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By Skeetz
The title says it all. And she's right here for our viewing pleasure.

Now I ask you, could there be a better way to start the work week than with the Gorgeous Elise,
"Hot and Wet" in the backyard?

I think not!

Thanks Gorgeous, you've made me late to work, again and I Love it!
By Jbe
Well, Skeet, since you ask... there IS a better way to start the work week. And that would be IF Elise was in MY back yard taking those pics. :oops: ;) ;) ;) But since that is likely to be an un-fullfilled fantasy I'll go with what you said.

Now... about the pics... First off I need a new drool rag cuz my first five are just soaked clean through. :oops: :oops: :roll: :lol: That's a great first pic tease... and the second pic made my jaw drop. (Owwwww... keyboard smack!) Gud gawd, Elise, you have one of the finest bums... period! Then on to the wet dress part in pic 3... OMFG!!! As if the wet dress clinging to your luscious body wasn't enuf, that look in your eyes definitely gets my blood flowing- to all parts of my body. ;) :o I love how Damen was able to capture the water drops cascading off your spectacular ass in pic 4. Nice shot!

The rest of the pics are equally stunning... but my brain is glazing over and I'm finding it difficult to form a coherent- and cohesive thought let alone a sentence. :oops: :oops:

Elise, there is no doubt in my mind that you are definitley like an exquisite cognac that ages beautifully and gracefully and with no signs of losing it's magnificence.
By Alexxx17
Wow Elise! Love when You get wet, sexy lady.
You look so exquisite in white but I think transparent suit You best :D
You have me all thirsty with lust that I would love to taste the water You are pouring over your hot-curvy hills and valleys and dive my head in delicious manantial ;-) Looks so hot and refreshing at the same time.

Thanks You for the refreshing pics You've shared with us.

Naughty cascading kissex, hermosa Elise.
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By Elise
Skeetz - Thanks so much for starting this thread for me and for your awesome comment on the set! :D Happy the pix started your day off right! Sorry to make you late for work. :lol: :roll: :lol:

John - Thanks for your awesome review of the pix. I love reading what people enjoy the most about the pix. I thought Damen did a fabulous job catching the water action too!! :D And you are so sweet saying I'm aging "like a fine cognac"!! It can be tough getting older... :roll: But it's always great to hear that to the outside world, I'm aging gracefully! ;)

Alex - Thanks for stopping by to comment! Hope you also caught the HC video. 8-)
By Alexxx17
If You are referring to the video where you look so lusciously and that started with You teasing in your red bikini and continue with You so erotically playing with yourself while You were talking naughty. Oh yeah! I've enjoy it many many times indeed ;-)
Your beauty combined with your sweet sassy voice have made of that videos one of my favorites.
In fact,I believe You liked the naughty cummnets I wrote for You about it at HC.

Unless You are talking about another video of You that has escaped me?

Thanks for sharing. Kissex and please keep those teasing videos of You talking and playing naughty cumming.
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By Thumper
Elise wrote:It can be tough getting older... :roll: But it's always great to hear that to the outside world, I'm aging gracefully! ;)
More than Gracefully, Elise! Your beauty is ageless and timeless! Believe me when I say that you are every bit as sexy now as you were when you first started posing. Actually, probably more so, as your confidence has grown. Its obvious you love the camera (and cameraman) as much as it loves you, and that shows through in the quality of your photos.

And even when you are 80, you will still have that smile and those eyes.

Now, on to this contri...there's three things that drive me absolutely bat-crap crazy horny in an instant...
in no particular order...
1. Daisy dukes or a short denim miniskirt with frayed edges
2. high leather boots and a bustier, and
3. wet, dripping skin glistening in the sun, just waiting to be lick dried.

Actually, make that four things...any photograph with you in it, my dear!

You've done a wet contri before, and I just about melted. This one is ... well I just don't have the words. There are none.

As for the other things on my list...would you consider taking humble requests?
My birthday was a few months ago, so its a bit belated, but I've had a rough year so far, and could use some cheering up!
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By Thinker
You were just teasing us with your propics. You had a whole set of pix for us. Your outfit resembles a tennis outfit. I can imagine playing tennis with you. Of course when serving, you would ace me all the time since I would be too distracted to hit it back.

Would love to get right behind you in your naughty pose. Just imagining the warmth that would envelope me.
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By Skeetz
You are most definitely welcome Elise!

But no need to apologize for making me late to work, It was entirely my pleasure, my dear.

(Fortunately I work for myself . . . the boss is easy.)

Tennis anyone??
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By Elise
Alex - That was exactly the vid I was referring to! So happy you had a chance to enjoy it. :P

Berty - You know I always used to update my propic when I have a new set of photos to share. Thought I'd try that out again. :D It was quite a pleasure to know which were your favorites. Thanks so much for sharing!

