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By Jbe
Well well well... lookee who found their way back?! It's Sassy in Pink & White . Nice to see you back... and still in great form. :mrgreen:

Pic 2 makes me wanna reach out, grab hold and have a little nibble! :D And pic 6... face plant!! :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: ;)
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By Skeetz
Hey Now, Sassy's back! It's been way to long Sweety. Welcome Back!

You're looking better than ever, and deliciously "Pink," in the pink.

Love the sassy, teasing looks on your face, such a temptress. But be careful with that G string, if that thing snapped back you could be left with a badly swollen Nipple.

But then, could a swollen Nipple really be bad? Maybe not, and besides, I'd be happy to kiss it All Better. ;)
By DangerousDi
Wow you guys are getting lucky with your gang coming back. How great for all of you.
By Sassy64
JBE, thank you so much for starting this threat for me. :D Also want to thank everyone here for the nice comments, adn very happy to hear that Coff is back, hi to all. Thanks to JBE, Skeetz, Elise, Rockclimber and anyone else that posted comments on my post. I'm sure that I've overlooked someone by name, so accept my "I'm sorry" in advance.

This post was to test the waters here again, based on the responses, I sure that I'll be posting more, just need to find the time to do more pictures.

I'll be checking the Coff thread, now that I know it's alive again.

XOXO to all,

By Jbe
Most welcome, Sassy. It's a pleasure to have you back in the fold- so to speak. There has been a little talk about some wanting to see another Hollie/Sassy contri. I'd vote for that. :mrgreen:
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By Skeetz
Sounds like a great plan to me Sassy.
Love the new propic . . . so, uh, Bosomy. That is a word right?
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By Coffjr
Sassy, sorry I missed you yesterday. For some reason, the computer locked up while in VW yesterday and I couldn't open anything. Then when I got out of VW, I couldn't get back in - even at midnight left coast time. Looking real good in your "Pink & White" - are we going to see more of you in the future?
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By trinityxxx
Hey Sassy....wanted to say welcome back hun. Its so great to see familiar faces and especially when they are sweeties like you. You have made many viewers happy with your return. :D
Lovely pics, kudos to you and your photographer.
If you chat with Hollie, please tell her hello from me.
Hope all is well and once again welcome back.
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By holliebaby
You are looking as gorgeous as ever. I miss my best bud!! It was really great to see you again. The model is wonderful and the photography is fantastic, as always.

By DangerousDi
Hollybabe: Is right what a nice treat for the guys, Sassy.
By Sassy64
Hollie: Great profile pic! Hope all is well. Spring is finally here. It should be a very interesting year. Thanks for the compliments:)

DD: Thanks hon for the Yummy comment. It's great to be back:)
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By Elise
It is great to see you again Sassy! You are looking better than ever. I hope your comments were good and welcoming. I have had a much better experience here on the new VW. I noticed my replies were all good when I chose "allow only registered users to comment".I hope we see you again very soon!! How's Mr. Sassy doing? ;)
By Sassy64
Thanks Elise! The comments have been pretty good so far. The weather has been nice here in MI and i am looking forward to an outdoor photo shoot. I love all your posts. You are very beautiful:) Mr. Sassy is fine and says thanks for asking :D
By DangerousDi
Sassy64: Sounds like you are pretty famous here. Glad the gals are gradually returning. Like your pink. Should drop in when they do a color for the night. Last time a bunch were on at the same time and pink was the theme. You would have fit right in. Love the bustier by the way.
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