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By Annie
Is there anyone else who have pics from being a young girl all the way up to being a granny. I have pics of me from age 13 till now at age 58. I guess I'm unusual having and keeping pics that long. I've just always been a flasher I guess and I like it. Hubby really got off on me showing and letting other guys handle the goods also. If he really liked them and I did too he'd let us have sex together and he'd take pics. I have a lot of old pics from cameras from old polaroids to instamatic pics but some are blurred and most are scratched up from 40yrs in a box. When I post these most people complain about the quality but they don't understand what these pics have been through. Here's an old one of me barely legal. Don't I look young and innocent? Not!!! Already been having fun with sex and enjoying it a lot. Hope someone responds to this and has a long history of pics to show. ;) Enjoy Annie
By Annie
Yep I had puffy nips most of the time when I was young. They'd only get hard when cold. Now they only get puffy when I get hot. Here's a pic of them hot now.
By DangerousDi
Annie: How cool to do 45 years of pictures, I wouldn't do them in the earlier days and had to wait until my later years. I have count here, only been doing them 13 years, what a loss.

All I can say is you go lady. Glad you found your way to the boards.
By DangerousDi
Annie: How cool to do 45 years of pictures, I wouldn't do them in the earlier days and had to wait until my later years. I have count here, only been doing them 13 years, what a loss.

All I can say is you go lady. Glad you found your way to the boards.
By Annie
Yep Di I've got pics from when I was 13 all the way till now at age 58. Some wonder how I got pics of me at 13. I'll tell you. My older sister which is 3 years older than I came into my room one day with a polaroid camera and wanted me to take some nude pics of her. I took a few of her then asked her to take some of me and I liked the thought of having them to show the boys I liked. Then I met my hubby at age 14 and I got him to take some of me while we were dating. Then we married when I was 16 and we've taken pics every since. Of coarse there's not many of me in my prime when the children were around but we made up for it when they got grown and left home. Most of the old polaroids and instamatic camera pics are poor quality and blurry and scratched up from being kept in a box and looked through quite often but I just can't throw them away. They all have good memories with them. Most folks would probably think I'm weird having nude pics of myself for that many years but I just can't get rid of them. :? Here's an old one of me when I was a newly wed laying in the yard petting my cat. That's a provocative sentence if that pic wasn't there ;)
By Jbe
Annie, you STILL look good after these years! :mrgreen: Feel free to keep sharing! I'll keep looking.
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By Skeetz
Annie, that sentence is all the more provocative because the pic is there.

Besides, what's wrong with petting your pussy in the yard? Seems perfectly natural to me, and delicious to see!

Your story brought back some rather sad memories for me. I had 27 years worth of pics of my first wife, from age 17 when we first met, or shortly there after, till we divorced just short of our 25th anniversary.

Sadly, when we split she grabbed my stash of pics and refused to let me have any of them. She was a "looker" but just too damned hard to get along with.

Hope you'll continue to share more of yours with us! BTW, your gallery of yellow dress shots in your profile is fantastic.

circa 1973
Blondie '73 001 Cr.jpg
By DangerousDi
Thinker it would be fun, but ghee over 1,000 pictures which we hit that number in 2008 was pretty exciting. I know you would have FUN, and CUM. With that many to look at.
By Annie
Sorry she took your stash of pics skeetz. I wish we had these digital cameras and phones back then. We had numerous camera rolls that we couldn't get developed when they'd see what they were and some I think they would get done and see what they were and keep them and tell us that they're lost. I wish more women would post pics of them from girl to granny. Here's another of a 58 year old.
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By Thinker
Di, you know it. Like the shampoo instructions, I would repeat my actions over and over! :lol:
By DangerousDi
Thinker: you are so special.....
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What a National Treasure you are Annie! Congratulations on being beautiful in mind and body and wishing you the very best through out the rest of your life.

