Open Discussions about the site
By OldTimer
Like most of you, I see what is happening here, and I question what I read...
For those of you who haven't been around since day one, here is a VW history lesson..

I have been a VW viewer since the third day after VW was born. Back in the 90's, there was a voyeur site called Five Eyes, and Igor copied that site. Voyeurweb sprang to life. It was ONE simple page. One to three photo sets were posted each day, and every one of them were voyeur photos... mostly upskirts, some window peeping and dressing room shots. All the photos had been taken by IGOR, the site was owned and run by Igor..

Quickly, people began sending Igor their own voyeur photos and Igor started posting them. He would post funny comments on each photo and the site steadily grew. At some point, he did "live" voyeur posting by traveling around, coming online and posting voyeuristic photos from his current location. He tried to do live video, but the technology was so new that it only worked for a couple of minutes before the server crashed. He claimed to drive a beat up old Jeep and he even posted photos of it. At that point, the only content on the site was voyeur photos. There was no voting and no prize money. It was all for fun.

Once user photos began to be posted, the usual arguments began.. some were accused of "faking" voyeur photos and posting photos of their wives. Some photos were obviously staged.... Thus was born the "private shots" area of the site - a place for posed photos of wives and girlfriends. At this point, the only person commenting on contris, and running the site was Igor. The only email address associated with the site was The site produced no income, thus had no value. There was NO reason for any "company" to own it. Igor claimed to be a software salesman who ran the site as a hobby.

The "eye" logo you see here? It was created by a viewer of the site. Igor held a contest and people sent in logos.. the "Eye" won. Viewership steadily grew and bandwidth costs were getting higher and higher, so a banner clicking system was installed. To encourage viewers to click the banners, Igor would hide a contri behind a banner each day. This lasted about a year..At the same time, people started sending more and more explicit photos. Blurring of photos was tried, but people complained. Thus, another contest was held - Igor needed a name for the new explicit site. Redclouds was born.

The money started flowing in. Igor had struck gold. He chatted with us, he answered emails. He posted photos of his new Porsche. He started giving away money for monthly section winners....He owned the site. Or at least he claimed he did and there was no reason to disbelieve him. There were several VW get togethers... a party at Key West, Igor was there. It was broadcast live via webcams. This happened every year for several years. Most all of the regular contributors were there.. everyone knew him.

The live webcam broadcasts led to Igor's next brainstorm... creating and opening Da House. It was a rented home in Tampa Florida that was full of nude girls. Girls on cam 24/7, and they would each chat with viewers. Igor carried cams around the house and gave us virtual tours. Da House lasted about a year, then abruptly shut down. Rumors said the local zoning commission did it... others said the girls got out of hand. One girl, named Ally, sort of rebelled and started her own site. According to her, Igor owned and ran the whole shebang, but at some point, sold Da House to some middle eastern investors. Veiwers of Da House webcams actually saw these guys walking around the house and chatted with girls while they were there.

This is where I think ownership of VW changed. It is nothing but a pure guess on my part, but right around this time there was a change. Igor rarely communicated with viewers anymore and when he did, he was often an angry guy. Voyeurweb had changed and so had Igor.

The next addition was either Homeclips or, I can't recall which came first.

Igor never was a nice guy. He started out as a guy who liked to look up women's skirts and sneak photos.. he even posted instructions on how to do this. During the first years of this site, his comments on the photos were usually very funny, but extremely harsh. In some weird way, this contributed to the popularity of the site. If a woman in the photos was heavy, he would accuse her of eating too much and tell her to lay off the burgers. If she had sagging breasts he would call them "sad-o-baggos"..and laugh about how her boobs pointed directly to the center of the earth. Viewers complained about his comments so much that he finally stopped commenting and got others to do it. Regardless..VW was a success, so copycat sites sprang to life and many of them experienced cyber attacks. Igor bragged about it on VW and called them copyrats. Like I said, he wasn't a nice guy at all.

I think this latest chapter is terrible. This site has been a lot of fun over the years. I plan to stick with VW, no matter who is running it.. and I encourage you to do the same.

If you have any history questions, feel free to ask. I've been here a long, long time.
By mbckic
Sounds like it may end up being a good thing Igor is gone after all.I had already decided to stay with Redclouds because of what he did and will not be on his new site.
Thanks for the history we did not find Voyeurweb until around 2000.
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By rugrollers
OldTimer wrote:Like most of you, I see what is happening here, and I question what I read...
For those of you who haven't been around since day one, here is a VW history lesson..