Thumper - You are really so sweet to say all those things. When I'm 80?! :? Oh my! As far as the contri ideas. I have a pair of skin tight daisy dukes. They don't have frayed edges, but they're quite short. Also, I have a nice black leather bustier, but since I live in such a hot climate I don't own any boots! You would like a full contri with these things? Damen is always excited to do new photoshoots and videos. I'm sure he would be happy to do the camera work! :P

Thinker - Love the tennis reference! Man, I wonder if there are any tennis courts without a million people (and kids) around for a photoshoot. That would be HOT! :o
By Jbe
Elise, if you are aging it's certainly not showing. ;) You just keep getting better... and better... and better...

Short skin tight Daisy Dukes and a leather bustier, you say? :shock: Sounds GOOD to me!! Or...You could always wear one of Damen's shirts and tie it in a knot under those gorgeous breasteses... and leave it partially unbuttoned... and go from there!

I'd be willing to bet that the consensus would be... "Whatever you do is fine. As long as we see another contri from you!" :mrgreen:
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By Thinker
The tennis court I go to is normally unused. We have been the only ones on it almost all of the time. Stop on by. I will play with you. ;)
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By Elise
John - You're so kind! It's definitely hard to stay in shape as the years go by. :x Thanks for your support!! :mrgreen:

Thinker - You have empty courts eh? :lol:

Nicole - Thanks so much for your support sweetie! I am very confused by the scoring this month. My score was 4.63 last week. That's higher than any other contributor in the FS category held all month long. My score has decreased rapidly. It's sad to see :cry: On the old VW, you could tell what your final score would be within the first several hours of your post being displayed on the site. Don't you agree?

A typical score for both of us (on the old VW) would be anywhere from 4.72 - 4.81. It's hard to see lower scores overall and then the extreme fluctuations. I seems like the old scoring system used a mechanism to stabilize the votes and then the system would top out at a certain number of votes, making votes over a certain number null and void. That type of system eliminates the mass down-voting as the competition goes on. It's frustrating as a longtime contributor to see this type of thing happen. :?
By Nick2009
Dear Elise. Very bad things there with voting system...
I'm surprised that the webmaster does not respond to these strangenesses ... All the stars in the last days is rapidly losing scores. I also think that VW workers adjust scores manually "by eye." It is very strange that the @stars@ with an army of fans have a score of less than new entrants with the questionable quality photos ...

Interesting what Kiki think...
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By Elise
Alexa & Nicole - Thank you so much for your support. You two are wonderful, beautiful women!! It says so much about your character that you are supportive of fellow contributors. This type of site is usually so competitive, so it's a great feeling to be here with amazing women like yourselves. I can't thank you two enough. So much appreciated! *kiss Kiss* ;)
By Jbe
It is great that so many of you lovely ladies come on the boards and support each other. You are right, Elise, that this type of site can be very competetive. So it says a lot about you ladies that show support, encourage and compliment each other.
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By AdrianaXXX
Hello to all! Girls, I am here too with the same problem. What is *** going on??????????????????????????

TOTAL DOWNVOTING...... :evil: 12 hours back I was on the 1st place with 4,6........ but now 3th with 4,55... such a big leap is not possible in the normal during the voting .... Only if the past 12 hours, people voted "poor."

100% positive comments with 100% downvoting??? It is not normal

Strike??? What do U think girls???
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By LadyT
Elise, don't worry about the scores. Everybody here knows you are gorgeous, and as long as you and hubby are having fun, who cares about random numbers or what a bunch of jealous haters think. Downvoting is done by a bunch of teenagers sitting in their mom's basements or by petty people trying to cheat at something that shouldn't even be a competition. Beauty should be celebrated, not scored or critiqued!

That said, Elise, your beauty is at the extreme high end of the scale. So is yours, Nicole. And believe me, no random number generated by random people is ever going to change that!

So please, keep enjoying yourself, and do what you love. If that love happens to make other people happy and enjoy themselves, then all the better. You have made the world a happier place for your efforts.
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Nicely said Lady T.....Elise you are amazing. Thx for including me as a friend.

And I posted an image for the you on my thread for you and Hollie as thanks for your pictures for me. I took it early Friday morning at work so I had to be quick so as not to be discovered. I hope you like.
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By Elise
John - I agree! There are some very lovely, beautiful women who post here. It's a pleasure getting to know them. ;)

Adrianna - It can certainly be frustrating to see the scores all over the board. :x

Lady T - Thanks so much for you kind words of encouragement. It really means alot! :D

Bob - Thanks so much! You are all too kind.

