Open Discussions about the site
Got a favorite photo or video from this month on VoyeurWeb? Post the links here, and let us know why you find it so hot. I know, I know, it will be difficult (almost impossible) to chose only one, so maximum of top five!
This one was already posted once, but I had to put it up here as everything was so professional. Maybe your team should do a write up on how she did the video, or if there was someone filming how they did it so well.
Tips: Like how did she get all the lines correct without flubbing
Tips: How did the video taping techniques work
They already gave tips within the video on other things. favortie had to show it to my husband.
#14488 Nicole and her photog always get the best poses and captures the correct body parts. I have to admit I like others of Nicoles better than just out there naked, but I know it is a contest. Anyway her poses are great. Oh and she is too.
cdl2 & DangerousDi, thanks for the link shares! It is nice on the busy days to come here and check out this thread, click a link and enjoy the beauty. Please keep up the great favorites!

espresso12, do you have any favorites for us?
ausnackt wrote:my favorite is a tittie-cam my wife poster about 6 years back. I don't how to to see it any more. Suggestions?
If your wife posted it in HomeClips I might be able to find it for you, do you remember the name she posted under or the name of the contri?
it was on the now defunct 'tittie-cam' not Home Clips.

She didn't want to show her face because 'once something is on the internet it never disappears'. In the case of all posts to tittie-cam, it appears to have indeed disappeared. Hence my plea.
Kiki wrote:Got a favorite photo or video from this month on VoyeurWeb? Post the links here, and let us know why you find it so hot. I know, I know, it will be difficult (almost impossible) to chose only one, so maximum of top five!
just this month only? my favorites are anything amateur public,

my all time favorite NIP is, like ausnackt, my wife's contributions to the 2005 scavenger hunt. at least wiki made it through the crash

good luck ausnackt
now she won't let me because of the rude comments she got back then, we ignored them until someone wrote that they were going to kill her,
Ug. Some people are insanely messed up, and not to mention outright detestable.

There have been some changes made to posting contris, one is that you now can disallow any comments if you decide, or just allow for registered users to comment. Also, as far as comments go, you will notice that the paid sites have a far different feel than that of the free side, plus on the Explicit BBs I guarantee you find a wonderful community who know how to appreciate a lovely lady. I do hope you two reconsider posting, those photos you linked are sexy and so much fun to view.

Many contributors have requested for us to implement a system where they can delete comments on their own contributions at any time, and we are working on implementing this. Soon you will see more interactivity between contributor and users, which will be more fun as well, plus the bashers won't find themselves in a very friendly conversation that way, so you can expect many to change their tunes.
Masseur - That is a tough one! I generally love the photo sets where the woman is having fun and clearing enjoying herself, rather than the very serious shots, but to have to pick is always difficult...
I could'nt agree more. Picking just one would be nearly impossible. The confident smile and the look of "I'm loving this" is a definite plus. One beauty I always enjoy seeing is Vanessa B. There is something so naturally sexy about her. In all fairness though I would have to list another 20 or 30 ladies ladies that have "gifted" us with their photo's. GOTTA LOVE EM !!!
DangerousDi wrote: This one is amazing. She know how to show the goods and tranforms when she takes her hair down. WOW.
DD, don't get me wrong but sometimes I truely don't know if you just acting naive...
She is a pro and she doesn't even hide her name - she has her own member site :
fionna.jpg (26.62 KiB) Viewed 194243 times
You might ask now, why - for heaven' sake- is she allowed to post so many contris in VW?
aehhh, I don't know.
Expresso12: I did not know she was a pro. Aren't they suppose to submit as a pro? Aren't they allowed to make money off VW if they are pro? That discourages the average person. I have to agree with you.
Whoops sorry about spelling your user name wrong. Also wanted to say I don't go all over the internet look for babe's. I come to VW to get idea for pictures that my husband and I do. Therefore I don't have the information that some one has a site of their own.
Espresso12, thank you for bringing that to my attention, it was already reported by another member and removed. Please also ensure that you report the photo using the link, as this is the most effective way to help us with any non-amateur content you see.

Bigdeskjet, the community wanted amateur-only material and felt that anyone with a site did not fit this description, so we obliged - all of VoyeurWeb/RedClouds/HomeClips is solely amateur.
There is a superb one of Elise, the song was so great I had to look it up. Touch and go to number one. Her video gets votes from me to the person doing the video. It was just fantastic. Nothing like a great video and music together with a hot gal for all the guys. Check it out by going to home page and looking under video.
What is the link, I didn't see any links that Carrie did a video under erotic video's. I wonder if it is Mr. Big's, Carrie? Now you have me curious.

Whoops looks like I forgot the link to Elise
:oops:" onclick=";return false;
Yes, Mr. Big is Carrie's husband. She was on the site a few years back then tapered off. Not sure if she has posted since the site hijacking.

The videos drop off the Erotic Amateurs Videos section after a while. The link to the video has been gone for a couple of years. It was the perfect striptease dancing. Every movement was deliberate, well done, and looked so natural. It should be THE How-To video.
The above post of Di's is a very good one. There was a gal on here once who did a few stripteases, sadly I forgot her name, but heres were taken in her living room, by herself. Thinnish, attractive girl, small chest, etc. What was alluring is that she took the video herself, and the guts to post it herself, and, well, looked wonderful....Im thinking it was Caroline, but, well, its been awhile. Pretty sure she took it off to Nickleback music tho.

Part of the thing for me is to try and imagine whats going on inside the head of the gal....anyhow, that one or two videos she made blew me away.....cant post a link...sorry
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