Simply stunning. Wish we had started earlier.
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By Thinker
As a 58 yo grannie, you are stunning! Such a tease too! I know I cannot have you... ;) Hope you don't mind if I enjoy myself while looking at your pictures.
By Annie
NOPE I don't mind. That's what pictures are for be enjoyed, In more ways than one.
By Annie
I like wearing that little top under a shirt or light jacket when it's cool outside. Y'all think these shorts are too tight?
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By Skeetz
Nah . . . Looking fine to me.

Good Morning Annie . . .
By DangerousDi
Annie: I am not being critical, just a tip I have learned. Elongate the body and then no one will know you have a little tummy when you sit. Sitting positions are very difficult. I learned all this from a porn gal. Suck it in and she is very slender, not skinny but just right and she sucks hers in.
By Annie
Di those shorts are so tight they push that little bulge up there. Couldn't suck it in if I tried but I could have like you said leaned back. At my age I'm not worried too much about a little tummy. Wore this out back in the fall and was asking him if he thought this was too short. Of coarse he said no. You think this skirt is too short to wear out? I always wanted to wear a short skirt to a restaurant that has long table cloths and a guy get under the table and do the deed on me. It would be exciting just to see of I could keep a straight face.
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By Thinker
Annie, I will get under the table to do the deed! And no, you will NOT be able to keep a straight face. Guaranteed! :)
By DangerousDi
Not too short when you maintain a body. Although they say over 40 to quit wearing short skirts. I say no if you can pull it off, go for it.
By Annie
That's the way I see it too Di. I remember back not long ago there was a stink about what Cher wore to some event so I looked it up on the internet and she looked hot to me. Age has nothing to do with it. If you have the bod and attitude go for it. I wear what I want and I do get looks from other women but that's their problem. Most of the time it's the fluffy ones that are pissed about it. They're just haters and jealous that they can't turn the guys heads. I just smile at them and carry on. :)
By DangerousDi
Annie: They are called prudes, and don't feel it is appropriate to show body parts in public.
By Annie
Hello...........Hello...............hello Boy this site is dead. I know y'all are out there by number looks on the pics.
By DangerousDi
Every picture of you comes up nice, keep the guys hot and bothered. Way to go gal.
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By Skeetz
It would seem, Annie, that your pics just leave a lot of us, speechless.
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By Skeetz
Always nice to get a two-fer, or is it a four-fer in this case?

Well, no matter how you count 'em . . .

I just love "little see thru tops" . . .

. . . and "Pretty Titties!"
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By Thinker
Your picture is great. Would love to see you. I think I saw a see-thru top a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, I was not expecting it at all and just caught it out of the corner of my eye. She went by too quickly so I could not really check her out. Bummer.
By Annie
You've got to be on your toes T. Most girls aren't as obvious about showing tits as I am. Heck they're just two lumps of fat to me. I don't really get why they have so much power over men. It's really funny to me what guys will do to see these :D
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By Thinker
Annie, while your tits are nice (OK, very nice!), I love your smile. You look so genuinely happy.
By Annie
Thanks T. Wish I could show all me but just can't. Here's another of my smile. I really like this outfit too back in the 90's. I called this my lizard suit. It looked like snake or lizard skin.
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By Skeetz
I really like that outfit too. But I love the way you're' wearing it even more.

Gorgeous then . . . Gorgeous now!
By Annie
Thanks Skeetz. When I wear button-up or zip-up tops I always leave them undone to right below my tits so that guys can get glimpses of my nips. I enjoy watching guys easy around trying not to be obvious sneaking peeks at my nips. All in a days fun :D
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By Thinker
Thanks for the smile picture. You probably won't believe me, but I did not see your tit for a bit. Was enchanted by your smile.

I think I just had the highest complement this past week. Someone asked me if I was always happy. Guess they noticed that I smile a lot too!
By DangerousDi
Thinker: Annie is fantastic and so nice.

Annie does your husband check out posts and jump in for fun?
By Annie
I'm putting this on all my posts. I'm going to look for a more lively site to play on. I'm getting lots of views but very few comments. I like letting guys enjoy my wares but dang I need a compliment every now and then. :roll:
By DangerousDi
Sorry it is slow, don't give up, we like you here.

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