I have been a VW viewer since the third day after VW was born.
See, now this is why I can't get any work done this week. This whole thing is certainly upsetting and infuriating, but also addictively fascinating (like a train wreck), and increasingly informative.
right around this time there was a change. Igor rarely communicated with viewers anymore and when he did, he was often an angry guy. Voyeurweb had changed and so had Igor.
This probably explains why there's a contingent of long-time site folks who are so loyal they instantly followed Igor to the new site, even though he misappropriated their material without asking them. One even said, "we always sent our pics to Igor," so how could it violate copyright if he took them with him. Personally, I've always found him precisely "never a nice guy."

Thank you, OldTimer.
By majicman
I have a friend who was also around way back when and in the past he has told me pretty much the same story as Old Timer just posted.

This is absolute speculation but I wonder if the original "Igor" took the money and ran way back in the 90's so the new group created their own character called "Igor" to give them credibility and to stay anonymous and that is the the Igor causing all this trouble now. That could explain creating a fictitious person in the first place.
By OldTimer
You're welcome!

There are a few bits of trivia that I left out of the history. When VW was new, it was strictly voyeur photos only. Igor was against having a private shots type area, but viewers demanded it.. so he gave in. It was the same with Redclouds. Igor claimed to be turned off by explicit photos and he never commented on those contris. He only set up Redclouds because the banner system wasn't keeping up with bandwidth costs.. basically, it was the only way to pay for the Voyeur stuff that he liked. He had no idea that it would earn so much money. Also, when VW was first born, he claimed to have a wife who helped him out. I think her name was Jan (or maybe Joy), but I can't remember for sure. She would sometimes chastise him for being too mean to the contributors. Don't get me wrong..Igor didn't slam all the girls, and he wasn't mean to everyone. But if a chick was fat, out of shape or ugly... look out. He was actually quite charming to many of the ladies and several went to Florida to visit him.

Speaking of comments. there was one gal (I can't recall her name) who sent in tons of contris. It got on Igor's nerves. He commented on her final contri that she "was so ugly that she needed facial surgery" and accused her of sending in 50,000 photos. He even created a huge collage of all her photos, made fun of her and ran her off the site. Viewers cheered. VW could be a rough place back then.

DaHouse was called The original idea was to be able to voyeur a couple of girls living their daily lives in a house. Igor was big into the voyeur stuff and this was his dream. That turned out to be too boring, so they ended up hiring about 12 girls who worked at Da House in shifts, and sat around nude doing cam shows and chatting with members 24/7.

If you want to see how it was, vist and type in It doesn't take you back to the first days, but it will take you back to Feb 1998. No photos, but you can read the comments and see how it looked when it was all about one year old.
By Suntann
I joined in 2000 and it was a much different site in the end that it was years back.There use to be some level of moderation, not a spec of that in the end.

That said it would be nice to see the site come back up in its last version.
By Stacy69
Very interesting history lesson. I didn't know there was a site called Five Eyes before VW. Just goes to show that everybody is inspired by something - nothing it totally original.

Knowing this background information from a viewer that witnessed the site evolve first-hand lends credence to the idea that Igor did own and operate VW by himself in the beginning.

The viewer who created the Eye logo did a brilliant job.

I found VW in 1999, two years after it's stated birthdate, so I do remember that latter part of the history lesson :)

I had read stories over the years from others who were around when the site started, about how Igor used to bash people who were not to his particular visual taste. I was fascinated to see that the site grew regardless of such brutal attacks on some of its own contributors. I can only recall when Igor bashed women with breast implants. He was never a fan of those.

I also remember when Igor stated that the site that was once his hobby had become hard work. VW was receiving and posting tons of contributions every day, and Igor stated how it had become a full-time job.

I still find it difficult to believe that Igor was not the original owner. As somebody else said, since Igor is a pseudonym, the original Igor may have left or sold many moons ago. The Igor that hacked the site and started VC may be a different "Igor" altogether.