I think Damen and I have decided to take a break from posting pictures. We have had this hobby for over a decade, and it has been a sexy and wild ride!! 8-) As I get older, it gets harder and harder to stand in front of the camera with confidence. It's especially difficult to compete with girls nearly half my age. Especially when they have professionally trained photographers. :roll: Damen loves me through and through and he appreciates every part of me. It's tough to fall from being a favorite contributor to one lower in the ranks. Damen and I always knew the day would come when it was time to say goodbye to this hobby we enjoyed for so long... :shock: We may still play with the camera just for ourselves, but I think our time has come to say goodbye. Who knows? Maybe we will have a change of heart. We have a pretty big stock of photos and videos we could still share. But as of now, we think it may be time to step away and let the new younger ladies provide entertainment!! :P They are a lovely, sexy and beautiful lot. You're lucky to have them.

Don't forget me!! You never know when I may pop in again. :mrgreen:
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By Elise
You're right Grumpy, I'm definitely not OLD :lol: and I didn't mean to make it sound that way. I am, however, getting "older". :shock: Damen and I have been talking about giving up the hobby for about a year, honestly. I just always try to be aware of things and pay attention. I think the universe gives you hints and guidance on where to go and what to do next. I really sounded like some whiner in that last post, so smack me upside the head..will ya?! :oops:

Maybe the universe will smack me back in the direction of being a voyeur. I always listen when the world speaks, and I always have an open mind. :mrgreen:
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By Skeetz
Elise, Baby Doll, say it ain't so! :?

"Old" is just a state of mind, but you, my dear, are just reaching your Prime, physically speaking. And I suspect you will have lots and lots of "Prime Time."

Taking a break from posting I guess I can understand, but I sure hope you won't deprive us of your company here in the forums. And, as Berty suggested, posting an occasional single shot here would be most appreciated. ;)
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By Coffjr
Very well put Grumpy. Here is your cane and let me help you off your soapbox. :D

Also well put Berty and Skeets.

Elise - you may be getting older but like a fine wine, you are also getting better. Your face, your body, your personality puts a lot of other and younger women to shame. This is a time to celebrate your life and share with your distant virtual friends. I would hate to see you go as I'm sure many, many others will feel the same way. I'm not as well versed in expressing myself as others here so please excuse the ramblings. Please rethink about not posting - you will be greatly missed. And if you need a smack - how about one on that luscious bum of yours.

By jagdoctor
I certainly respect your decision to step away for a while, but please know that you will be sorely missed. You are one of the most beautiful and sexy posters, and I have always looked forward to your contris and voted superb.

I followed you to the other site and then back here. Damien's photography is as good or better than any others here, and no matter what their age, there are very few women even close to your beauty.

Wishing you happiness on whatever path you choose.
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By LadyT

I fully get what you are feeling. Remember, I've got about 10 years on you. :cry: Nothing seems to be where it was in my wedding pics anymore!

I also get that it must be tough scheduling with the kids and a busy life, and work considerations, and all of the other crap that goes on in life. Your decision to step away is yours to make, and I respect that. Thumps will be in mourning for a while (and, quite honestly, I might be, too. I can't think of any other woman who actually turns me on besides you...but that's a whole different conversation).

But really, what it all comes down to is exactly what I said in my previous post...Are you having fun doing this? If the answer is yes, then do it, and let anyone who doesn't like it be damned. If the answer is "no, it's getting a bit old", or "I'm not loving it like I used to", then take a break, and anyone who doesn't like it be damned. Whatever your decision, make it for you, and for what makes you happy. No one else matters.

On a slight tangent, whatever your rankings are, you will always be a favourite on this site. You are one of the legends. If you have trouble believing me, then just read what the guys say above. So if you do go, please, go with your head held high. You definitely deserve to.

I, too, hope you can stick around and chat. Thumps said he gave you our email addy's in a PM. Please feel free to use them.

I don't know if you remember this, but years ago, before my accident, you were one of the ones who inspired me to come onto this site, even though it was just for propics and chatting at the start. You, Ashlee, Golden Girl, and Andrea. You are the only one left here out of that group, but I still remember. It sounds like a trivial thing, but it was important to me, and I thank you.
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By Coffjr
Grump - someone had to give you a hand so we could get on that soapbox and have our turn..... :D
By Paulbrx
Elise, my world is falling apart! I was anxiously awaiting a nude cartwheels video and now you are talking about retiring?

The decision is yours to make, of course. If you do hang it up, you are leaving at the top of your game. You are a beautiful woman who has shown her naughty side and as we've gotten to know you, your vulnerable side. We love you and hope that you continue to chat with us here whether or not you post pics/videos. And if you ever decide to be nude in public, drop me a line--I'll find a way to be there!
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By Elise
Berty - Thanks so much for your kind words and your support over the years. You've certainly always been one of my biggest fans. I truly appreciate that. :mrgreen: I will definitely stop in here and let you guys know if we have a change of heart!!

