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By mandadees
I thought I saw my crime partner's sexy bedroom shot up here and its a little teensy early, but she needs a thread for her birth week! You be careful over there with that skydiving stuff OK? I have half a mind to skip over and supervise, lol!!

I would vote for a birth week Manni, pedi, massage and wrap! I'm toooo old for all that thrill but I just might go for a hot air balloon ride with Bloody Mary's at sunrise, sign me up!

Happy Birth week sexy Honora!


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By Coffjr
Again, Happy Birthday Lil Red. I'll be with Manda on the ground - oop, that came out wrong. :oops:

Then I'll start the massage with a glass of wine all ready for you and a bloody Mary for Manda. Who want the massage first? ;)
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By Thumper
Happy Birthweek, Gorgeous!
I've sure missed you, Li'l Red!

Oh, and that propic is just flat out plain ol' DAMN SEXY!!!!
Thought you'd like this one
Thought you'd like this one
Honora-Card2.jpg (30.79 KiB) Viewed 24853 times
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By rockclimber
Well, I couldn't let the sun set without a birthday wishes post!

I have finished bathing Winston and he is drying in the last dregs of sun.... so let me offer my humble toast to our favorite redhead ( all COFFettes excepted but of course!)

May the occasion of your birth,
Bring you warm feelings of joy and mirth....

Moments of excitement, laughter and blisses....
And best wishes, treasured gifts and huggggs n' kisses,

From family and friends both far and near....
Who offer love, greetings and toasts of water, wine or beer....

To another year of adventuresome fun,
And far better poetry than this sad pun....!

(Cue Skeeter....)

To our Honora... Hear, hear....
Hear! Hear....!!
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By honora
WOW!! I am here, and never thought a thread would be posted about my bday! But I must mention, as I did in the Town Hall thread, that I was pleasantly surprised at the thought put into my birthweek! Thank you Manda for starting this thread! Though we REALLY need to see more of YOU!!

You bet your sweet behinds that I will be sporting some pink (Berty's call non-the-less and happens to be a favorite of mine!) AND I cannot wait to see if (and what / when) the other guys come up with this coming Saturday! Berty / John, is there anyway I can order one of those Pub Coff shirts?

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By rockclimber

The pleasant surprise is entirely ours Honora!

I'm glad you liked the efforts of COFF... but you are entirely worth it! Kudos to the lovely Miss M for her idea! And I am glad I got up to run and popped into play with old Winston's propic before I ran. The new propic of Miss H made run all the sweeter rather than sweat-er... ha ha! Now its time to run....to work!
By DangerousDi
I am following the group and don't know you Honora, but happy belated birthday. Hope you had a great one and year to come.
By Jbe
Honora, hope you had a good day with your friend. Now as far as the t-shirt... That is something we talked about a couple of years ago.. making and selling. I'll bring that up on the Town Hall thread as I don't want to hijack your birthweek celebration.

I guess I better start thinking about a propic for this weekend.
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By Skeetz
It seems I've been challenged by our Floridian, Beagle Washer in Chief, right her on Honora's thread, in front of Winston and everybody. Soooo, here goes nuthin'!

Our lucious, Li'l Red, in this, her Birthweek,
Has graced our pages with a new propic peek,
In her teasingly modest,
Plunging neckline bodice,
She hints at sporting a
Li'l Pink, by the end of the week.

Leaving us to wonder and here speculate,
At just how she might, our desires satiate,
Pink wig, nipples and Lips?
Or possibly just pink finger tips,
I suppose, till party time, we shall just have to wait.

Happy Birthweek Honora!

Hope to see you, "In the Pink," on Saturday!
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By honora
Hey Thinker, I would LOVE a massage for my bday! How did you know that I was secretly wishing for some hands all over my body? ;) What a GREAT present - and I would love to return the favor!

Grumps, I always love reading your posts. You put a huge smile on my face, everytime! Tell Sugar I said hello!!

Jr, thanks for the bday message. Another massage? Why yes, I'd love it! You are so thoughtful and sweet hehe...

Skeetz, you have that poem stuff down lol! Great read; and you make it look so easy!

John, looking at your propic now and wow that hair is longer than mine! Can't wait to see what you come up with on Saturday :mrgreen:

DangerousDi, thank you SO much for the birthday wishes! I do believe this year will be an eventful one, and that is a good thing. That was very kind of you to post...
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By honora
How could I have forgotten Thumper's fine ass!! Lol, I didn't mean to, I guess those muscular thighs and ummmm....well got my mind in a fog! I sent you an email a few days ago, miss you and Lady T very much!! Hope to see you both soon on the BB's...