Short of court documents specifying who owned what and when, we'll likely never know the truth.
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By rugrollers
Stacy69 wrote:As somebody else said, since Igor is a pseudonym, the original Igor may have left or sold many moons ago. The Igor that hacked the site and started VC may be a different "Igor" altogether.
Short of court documents specifying who owned what and when, we'll likely never know the truth.
But those who met him back when should be able to tell us whether this is him, in an article (with photo) linked from this thread ("Is this Igor?"):
By OldTimer
That picture is him. (Or was him.. the link is gone now, but I had looked at earlier.)

From what I've read elsewhere on the net, I think my suspicions were right - VW changed ownership because of Watchcams, during the whole Da House episode. VW grew so large that it was not manageable by one person, so others were brought in...Which means Katherine is right - Igor didn't own VW and there have probably been several employees who used his nick AFTER the new partners came aboard. But that is his fault.. he allowed that to happen.....

But Igor (or the guy we all know as Igor), the original Igor.. did start this site and he did own it in it's first years. It was his vision that started all of this. Back in the day, Five Eyes was a decent site, but VW was a GREAT site... from day one.

I like VW, I like Katherine, and I like Igor. The internet can be a rough place, especially when it involves porn and money. The ones who really lose are us viewers and loyal fans of this place. We made VW what is was... I only hope that both sides can work this out and things can get back to normal.
By Stacy69
I agree oldtimer. Igor the character didn't own any of the sites, but the original guy behind the Igor persona was the original owner. It was either sold in full, or parts of it sold or outsourced or managed by others, but the original Igor was surely the owner when it all started.
By augustwest
OldTimer - There was a live video feed back then, before was the VW toilet. Some members stared at that feed for hours waiting for one of Igor"s female assistants to enter. Only the lucky few caught the rare bird, but either their eyesight or their mind had reached the astral plane by then.
By bear92

I live in Tampa, and I remember in the late '90's a big fight in local politics over something called "Voyeurdorm." Same concept as "Da House." To your knowledge was it the same thing or a copycat? If I remember correctly the Voyeurdorm was shut down because it was operating in a residential neighborhood. People complained. These are the same people that brought us the "six-foot" rule that requires that nude women in strip clubs remain six feet from patrons. This law is broken--a lot! :D

Mr. Cougarprey
By OldTimer
Yes Superguy!!! June! That was her name! And I do remember the VW toilet cam. This site has really been a lot of fun over the years.

Ok, some BB trivia for all the other 'old timers' out there..

What WWF personality did the Critic use in his posts?
What mature lady from the BB was known for posing nude with a huge hat?
What Indian maiden was known to viciously fight bashers on the BBs?
What was the nick of the sun tanned california girl who, along with her husband, helped manage the BBs (hint - she has huuuge funobagos)?

Let's see who has been around here a looong time...
By Superguy
I never liked the Critic character so I didn't pay his posts any heed. I tried to be friends with him but I felt he was too crass to the ladies.

Maybe Jewels.

Cherokee, we knew her irl.

Nikki and Jme.
By DarknLadyJedi
OldTimer wrote:What WWF personality did the Critic use in his posts?
What mature lady from the BB was known for posing nude with a huge hat?
What Indian maiden was known to viciously fight bashers on the BBs?
What was the nick of the sun tanned california girl who, along with her husband, helped manage the BBs (hint - she has huuuge funobagos)?
No idea.

Gabrielle from FL? I don't really remember the hats thing though. I loved the shoot she did nude inside an open Publix.



A bit of a side history lesson since so much of this is becoming public anyway, Redclouds is actually older than Voyeurweb, by about 3 months. It wasn't even the first site created or owned by the company that owns VW. Most of the sites owned and run have no direct connection to VW at all, and several are not even porn sites. Igormania didn't come about until almost a full year after Redclouds, I think the original pay system was ipaytech, a division of Futurenet, owned by ... the same company that owns VW.
By mrfluffer
Lets add more into the story.
Igor used to also talk about the interviews he did as the site got popular... The story was that "he" was one of the big shots who got let go with the internet/tech boom went bust and left a "major" Internet portal company with more money than God. "His" idea for a website with amateurs was born while walking on a beach in Florida. the original home for VW.

Several of these articles were available on Google when all this broke out.

Girls With Sites Fiasco
The current fiasco smells heavily of his Girls with Sites. The membership site for women who wanted to make money with their pictures. One day "he" said he did not own GWS, but was involved in its sudden sale to another company. But did an Obama move when "he" claimed the royal screwing of all its members was no "his" fault... Leaving many people unpaid...