Skeetz - Thanks so much! I'm sure we have a large enough supply of pix that we could share a single shot on occasion. 8-)

Jr - You're so sweet. Thanks for saying all that nice stuff!! You have also been one of my longtime fans, and I really appreciate all the support over the years. Who know? Maybe Damen and I will get excited and want to post again. We usually do it in the heat of the moment. Hence my typos many times!! ;)

Jagdoc - Thank you so much for stopping by and posting here. You have also been a great supporter over the years, and I truly appreciate your nice comments on posts and when you stop in here it's always a pleasure. Like I said to the others, it's certainly not a done deal...maybe we will have a change of heart! :?:

Lady T - What a sincere pleasure it was to read your message. I had to laugh when you said "nothing seems where it was in my wedding pictures". Isn't that the truth?! :lol:

You are so right about busy schedules. My kids keep me soooo busy, especially when I have them both 24/7 over the summer. I'm also just getting my business up and going, so that takes up my other "free time". And I am so flattered that you enjoy my pix and I get you feeling hot and sexy!! I love to hear that. :D

As far as your question about whether or not I'm enjoying it? Damen and I mostly enjoy the spontaneous photo shoots. When the mood is right and we can sneak away from the kids, we take the opportunity. As for posting...I'm not sure if I'm having fun with it anymore. More than anything, I enjoy the friendships here with the COFF gang. You are all very nice people. I enjoy reading your comments about the pix and the friendly interaction. I get so much anxiety posting pictures sometimes. When they don't do well, or I get a fair amount of nasty comments (which I promptly delete).. it just causes me anxiety and negative self thoughts. Like many of the women who post here, I have always had some self esteem issues. The greatest thing in the world for a woman with self esteem issues is to get compliments and score well in a contest. That will boost any woman's ego!! I feel more confident now that I'm older, but I still struggle with some body issues and insecurities (like every woman). To score poorly, or read mean comments makes it harder for me to stay confident. I would honestly rather just find inner happiness and confidence, without feeling constantly judged (which is what happens when you participate in contests like this).

You mentioned my support years ago. I'm so happy to read that support I gave you years ago still stands out in your mind. That's really special and makes me so happy! :D Thanks again Lady T. You are such a sweet heart!!

Grumpy - Hold on to that cane! We wouldn't want you to fall off your soap box. ;) :lol: And who knows? Maybe Damen and I will be spontaneous and enjoy posting just for the heck of it!

Paul - LOL!! :lol: I guess I look at this gig kinda like a sitcom. :P When you have a sitcom you love, it's awesome. But sometimes those sitcoms just go on and on and on.... It's like they milk it to death, until the show is just simply crap. It's better for a sitcom to sign-off while they're still on top. I would rather go out like Jerry Seinfeld!! ;) :mrgreen:
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By rockclimber
Good ones (TV shows to steal your analogy,) however come back from time to time as feature films, he he.... Never say never, dear Elise, but your post brings up an interesting issue.

Golf has the senior tour, Grouping by age is an interesting idea? Honestly you are a beautiful woman and your example to others in your, still decidedly young age grouping, is a good one. Age is an interesting issue, and you are serving as an incidental accidental role model for women and especially mothers, worldwide that THEY TOO can celebrate their beauty past their twenties, past childbirth, head held high and with a naughty twinkle in the eye. Think PGA senior tour, if you can stop laughing long enough to consider, the analogy isn't to terribly far off, is it!?

As for scores, seriously, who gives a damn? Some prize money? Perhaps I am wrong but the expenses probably decidedly exceed any pittance in prizes. Personally there are those who are obviously fixated on their scores or prize dollars, its easy to tell and a wee bit of a turn off; I pass them by.

My interests lean to the women whose inner beauty glows no matter her appearance. The lady who obviously gets off on what she's doing is the one that catches the eye and attention of most men or other women. Art elicits emotion, and the contributors who understand that rise as cream above the crowd of disinterested models and lack luster photography.

It is THESE beautiful women who grace our pages that have made this odd little business into the hugely enjoyable thing it is. The Boards and the beauties who draw us in, chat and captivate far beyond anything a 20 something girl with a vacant stare and nothing to say could ever hope to do; those dear women, of whom you are one, are the reason we all return again and again.
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By Thinker
Elise wrote:As far as your question about whether or not I'm enjoying it? Damen and I mostly enjoy the spontaneous photo shoots. When the mood is right and we can sneak away from the kids, we take the opportunity. As for posting...I'm not sure if I'm having fun with it anymore. More than anything, I enjoy the friendships here with the COFF gang. You are all very nice people. I enjoy reading your comments about the pix and the friendly interaction.
Stop posting your pix and just visit us. We enjoy you visiting the forums too. Even though we would love pix of you anytime, your friendship is more important. Good luck on your business and family.
By Steve57
Elise, I've been a (silent), but completely awestruck admirer for years now and I beg you don't go away. That body is somehow more perfect now than when you first started posting, years ago. The look of fabulous, certain seduction erases my mind every time I see you.
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