A place to share your sexy stories
By DangerousDi
Some times you can make a lady look so talk by sitting on a chair when you take the pictures and she is standing.

Turning the camera so it is at an angle.

Taking a full length pictures (shoes to top of head)....which is against the rules for adult pictures, but if the model stands to the side rather than straight on she will look slender.

1. Ladies put your head up and look down you will give the guy taking the picture "bedroom eyes". Chin up reduces that double chin.
2. If your middle isn't as good as the rest of your bustier. Bend your leg away from the camera and put your hand on your upper thigh facing the camera (the elbow will hind the side). Also hands on hips can cut down the curve to look smaller.
3. Back side there are a few tricks: bend when you are doing picture (but don't bend knees). If you have a top that is longer it can chage the look too. A belt is another trip it divides the top and bottom.
4. If you arms aren't the best wear a shrug, or blouse but don't take it off, just open it up to show your boobies.
5. Thigh highs or panty hose will cover a 100 bad images on your legs. Panty hose that are designed with a "V" will slender the back side
6. Heels make the legs longer
7. Change your hair style makes you an unusal woman. Up, curled, down straight, back, all with the same hair style can make you look different. Fun to play with. Even a wig once in a while that you get at Halloween time can be fun too.
8. Put your right foot out and point it towards the photog while putting the other foot behind the other foot and turn your body just a little can make you look long and tall.
There are lots more.....
By simplyinit
...some great tips there!

...if I may...

9) Exaggerate the poses (elongate the torso, really arch that back, etc.)
10) Tighten up the tummy or use an arm or something to hide it
11) Heels are a must like DangerousDi said...make sure the bottoms are clean
12) Makeup should be a little bit heavier than normal wear
13) Have your favorite music playing to get yourself in the mood and relaxed
14) Don't pucker your lips for that 'sexy' look. Instead, part them slightly like you're letting out small breath
15) If you don't know what to do with your hands, put them to work. Use them to play with your hair or tug on some clothing.
By DangerousDi
Those were great tips.

16. Have couple drinks. My husband says it always loosens me up before pics.
17. Hands on your hip, run them through your hair, just push it back, one hand pushing it back. If you are laying down: rest your arms and lock your fingers and put your head on them. Just don't stand there with your hands down by your side. Also one hand and your head tipped (while you have your elbow on the bed counter whatever and tip your head on your hand. If these don't make sense continue to watch the number ones in first place.
18. Stick your boobs out if I didn't say that one.
19. Still have funnnnnnn and reward the photog
By DangerousDi
Whe you say longate another trick is to sit when you take the photo, rather than standing. However, have to watch out for chin down or dark circles under the eyes. However, can make a short lady look even taller.
By simplyinit
#19 is a really good tip!

Don't fully rest your weight if your sitting or leaning. ex. If you're resting your head on your hand, just have them touching lightly. Or if you're sitting on your heels, come up a little so your thighs don't bulge out.

Just curious DangerousDi...did you ever get my email I sent?
By DangerousDi
Then there are complicated tips, but I haven't figured out lighting at all. Some times it is so kind to the skin, some times, it show any flaw, some times it is too bright even on a cloudy day. Any tips?

Simplyinit: If it went to junk I don't read it. Also you could try private message on the board here.
By DangerousDi
20. For woman that want to shave for the first time, use a sharp razor with lot of multi blades, like 4-5. Then there are lots of tips: use baby oil to shave, use Shave oil at Walmart aruond $3.00.
By DangerousDi
Hey just add tips anyone, I am sure there are many I have forgotten. There might be some I don't know about, always willing ot learn.

21. Backdrops, use sheets, however, be sure you iron them first. You can buy canvas any length at Dharma trading and purchase your stand inexpensivly one ebay. Just cut the back side of the flat sheet on the band that is the top from the back. If you are making one be sure to sew it so that you can hang it. If you don't have a stand it is kind of difficult but tape it up with painters tape, you have to do it closely together to get it to stay and it might fall don't but don't give up it will work.