I'll hang around this site to see if the entertainment value goes up or if all the mysterious people behind the curtain are real or frauds..

Been here 15 years, whats another few weeks to see how it all ends??
By ratbone
before voyeurweb i used another site with a similar name which i cant remember. it had a feature called downblouse. as far as i could tell it was all real. i even corresponded with the dude about some vintage shots i found. then one day the guy put up a general notice that he had been taken over, lost the name to this guy igor. it seemed kinda sad, like he had been sleazed. but igors pix were good and his comments were funny so it just kept happening. wondering if anyone else remembers it this way and also wondering if that jive, stagey, models for fun thing was an indication of some major change coming.
By CaptainBK

A history lesson I can relate to. I have been following VW since the first week, maybe 5 or 6 days afteri ts inception.

To prove my claim, I will answer the "trivia" questions,

The Critic, who I did battle with for a long time on the BBs used the icon pic of "The Rock". Btw, I always considered Critic a worthy advisary, but I would call the overall battle a draw.

Jewels wore the hats. Sweet lady. Talked to her at great length on the phone one night.

Cherokee was correct

as was Nikki and Jme.

I remember the Jeep.

I remember the Porsche

I remember Igor not only trashing contributors, but, many times their housekeeping skills (or lack thereof). It was sometimes, hilarious.

I remember a 2 or 3 week saga when Igor bought a pressure washer and it apparently made his dick bigger. That was all he talked about.....his damned pressure washer.

I remember "DaHouse" and DaHouse in Europe (Holland) and want give a heads-up to Terri if she ever sees this as she was my "wife". I posted then under a different name, but was going through a nasty divorce. Terri, now a porn star, brought a lot of smiles at a time when my life was topsy-turvy. Old history.

There is more info I could post regarding a number of old BBs that were blown up by Igor, but I will let it slide to protect the woman I love and have been married to for nearly 10 years and who was accused of many things that she didn't do.

Anyway, I am sad to see this entire drama unfold. I really could care less who's fault it is and who is to blame.

All I know is, the best adult website on the internet bit the dust. I have serious doubts it will ever return to its former self.

For those of you who may remember me, I say hello. If you didn't like me, oh well. I have lost no sleep over it.

By TheCandidBoard
In addition, from what I remember, before the internet there was a guy who used to shoot voyeur video. He went by the name "IIIII" ( Five Eyes ).

He would sell his VHS videos by advertising in the classified sections of adult magazines. People would buy his VHS tapes by sending a cash, check or money order to a P.O. Box then he would mail you an actual VHS tape.

I was'nt aware of the original Five Eyes website, and I wonder why it never took off. But I do still see "IIIII" posting on some sites.

I did attend the Voyeurweb Party in 2001 at the Rio in Las Vegas held during the same time at Internext convention. I asked everyone I spoke to there who was Igor. They said he was there at the party but no one actually knew who he was.

What was the story about the webmaster affiliate program ProAdult closeing. It owed a lot of webmasters money.
Last edited by TheCandidBoard on Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By Justthetip73
I remember early on when it was mostly upskirts and downblouses, but then there was legal trouble due to the lack of consent of the subjects.

When people started contributing Igor always talked about "puppies" & "bagos" and used the term "WFI" (Waiting for Igor) to describe his favorite pose, the bent over view from behind.

Some of my favorites from the early days were Aussiejewel, Nikki, Lindsey, Lexi, Red Devil or something like that, English Wife, and a Latina lady whose name started with an A.

I've been following this site through 3 generations of home PCs and I even found some pics I saved on 3.5 inch floppy discs from my early viewing days.
By DancingHomer
OldTimer wrote: If you want to see how it was, vist and type in It doesn't take you back to the first days, but it will take you back to Feb 1998. No photos, but you can read the comments and see how it looked when it was all about one year old.
Many thanks for the history lesson, and the incredible archive site. I had heard of the Internet Archive through my work but never imagined it would be archiving porn. It enabled me to date my joining of VW to 2005. It does seem to have a lot of images between 2002 and 2007 (although not RC & HC). It would be interesting to hear what the posters who are worrying on other threads about their images getting spread across the internet without their permission (what did they think was likely to happen after submitting to a porn site) would have to say about this.

