A place to share your sexy stories
By seeyouthere55
I totally get off on letting peepers see my wife from the outside. Our house right now is horrible for voyeurs to see in. We're looking at buying a new house. Does anyone have any good tips on what types of houses would be good to buy for this purpose? Email to chat if youd like: seeyouthere55@yahoo.com

Thanks in advance.
By DangerousDi
Ghee just leave the curtains open on streets that people drive by. Another would be lots of windows. Leave the curtains, open again.
By lowcountry33
Next door to us would be good....single story, large windows, facing a private area, no curtains....wait that's us....next door will work...
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By Thinker
I would not recommend being on a busy street. All it takes is for some pain-in-the-butt to complain to get the police there to warn you. Then you would have to close your curtains forever or be prosecuted since you have been warned.

I would recommend a cul-de-sac near big secondary road. Many people (primarily women) walk up and down the cul-de-sacs to get extra walking distance without straying too far from home. Once they notice you, they may be inclined to take peeks every time they walk by. And they may share the view with their walking buddies.

Another option would be if the back of your house are only visible from a greenway. After dark, no one should be walking the greenway. So if they are out there, you could see their flashlights in the distance and begin vacuuming or some chore so they can see you exposed for a while. While she is doing this, you could peek out another window from the dark to see if the walkers stop for a look.
By DangerousDi
Thinker: in the privacy of your home how could the police site you? You could make up an excuse you were running to laundry room to get some clothes, heck I have done that before. Not to show off, or get caught because I really needed something that was in the wash room clean.
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By Thinker
In VA a man was cited for being nude in his home when a mom and her daughter cut through, that is trespassed on, his property. Most places you can be cited if seen from a public right-of-way.
By seeyouthere55
What about everyone's thoughts on getting a house with a bedroom window that looks right into the neighbor's window? Positives/negatives?
By DangerousDi
I have windows on both sides of the house, and one day were getting ready for date day and all I had on was heels and stocking and I saw the neighbor driving down the dirt road behind us and don't know if he saw me or not. LOL
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By Thinker
Facing bedroom windows would be great if you got the right person as your neighbor. If you got a prude, it could get nasty.
By DangerousDi
Thinker: we always leave our bedroom windows shades open. Living room have to close a few, as an elderly lady can look into our house, from her house about 1/4 mile away.
By DarknLadyJedi
Someplace warm.

Let me also offer some reverse advice, secluded.

With a partially secluded house your wife can go nude outdoors, and semi-seclusion or full seclusion means that she can claim she expected privacy. Meanwhile if people look they will be able to see. So if you have some woods around it, or even one side you can privacy fence off part of it and then have her nude.

You can also use box style privacy fence to mark off areas, or even use lattice and plant plants to block view. This would only partially block the view from most.
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By luv2cnips
Large windows facing sunrise or sunset work well for "accidental" exposures. The sunlight streaming inside makes you very visible without appearing too staged such as in the dark with the lights on.
By DangerousDi
The other day our neighbor drove by while we were doing it, and I don't think he looks in our windows. LOL
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By Thinker
Wish it were Google street view driving by your place DDi. I would look you up in a heartbeat and look in your windows.
By DangerousDi
Thinker: You are so funny, lol. One time I was standing naked, ready to do pictures and the back side which our front door, there are a set of three windows. DH was doing something and I was standing there and the neighbor drove down the back side of his property (there is a road for the house above and his property goes that far back) and I have no idea if he saw me or not. When we added on, he never acted like he did. He was our contractor. LOL I bet he could tell stories.
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By mandadees
I like to be on the balcony nude when I am at a hotel. Its a little thrill thinking someone will see, and if they do, I smile and wave. Not at home though! People talk I am sorry to say and I have had enough stalkers creepos in my day! Ooo but vaca!!
By DangerousDi
Or like we did one time left the door open at a hotel, out to the balcony and I was pulling my dress down and I look below and there was a guy looking up.
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By Thinker
I need to look at balconies a lot more often. I have always heard that there are good view FROM a balcony. Now I know that there are good views ON balconies!
By DangerousDi
So true Thinker.
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By DCRobert
The city we live in has quite a few walking/biking/jogging trails (green belts) that criss-cross the north end of the city. Houses in this area back up to these green belts. If the town that you live in has green belts like this, look for a house in these areas.
By DangerousDi
@thinker: Have you found a place yet? Are you going to have room enough to ask your sweat lady to move in at some time?
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By Thinker
Still looking...just getting started. I found a nice piece of land that would allow me to not have curtains, if you know what I mean. Might need a roommate to afford what I want. Anyone interested?
By DangerousDi
@Thinker, good luck.
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By powderman8009
Speaking about balconies. Our bedroom is upstairs at the rear of our house and has a balcony that looks out to a golf course. There are curtains and shutters but we don't close them at all. The bathroom is off to one side and closest to the neighbour and when you walk from the bed to the bathroom you pass a set of folding doors that open to the balcony. The neighbours have a deck out the back of their place from which you can see straight into our bedroom and up to our bathroom and we can see down into their kitchen area from our bedroom. My wife walks around naked between the bed and bathroom and wardrobe all year round.