22. If you use a backdrop my favorite thing is to do a theme with it. Such as: Valentine's day - I have had stand of heart made from mylar handing down. I have put up miorror that stick and were hearts on the backdrop. Easter had big Dollar Tree easter egg placemats one the floor, colorful plastic Easter eggs, a basket with eggs matching my color lingerie (and imagine where you can put an egg). I have had big eggs paper mache the size of my boobs and covered them with them to start with. Halloween: My favortie.....pumpkins, fall leaves, candy. Christmas: lights, trees, candy candes, pillow that said something nasty. Gothic: not really my thing but did it once witha skull. Then other times: flowers, a fake tree if you have one, plants...such as safari: all your plants around. A happy bd banner. Some times it just a lot of work, but always worth it. Or course the rose going down a naked body is always a winner.

23. Fun props: a special chair, like I have a wicker heart chair. Mirrors big to tiny ones for candles. A frame that is empty and be the subject in it. Colored furniture red, blue, and know that anything red, the camera LOVES.. A ladder, pedastal, a bed with nothing but the bottom sheet on and a plain color, please. Comforter that matches your theme....or color works too.

24. I know lots of people can't afford to do this. However matching my lingerie with shoes, thigh highs and if I need gloves for that one that too or a bowa. I always wear jewelry to matches, also. Now the other way to go and was hot this season was to wear, hot color that don't match and i did that with one and loved it. Teal and Raspberry as an example. Purple and lime green. If you can't figure it out, look up a color wheel with google and see what color is on the other side of the color you are picking.
By DangerousDi
25. This a big one, if you have a gstring under your garter belt you can't take it off and show the goods, without taking it all off which is okay too. Put the gstring over the gater belt. You will get use to it and take it off right away, makes it easy then show what you want in your pictures. It is okay okay for the first few pictures as you take the bra off, because the gstring usually matches the outfit......
By DangerousDi
26. Suck your tummy in, as even the pro's tell me they do it.

27. Can't say this enough, the camera loves red. However black and white seem to really pop also.
By DangerousDi
28. While simplyinit said clean shoes. I have put stickers on the bottom. I have seen on pinterest people that are getting married put writing one their bottom of their shoes, I guess why not in sexy pictures. Put a special message.

I have also decorated the spike heels with a row of crystals from Michael's. Gives the shoes a different look.

I think the best shoes I have are by Pleasure, and they are clear on top, but they have a cavity you can put things in it. I have done silk flowers, candy (Valentine hearts, Halloween corn candy, marbles (which make those babies heavy). I have seen money (coins) and also jewelry gold chains. As creative as you can be I am sure there are other things. However, the hole is hot big, it is like a slot. However, fun to change it out.
By DangerousDi
Housemd: do you have any pointers to add? Thanks!
By DangerousDi
29. Come on take the stickers off your shoes on the under side. If you want one can add hearts, or say I FUCK or something interesting, or even I DO. Saw one on today's (10/23) freebies and her sticker was still on.
By DangerousDi
29. A new trick I ran across. It was on pinterest how to get soft saved legs. Well I don't have problems with that, however, I do with pussy in one patch. Doesn't matter what I do it feels rough, like I am not getting all the hair. Well take a brush and do circular motion, it takes care of those little hairs under the layer of the skin. Use any kind of oil; Baby Oil, Shave Oil (men's at Walmart), or whatever kind you use. Wow!!! Now really soft even into the evening....... :D

Worth a try.
By DangerousDi
Neatest nail polish for you gals that do your nails. IT is by Revlon, it is matt. Paint nails with glossy regular nail polish. When try run across the matt clear across most of the nail except the tip. It is turn flat and the tip will be gloss.

If you can't find the color you want in Thigh highs, dye them. I dyed an out fit and matching stockings and they turned out so way cool.