Rock, as always thank you for the kind comments :D You know how to make a person feel extra special

John, now that you mention I do remember that pic you made last year. And I agree, my bday kinda snuck up on me this year too! I did have fun - a friend of mine went skydiving! I was there for some before and after pics, and celebrating their life in a whole new way lol! Crazy....sounds exciting to me but I still could never do that. Anyone on here go skydiving? The video was amazing!
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By Jewels
It is SO nice to see you back on the boards Honora, and what a great propic!

I'm not sure on which date your birthday falls, but having a Birthweek gives us the opportunity to celebrate it while having a good time! :D
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By rockclimber
Hi Jewels, it is GREAT to see YOU!!!!

Winston sends a wet nose.....

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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By Thinker
I would look forward to your return massage. I would start on your shoulders and proceed down your back. After working your butt, I'll work on the back of your long and sexy legs. Rolling over would let me massage your feet and continue up your legs. Quickly working on your belly and chest, I'll get those arms as well as I got your legs. Lastly, I would not forget your face.

If you wanted, I could also massage any other part of you that was missed. If the body massage did not turn you into jelly, the last massage would!!! You won't be up to returning the massage tonight. It will have to wait for another evening. Tonight we can just cuddle up and drift off to sleep...
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By mandadees
Happy Birthweek Crime Partner,

I'll just bump this up and give you a big COFF hug!

Much love, xoxo M :-)
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By Skeetz
Manda, my Love, I don't know how you did it but you really had me going . . . of course it's not the first time now that I think of it. ;) Love that pose!

I can't speak, "Passionate Pink" nearly so beautifully as you, but maybe if I snuggle up really close behind you for inspiration . . . :oops: . . . . . there, how's that?

Ode to Honora's Birthday

'tis true, as Manda so sweetly has said,
'tis the Birthweek of our much loved "Li'l Red,"
With complexion so fair,
Beautiful auburn hair,
Her St. Patty's day poster still hangs o'er my bed.

Happy, Happy Birthweek, Honora! I just loved that "FMII" shirt, You wore it soooo perfectly.
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By Skeetz
OK, I need to explain that somewhat cryptic first paragraph.

When the email alert came to my phone this a.m. Manda's "Pink Post" was the only one displayed. I had my display set to cut off at 6 months, therefor the posts from last year didn't appear, just Manda's sweetly inviting pose. Until, that is, I fired up my computer, with its newly installed Hard drive.

Since this was the first "log in" with this new Hard drive, the site came up with VW's default settings, (displaying the full past years postings in Ascending order.) As I scrolled down I thought, on first blush, that I was seeing posts from this morning, (boy was I late to the party.) When I tried to comment with my silly L'il limerick, I was prompted to log in again. This, of course, brought back my, "six month, in DEscending order, " display settings and once again, only this mornings post showed. Confused the Crap outta' me for a few minutes, but the :idea: finally came on and I changed the setting back to the defaults.

Reading those year old posts reminded me of how much fun we were having, in those bygone days, and seeing Jewels smiling eyes brought a tear to mine. Love you and miss you, Victoria, where ever you are! (sighing deeply)

As a reward for enduring this soliloquy and for the newbies who don't recognize the "FMII" acronym, I'll put up this vintage, St Patty's day "Honora" pic. Hope you don't mind sweet thing, but it's a beautiful shot!

MissH x 3.jpg
Sure miss the "Good Old" days! But now back to our regularly scheduled program. Happy Birthweek, Li'l Red!

Thanks for the memories Manda!
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By Coffjr
Happy Birthweek Li'l Red. Thanks Manda for the reminder. I miss all the fun we had with the COFF group. Now I just peek in to see what's happening and that's not every day.
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By trinityxxx
I know I am late.... But wanted to send Honora happy bday wishes!
Hope all is well my dear and I truly hope your birthday was excellent.
A big hug and kiss sweetie!
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My, my...I feel terrible that I almost missed out on wishing you a Happy Birthday, Honora. What a sexy pro pic you have there. You look gorgeous!! I am very pleased to see you here again and also glad you are doing so well. You certainly brighten up the place when you are here.

