a confident man who is not afraid to compliment her. We walked into an art opening once with her wearing jeans and a fitted plain cotton shirt open very low. No jewelry to distract, just a lot of chest and boob. The artist whistled and said, "Wow, sexy!" out loud and she did a quick pose with her hands in her back pockets that showed her chest off and thanked him with a quick peck on the lips with a bit of tongue. We ended up picking out a painting from the show and he gave it to us. We bought a second one and we're still friends. A simple gesture can be powerful.

My wife knows what she is showing, though there are some very few accidents. She likes some tension, because she thinks it can be enjoyed, much as you did with your friend's girlfriend. The first time I saw it, I visited her when she was sick and she knew I'd have a friend with me. She greeted us in pajamas with the top undone with her just holding it closed when she moved and the bottom see through enough to show her bush shadow. When I complimented her on her sexy pajamas, she said, "You guys came all the way." Just that simple.

I'm direct with my compliments and always strive to make them sound well-intentioned. It is easy enough to do when I'm with my wife. Was a bit harder when I was single, but I mostly succeeded.
By AnonAnon
Intrepid, my wife has never really pretended she doesn't know what she's showing, but I hadn't realized just how exact her awareness was until I took a photo of her leaning over another person's shoulder to look at a phone. Her deep vee tee had fallen away from her chest, displaying her boobs beautifully to passers-by with a nipple catching the sideways light beautifully. As soon as she heard the camera she said, "Don't post that," but did nothing to change her position. The guy showing her the phone understood what was going on, took a quick glance at the goods and continued on with the demo.
By AnonAnon
This morning a friend of my wife's that she likes to shop with and I had a pleasure of watching my wife lap our pool naked for an hour. Slowly and with perfect form with perfectly executed flip turns at our feet. He's seen her naked multiple times before, even helped her with make-up for a nude photoshoot, so it wasn't a big deal, but I was mesmerized by the sight of her shaved crotch through the flip turns. She got in and out at the far side of the pool from us, so there were no close-up views, but it was hard for me to get the image of her tight butt in the flip turn out of my mind for the rest of the day.
By AnonAnon
Today's dinner with friends dress was a halter neck dress with a cleavage-revealing neck plunging well below her boobs and made of material fine enough to allow the pink of her nipple tips to show through as little points. Dinner was tasty and the side of naked back, shoulders, chest, midriff, breasts and nipple points even more so. Exercise routines came up, the chest was stared at unabashedly and the wife obliged with generous views, eventually offering the valet a particularly generous one.
By Shardog
That's awesome. The waiters especially love it. I have been told by waiters that they go back to the kitchen and tell other waiters and bus boys to go check on the table and get a good look. Have done it with my wife many times. One waiter takes the order, then another one brings the drinks, the the first comes back with the food, the 2nd one checks to see if everything is good. The bus boys constantly come by filling water and taking empty dishes and any other reason to stop by. All the while taking long looks at whatever is peeking out. Its a great erotic time.
By AnonAnon
Thanks. Now that you mention it, the waiters and bus boys were very attentive and the table was kept in great shape through the longish meal. From where I was sitting beside her, most of what is available to me at home was on display and I imagine the view was even better for someone looking down from a standing position. At one point a free glass of wine appeared and was "dangled" in front of my wife, who reached forwards and upwards for it, with predictable results. If planned, the waiter's skill was well rewarded with a beautifully displayed breast, shoulder and arm. I'm sure my wife was, as usual, well aware of the display, because it looked perfectly posed.
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