Another tip, not sure I stated this before or not, wearing your hair can change a look. From straight to curly to figuring out how to curl in tiny curls to large curls. I just had a really short bob. Not my choice, but I just saw a picture where they combed the short side back and I never thought of that at all. Play with dues.....
By DangerousDi
Another item that is totally popular this spring is lace see through tops. They are at all the junior stores....
By CountessFuntime
Jaybird has a lace camisole that she'll pair with a shear top. The combination is enough that it covers her but it makes heads turn.
By DangerousDi
I just bought one in mint green with the cami attached, but haven't worn it. Then I have a couple that lace but nothing came with them, so I purchased a cami. However, I would them out without the cami for pics. Can't wait to try them out and see if I get any looks. Interesting how lace attracts men.
By VWSupport
Thanks for all the amazing tips (my favorites are what to do with your hands, I never know even in non-explicit photos what to do!). Now that the weather is getting better any outdoor tips you folks might have?
By DangerousDi
KIKI: Look at this and see how they do it, it suppose to look natural, but on your hips, through hair, kiss cross, both hands up around your neck line and kind of covering your boobs. Anyway this is a good how to do:
" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; Remember show your hand when taking clothes off, and stop and then continue. Like taking any type of item off like a g-string, on finger pulling it a little, taking off a shirt pull one side down and the other hand pull the other side up. Your hand on one shoulder as if you are going to take your bra off and it starts with pulling it off the shoulder, just that beginning stage.

Then outdoors. I don't think people need tips. If you are brave, about any where is an option. If you are a little more shy, look around as you drive, and you will see places that are private and beautiful. It kind of depends on the town you live in. Such as if you have a river, find a private place, doesn't mean someone might see you but if they do they enjoy what they are seeing, it is a high compliment to your body. If you have a private backyard is a good place, pitch a tent, layout in the sun, do something in the dark, in the light just before the sun comes out there is about an hour. Go further and some locations. Where I live we can go outside of town and example is an old worn out house, if you have a major crop in your area, the field of say wheat, wild flowers, the mountains, just what is natural in your area. Car wash early in the morning, when no one is up on a Saturday. By a fountain, would maybe be more challenging, I have done it at a great cemetery where it looked like one of the grave sites was like a House, had beautiful front. I have done pictures on the way home from being out of town, and you can find all different areas on the off roads, if you don't live in a big city. While driving to work, take a different way and look at the area as you drive, doing errands look around. Some times you have to explore to find a great place.
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By Thinker
Good video DDi. Did not even know that hands could make such a difference.
By DangerousDi
Thinker: Thanks and yes they can,
By VWSupport
Thanks so much DD for the advice, video, and the great email you sent me with even more, I cannot tell you how nice that was and how much I appreciate it!

I just wanted to share another tip you gave me via email which gave me lots of great ideas so I'm sure others will think so too! DD mentioned that a great way to figure out what to do with hands was seeing how women pose in the photos on the sites for lingerie companies. I already got a ton of ideas thanks to you!
By DangerousDi
Kinki, glad I could share with you. You are always so nice, and it is a pay back.
By cometobed
A good tip for decent photos, is mind what's in the background...IE: unmade bed, loose clothes every where..use a bit of common sense...
By cometobed
slightly droopy boobs..? lift your arns as high is you can, it will lift your nipples...
By cometobed
do Not use too much flash, or mask it if poss...flash flattens faces, and shapes..
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By Thinker
Regarding background clutter, take a few pictures quickly. Look them over. If anything in them does not make the photo better, remove it out of the frame.

This also includes during the photoshoot. If you remove a shirt, leave it in the frame if it enhances the subsequent photos. For example, a strip tease could be enhances by seeing what has been discarded so far. Otherwise, move it out of the camera view.

Oh, and feel free to send them my way in case you want a second opinion. That includes you DDi and Kinki Kiki!
By DangerousDi
Kiki: Your welcome.

Thinker: It is something I have spent several years of learning while doing pictures.

Cometobed: that is a great idea for ladies that have saggy boobs. However, the are certain men that love saggy boobs.
By DangerousDi
Showit2Me: Your welcome. Do you have any tips?
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