Open Discussions about the site
By Ina
Hi all,

IMO, the new design looks cool and modern. The navigation is not very intuitive but after some time people will like it. As Marylin wrote, people are always feeling uncomfortable with changes if they had been used to something for several years.

However, I have a question: With the old framework a special theme was linked to one of the categories Private Shots, FreeStyle, NIP, etc. Is this still the case? If yes, how can you see which special theme belongs to which category?

I know it is easy, but didn't realize I had to do that and not getting any response from them. Using the system I don't get the emails. So not happy with them.
rockclimber wrote:I'm sure you'll figure it out. It is as easy as putting up a profile picture is.
Don't equate this to putting up a profile picture. I remember so many people who have had problems adding pix! ;)
Too, too, true.... Which is puzzling since it is so darn easy to do......
New or old style makes little difference to us, but what does make a difference is the low volume of traffic on this site. It appears that there are only a handul of people spread out over the multiple threads.

We came back after a couple of years away thinking maybe it had improved after the rukus but it still remains virtually a "ghost" site.

Just our 2 cents worth and change.
Hi Anniendon!

I've seen you posting here and there too. The forums have never been a particularly large part of VW. It is my preferred place where to hang out so I and some others tend to post with frequency.

The latest attacks on the site have caused commenting to drop off assuredly. A lot of our Lady posters have been quiet lately as well. I believe a huge draw to the boards used to be the large

propics. Unfortunately this forum bb doesn't easily support those file sizes. I think once the main page bugs get worked out it my be time to campaign for larger propics again.

I'm glad to see you guys posting again here. Did you know you can upload pics right into these forums now too?

Maybe someone cuter than me will help Anniendon see how the picture posting here looks?
There are two or three areas that we have posted on here (Erotic Stories and Exhibitionist Forum) and we almost always include pictures on the threads. Have even asked why others do not include photos with their stories.
ANNIENDON wrote:There are two or three areas that we have posted on here (Erotic Stories and Exhibitionist Forum) and we almost always include pictures on the threads. Have even asked why others do not include photos with their stories.
What was the old RC saying?... "pics or it didn't happen" ???

Maybe there's your answer...
Finally got things fixed and I can vote and leave comments. That really took something and three emails they sent nothing worked, so I finally change it and they go and reset it again so I had to go and reset it again. However, glad to be back in. YAHOO. :D
I'm confused, are the old Playground content up again? I have a lot in there and would like to know please?
Also, do I have to re-register as a contributor to post in the tit and ass flashes and regular contributor sections?

Or, will my passwords and registration still work?

Thank you! :)
I can't be the only one that finds the forced 2 minute delay between posting comments in the instant sections to be annoying...can I? Between that, and the limited size of the comment box it makes me think that the new format is designed to discourage commenting on the pics. It would be nice to know if there are any plans to make adjustments...
Have you sent an email or PM to anyone at VW to tell them? I would send one to Diego and Leo and Mika. One of them should be able to help with the first issue and the programmers should be able to modify the second. Just ask for the courtesy of a response and anticipated time when a solution might be expected?

Just my opinion..... I don't notice a lag but do have to refresh the browser to see it. That takes five to ten seconds or so depending on how much attention I am paying. I'm usually doing at least one other thing so I don't notice a delay much.
Last edited by rockclimber on Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Love the shoes. Did you send a PM or email too?

Love the shoes.....
Rockclimber, this thread was started by the administrator, and 'he' has posted to it several times. I have to assume that he is keeping current on this discussion, so I have not sent a PM or email asking for these changes. I posted it here to see if there is anyone else that feels this is an issue, and from the response I've seen, I would think that I am the lone voice crying out for this change. Although, it does seem, at least from my observations that the number of comments being posted in the instant sections as well as on the full contris is dramatically lower now then it was with the old format.
I have to tip my hat to this site. Although not much participation in the forums, there is none of the flaming and cut downs like on other sites. I would love to see more people posting in the stories section as I love reading the adventures of people. How about a story section on the main page?
The front page looks different today, the colors are back and I think it is easier to move around. I still can't find the playground though?

The logo at the bottom different from the top too?

As a contributor, I would like to see the daily picks and flashes stay out of fun bags longer and for the top posts a lot longer. I'm just saying, if I post a flash, I want it to stay up so people can go back to it like before. I used to love to check back for comments and to check my view counts and votes and that all gets stopped if its put in the archives.

Thanks for such a nice surprise with the better look.:-)
What do you do just go from thread to thread posting the site sucks????? My phone just pinged twice in two separate sites with negative comments from you. SO what's up with that? You overstocked with negativity or what? Seriously it makes you look terrible I hate to say an I really don't want to come away with that conclusion. How about a Thanks for what was done and some positive suggestions on what to improve next?

My momma said if ya can't be nice, be quiet. Grandma said pretty much the same but threw in some German and cussed some..... She liked to be sure we understood. Had a spoon too.....

Changing these Damn codes takes a lot of work. Don't say it doesn't. I have a little just for fun site I maintain and I know it's a booger to do even simple changes.

I forgot to say dang nice ass I slipped in below there Miss M. I see you put your little Gator green mini dress on and delightfully left it up and out of the way..... Lol!
RC, I saw "dang nice ass I slipped in" in your comment above. I was jealous that you got to "slip in" Miss M's "dang nice ass!" I would be happy to just lick those sweet lips of hers...anything to make her happy and cumming back for more! ;)
The new colors and layout has made one small improvement...the comment box is larger, which makes it easier to leave a detailed comment then before, but the 2 minute wait between comments is still bothering me. Is there any valid reason for this annoying 'safeguard' to continue? Every time I get the 'You must wait two minutes between posting comments' message I switch to a different web site and hope that I remember to return sometime soon to complete what I wanted to say.
Yes there is a valid generic reason. When you submit your comment, depending upon your browser settings, the Submit button cannot always be disabled. This means that you can click the Submit button multiple times and get multiple submissions. This "delay" allow the web site to "filter" out the duplicate comments.

A bad side effect is when you just wanted to add a quick second comment. And you really don't have to wait the whole 2 minutes. It will take a little time to actually write you 2nd comment.

Now for this site, there are several people who love to write the same comment to everyone. This delay will slow them down from posting their annoying crass comments or snipes at other commenters.

Finally, it makes it so someone cannot write automation to post tons of commercial ads and leave them as quickly.
Those are some good reasons...and I didn't realize this site was being inundated with so much spam and other types of nuisance type posts, and it's good to see that VW has taken steps to cure this problem. And since it seems that I'm the only one that's bothered by this two minute rule, I think I should learn to except it. Thinker, thanks for your reply...
Very interesting. The staff could look into that one to see if it is indeed 6 comments or just 1 comment shown 6 times. (I am a programmer and know that this can happen.) If it is indeed 6 comments, they can check the web logs to see how these escaped detection. I will try an experiment...there might be a way this could have happened, but I doubt it.
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