Well my wife had showered was about to get dressed. She was naked and came out of the wardrobe to watch something that interested her on the TV. This put her out in the middle of the bedroom and in full view of the neighbour's back deck. The neighbour was out there washing down the deck and looking up into the bathroom and at her while she was watching the TV.
By DangerousDi
powerman: So what was the neighbors expression. Just normal or shocked? Do you talk to you neighbor much, because maybe he would talk to you about what he say. Not as a problem just in general conference.
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By powderman8009
I did not see his expression but my wife told me that he was looking. She has caught him looking up into the bedroom on more than one occasion too.

We get along well with them and talk quite often across our back decks. When we first moved in we were out the back one morning having a look around the garden. It was summer and all my wife had on was a very sheer slip. They had been way for a while and must have seen us out there so came out to say hello. We stood there chatting for a while in the sunlight with my wife's features in full view of the neighbour. I think that was a good way to start off the relationship.
By DangerousDi
Powerman: Maybe it could be something that would develop into a 3some or a trade partners? What does his wife look like, are they similar age or older?
By AnonAnon
Neighbors are easy to check out.

The last house we stayed in, we had some concerns about a couple next door that looked conservative, so my wife had the idea to take across some mail that was incorrectly delivered to us braless in a very see-through top while walking to our car on the street to go out to dinner. She made it clear she wasn't trying to flash them, just stopping by on the way out. They turned out to be totally cool and talked to us for half and hour and even complimented her on the top. After that we never worried about having sex on the deck that was overlooked by the single window on the back of their house. We assumed they noticed from time to time, but wouldn't mind.

In our current house, my wife made similar contact over the balcony half-wall while somewhat scantily dressed. The guy was cool, so she leaves the windows open while having sex on top and assumes the guy enjoys it. He can also get a look via reflection when she does yoga naked every morning, but it would take intent. No complaints so far. Our roof deck is higher than everyone else, so no worries there.
By DangerousDi
@anonanon Obviously it didn't matter with your wife being so open to go out and about any ways. Nice you cared enough about the neighbors.
By AnonAnon
DangerousDi, mostly it is nice to be sure that the neighbors are OK with it so there is no hassle or animosity later. We're friendly with all our neighbors and like to keep it that way.

Most of the people in our neighborhood have seen my wife is see through at local parties or restaurants, but it is one thing to see someone's nipples through a stylish top and another to see their pussy while they sunbathe on a deck or see them through a window while they're getting fucked. In the Spring and Fall we can roll our bed out on to the bedroom deck so there is a good chance a curious neighbor looking over the wall could see my wife naked a night if the moon was out. We try to wrap up any activities before we roll the bed out, but it is hard to plan the mornings sometimes. :-)
By DangerousDi
@anonanon ask your wife unless you know, how did she get to be so brave? Obviously I would guess a great body but what else made her that way.
By AnonAnon
I like strong confident women and discovered early that this often came with a sense of comfort with the body and not only a reduced concern for other people's opinions, but also an increased desire to find one's own bliss. In my wife's case, she discovered early that she liked a bit of exhibitionism and so she indulged in it. She doesn't recall any sense of discomfort at any time, just a journey of self-discovery.