I hope you don't mind, Honora if I send a quick "wink" to another fine lady who suddenly reappeared after many, many days of absence. I've been missing that certain someone - sumthin' terrible!! A sight for this old man's sore eyes. ;)

And ole Doc Bob was beginning to believe he'd seen the last of one of his favorite patients. A huge sigh of relief knowing she has weathered the storm that passed thru these parts sometime back. Hope you are well dear lady.
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By honora
Thank you Manda for rekindling the thread to celebrate my birthday; VERY sweet of you! It amazed me to even see this come up again lol!

Sleeky, I had to read and then re-read your posts haha! Love it, and that pic brought back memories! And between you and Rock, it's a close call on who has more of a poetic edge hehe (both of you are awesome btw)

Jr, I absolutely love seeing your posts and as always you made me smile - glad you thought of me!

Trinity!! Thanks babe, I appreciate you writing to me! You are a absolute doll and I'm so glad to hear from you!

Thinker, don't get me started on that massage lol! You know I am holding you to it! Sigh.....hehe

ICU, that is such a sweet post! Thank you!

Reading through the entire thread brought me back in time again; such a a great bunch of people from all across the world! I am really missing some others...hope they are doing alright.
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By Skeetz
Honora, sweetheart I am so glad to see your gorgeous face again.

After posting you're FMII. hardwood flooring picture, I felt a little uncomfortable given all the turmoil that was stirred up the night that pro pic was posted. Sooo, I tried to email you just to be sure you didn't have any reservations about my posting it again. Finding the email addy that I had was no longer valid, and I couldn't get in touch, I was really worried that you might take offense. You are the last person in the world that I would ever want to offended in any way.

Your words this evening bring great relief, as I too look back with great fondness on those days, particularly my nights with the infamous Trio of Trouble. I still don't understand why a few, who were not even involved in the fun that night, were so upset by the fun we were having.

Oh well, water under the bridge I suppose. Glad you appreciated the Limerick, I sorely miss our dear friend Jewels, who always indulged my silliness and even found my Limericks entertaining. Loved that dear Lady, so much!

I wish you Many Happy Returns for your B'day, Li'l Red, and if I could get an updated email address I'd be very happy too.

Love Ya' Kiddo,

Sleeky, aka Skeetz
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By rockclimber
I couldn't let the week end without a short poetic reply, especially with such a sweet compliment!

Another year passes and a fresh one begins,
Spring harkens, flowers waken,
And your smile wither's Winter's fading sins,
Happy Birthweek Honora with pleasure once again,
Poet's inspired by far less than thee,
Would give ransom to be as lucky as we.....

I promised poetry or prose,
to please you as much as a warm beagle nose,
So I hope your reading and filling with smiles,
those smiles that softly beguiles.......

Happy Birthweek Honora......!
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By rockclimber
Almost forgot the nose........!       (Dedicated to "Sleeky", he he.......)
Almost forgot the nose........! (Dedicated to "Sleeky", he he.......)
Winston B_ Gull P1110904.JPG (10.23 KiB) Viewed 21772 times
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By honora
Nice poem Rock, thanks. I really don't need poems though, just a simple "Happy Birthday" works just fine. No need to overdue it - plus to be honest my birthdays are not celebrated by huge well planned parties anymore. The past few years I even lost track of exactly how old I am. I have to think for about a minute and try to remember.

Skeetz, I wasn't offended but I was surprised to see that pic (again). That night sharing pics with Manda and Ms. T on the thread was fun, but some of the others were only upset because they were looking out for us and care about us. I can understand that and have much respect for that. There were some communication issues but it got worked out. But, that pic does make me wince a little, not because I don't like it but I wish it weren't so big!

All you have to do is private message me here on VW if you want. I don't do personal email anymore. (Not towards you, I mean anyone).

So lets just let this thread move on down now lol; I'll meet you all over at the Town Hall!
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By 327retro
Haven't been around much lately Lil'Red. Different job & hours have cut into the time factor. Hope I'm hot to late to wish you A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET THING.
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By mandadees

:lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG, it's Happy Birthweek time again for Honora! :D

I hope you have a special week and lots of sexy fun :oops: :oops: and good times! 8-) ;) xoxox sweetie!!!
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By honora
Manda you are such a sweetheart, thank you!! It was nice to see this after a long night at the hospital, so thanks for making my morning (now I'm off to sleep the rest of it away) :D :D

We need to get together to celebrate, how about this weekend? You know, we've been talking about this for years! :lol:

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By 327retro
That time already Lil'Red? Foxy as ever sweet lady. The very best to you. Do you prefer Birthday pats or nibbles?
Happy-Birthday-Wishes-4.gif (72.03 KiB) Viewed 19495 times
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By Coffjr
Lil'red - a very Happy Birthweek! Hope you get your birthday off and can enjoy it. Now you know if I were around, you'd be very pampered that day - more so than normal. Starting with breakfast in bed, going somewhere just for you (hair, nails, shopping, etc), special dinner, bubble bath, massage and then to bed. Hope you get at least some of this on your special day.
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By 327retro
OK, what happened to all the replies over the past few days???? :evil: Honora's, mine and others, what gives?
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By honora
Hey Grumpy!! Yeah looks like those still aren't restored, oh well. I'm guessing you saw my reply to you then? I said what a gentlemen you are, and if I need to pick just one? :D

And Thumper wrote a teasing comment and I said I think he needs to finish it, write a story about it and share it with me! :lol: :oops:

Wow Jr!! There needs to be more men like you this world! You are so sweet!!

I had even changed my propic to be like Manda's but I see it went back to my old one. I had a corset top on; funny how the timing works around here :lol: I wonder once those last few comments are restored if it will also change my propic.....anyway, hope you all have a great day!!
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By rockclimber
I may be wrong, but I fear those comments will be gone forever.

Diego has everything we stored up until late Tuesday about 5 o'clock. Everything after that, including the posts I made about it are gone now.

I think maybe that new profile pic you put up caused a meltdown on the server!!
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By FastFive
honora wrote:I had even changed my propic to be like Manda's but I see it went back to my old one. I had a corset top on; funny how the timing works around here :lol: I wonder once those last few comments are restored if it will also change my propic.....anyway, hope you all have a great day!!
I like the look. :D

It's kinda' how I imagine all beautiful women... sitting at their computer, chatting with me... in a corset.

Or naked. That works too. :oops:

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By trinityxxx
Wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday my dear. I regret not getting on here sooner to send you wishes. I hope your bday was nothing but wonderful. You are such a sweetie pie my dear.
Lots of love to you!
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By rockclimber
Another for the stack...

IMG_20150410_090231.jpg (32.48 KiB) Viewed 19434 times
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By rockclimber
honora wrote: I had even changed my propic to be like Manda's but I see it went back to my old one. I had a corset top on; funny how the timing works around here :lol: I wonder once those last few comments are restored if it will also change my propic.....anyway, hope you all have a great day!!

Winston too, looks good on black leather.....

Have fun, it's Friday!
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By honora
Hey Rock, thanks you are always so supportive and that's a cute pic of Winston. The corset I was wearing wasn't leather but I did wear black leather pants with it ;)
trinityxxx wrote:Wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday my dear. I regret not getting on here sooner to send you wishes. I hope your bday was nothing but wonderful. You are such a sweetie pie my dear.
Lots of love to you!
Thank you Miss Trin, it is always SO nice to hear from you!! You are such a sweetie too! I would love to just give you a big hug right now :D Yes it was a wonderful day :D
FastFive wrote:
I like the look. :D

It's kinda' how I imagine all beautiful women... sitting at their computer, chatting with me... in a corset.

Or naked. That works too. :oops:
I like the look too :mrgreen:

I really am not the type to care too much about drawing attention to myself but there is something magical that this corset emanates when I wear this in public. I've even worn this with jeans lol! I guess it's the boobage :lol:

Naked IS the best end result at the computer! :lol: I start out cold and end up hot :oops: :oops:
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By rockclimber

That.... Is exquisite...... I don't know whether it's the hair or the look in your eyes.

The package just works! The corset is nothing less than beautiful, but if you need a helping hand with support, I have two..... 8-) You have excellent taste!

I suspect, all would agree you look better in your leather pants than I do in mine! (I have a pic somewhere, have to look)

As for the last, I'll leave naked at the computer to you though, you do it so well and people would just point and laugh were I to. Ha ha!

Wow.... Just, wow.....Dr
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By BreeOclaire
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party (been crazy busy and preoccupied with life) ... none the less wanted to add my wishes to your Special Day, Honora! Hope you are happy & content with all that you have and that you gained a bit more sweetness of course ♥
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By Coffjr
Lil'red - and you are one in a million. Your corset picture is just amazing, your eyes - oh your eyes! Green sure does look good on you but then so do all those freckles. I'm not so sure the world is ready for more men like me. ha,ha :twisted:
By DangerousDi
Happy birthday Honora, don't know you much but hope it was great.
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By mandadees
Mmm, Weekends! :oops: :oops:
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