On a practical level what makes it work for her is that she really enjoys it herself and enjoys other people enjoying it. This second part is not common and friends of mine enjoy it a great deal. One story that illustrates the point comes from early in our dating life when my best friend had just bought himself a Porsche convertible. When he came around with it, she said, "You should take me for a ride," and as she was getting in unbuttoned her dress from the top and the bottom enough that my friend now had not only a hot blonde in his car, but a very sexy one showing a lot of leg and boob. When she got back, it turned out she'd been flashing some landing strip and nipple, but she genuinely loved that he enjoyed it and he loved that she put out something special for his special purchase.
By sjd0404

Ginger was the same way. When we were first married, lace dresses, off shoulder and short and no problem sunbathing for no tan lines. Died off for awhile, but it seems ginger is back.

The convertible story is interesting. I restored a red convertible for her and I think thats what did it. She has no problem with shear tops now.

Across the street are three retired seventyish gentlemen. She started wearing this satin blue bath robe in the morning when she let the dog out. She would always be in the front yard. I looked out one morning and all three were talking to her. I can tell you when the sun is out the robe is about as sheer as it gets.

She was working on her car one day with a little black bottom and white tank top. I went to see if she needed help and the tank top was completely wet with one of the gentlemen over watching.

She started tanning nude again; bare pussy. The first time they came over she kinda covered up. Then she just lied there in conversation which always ended "looking good Ginger".

I have great security. No need for a security system.
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By Thinker
Those guys would definitely be a great security system. Has Ginger stopped covering up when sunbathing now, when the guys come over? Have they offered to put on lotion?
By DangerousDi
Thinker: you are so funny.

SJd: That was great story. I was never that brave....not sure I would be today either. Bet you have had a fun marriage.
By sjd0404
Thinker and Di

Ginger does not cover up. We have had the same neighbors for over twenty years. I think it is a comfort factor. The gentlemen are just that, gentlemen. They have never asked to touch Ginger and she does not lead them on. I know she likes an even tan. And, knowing the boys are keeping an eye on her makes it safer. It could be it is her way of rewarding them. Like a dancer at a club; look don't touch. The gentlemen would never let anything happen to Ginger. I am ok with it. It works for me.

As far as being daring. I think it is comfort. The watering hole we visit is usually older men. Ginger can be a bit of an exhibitionist and let the men there enjoy a pretty woman. She flirts and giggles and at the end of the day everyone leaves as friends.

Our marriage is fun. Ginger calls the shots. When she wants to play, we play. And we have great memories. No need to wander.
By DangerousDi
SJD: Sounds great.
By AnonAnon

Very similar behavior here. My wife likes to keep her pubic hair well groomed and her usual showing style is a strip that can be brushed over the lips to some extent for cover, but only a bit of cover. Depending on how she brushes it, it can show more or less. She likes to wear see thru pants that show her style or even split dresses that show her pussy from the side. I walked in to her talking to an older gentleman at a party once. She had her pussy displayed perfectly with every hair precisely in place. There is on way it wasn't intentional with her having used a wet finger to fix things. It was stunning. A work of art. Fully lit in bright sunlight. A completely unselfconscious display meant to be enjoyed comfortably and remembered. She didn't even flinch when I came in, said hello and walked off.

We've found that you can make people comfortable with a lot if you do it a certain way. When very low cut jeans were in style, my wife was sitting on a low stool and the jeans had ridden so low several inches of her crack were visible. A slightly drunk friend of ours dropped an ice cube into her crack. She didn't want to look awkward fishing it out, so she walked up to him and pulled his hand around her and into her jeans to fish it out. The cube had dropped down pretty deep and the guy took a second getting it out, but it was a fun moment and everyone, including me, enjoyed it. There was nothing sexual about it at the time, but I'm sure the guy enjoyed the memory well enough later.
By DangerousDi
@SJD glad you have so much fun.
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