It also means that some of my favourite contributors such as Michele, Nikki & Brandie are still out there somewhere.
By mrwise
Thanks for the history. I've only been around 10 years. I like the community here and plan to stay with VW (I just hope it survives - I miss it already, and I'm desperate to see Katherines breasts). Even if VW folds I won't follow a psychopathic traitor to VC.
By BigNic
I have only been a member for a few years.
I saw the references to Igor everywhere, but never had any interaction with him.
I am not even interested in him.

I just want to get back to RC as it was, or a web site with similar functions.
By speedee
I'm another old-time VW viewer, although I think I only commented on 1 or 2 contris back in the day. I read this thread, and it brought back some further memories (including one thing that I thought HAD to be in a VW History), so here goes a random stream-of-consciousness. Who remembers:
  • Before Watchcams, or while the original Igor was trying to get "his dream" going, there were two women who put a webcam under the desk they shared in their office. If they left their chair, they'd put up signs saying "Gone to fax" or something similar. I remember one day one of them wore panties with flashing LED's on them, which became a promo photo. Once in a great while they'd lose the underwear entirely for our benefit. That setup vanished after not-too-long; I assume they got busted by the boss.
  • There was one blonde girl from Da House - Alissa or something like that - who Igor claimed to have fallen head-over-heels in love with. Her photo, flipping off the camera (and us), adorned the VW homepage for over a year. I found a posting by her on a message board someplace not too long ago, so I guess she's around somewhere.
  • Once upon a time, VW had a page with instructions and equipment recommendations for voyeur photography, including both spy cams and the Sony nightshot X-ray effect. I'm not sure if that stuck around until the hidden-camera stuff was pulled from the site, or if they removed it earlier as anti-voyeur legislation spread around the US.
  • And I'll make the thing the thread couldn't be a REAL VW history without into a trivia question: what was the one thing that the original Igor (and probably his later simulacra as well) truly hated to see in a contri? When he saw it, he'd typically scream something in all-caps in his comments.
I haven't spent significant time at VW in ages, and as I said I never really interacted on the boards, but I do wish good luck to all of you and look forward to seeing how this shakes out.
By speedee
Something else occurred to me... it was described how JA registered "Igormaina" in 1997, and how we thought the "original" VW changed hands after Da House came crashing down, and that it was around that time that "Igor" seemed to change as well. His English definitely and drastically improved, for one thing, and he gradually let go of e.g. being the only person to comment on voyeur contri's. But, if JA was involved as early as 1997....

What if JA was, in fact, the "original" Igor?

(Note: this is pure speculation on my part; I have no evidence of anything one way or the other. It just happened to occur to me and seemed to fit the available evidence as I remember it from the scattered threads. I'm also aware that, if your primary interest in VW wasn't the kind of material that they stopped posting a few years ago, you probably don't care about this aspect at all.)
By koyote
speedee wrote:I'm another old-time VW viewer, although I think I only commented on 1 or 2 contris back in the day. I read this thread, and it brought back some further memories (including one thing that I thought HAD to be in a VW History), so here goes a random stream-of-consciousness. Who remembers:
  • Before Watchcams, or while the original Igor was trying to get "his dream" going, there were two women who put a webcam under the desk they shared in their office. If they left their chair, they'd put up signs saying "Gone to fax" or something similar. I remember one day one of them wore panties with flashing LED's on them, which became a promo photo. Once in a great while they'd lose the underwear entirely for our benefit. That setup vanished after not-too-long; I assume they got busted by the boss.
  • There was one blonde girl from Da House - Alissa or something like that - who Igor claimed to have fallen head-over-heels in love with. Her photo, flipping off the camera (and us), adorned the VW homepage for over a year. I found a posting by her on a message board someplace not too long ago, so I guess she's around somewhere.
  • Once upon a time, VW had a page with instructions and equipment recommendations for voyeur photography, including both spy cams and the Sony nightshot X-ray effect. I'm not sure if that stuck around until the hidden-camera stuff was pulled from the site, or if they removed it earlier as anti-voyeur legislation spread around the US.
  • And I'll make the thing the thread couldn't be a REAL VW history without into a trivia question: what was the one thing that the original Igor (and probably his later simulacra as well) truly hated to see in a contri? When he saw it, he'd typically scream something in all-caps in his comments.
I haven't spent significant time at VW in ages, and as I said I never really interacted on the boards, but I do wish good luck to all of you and look forward to seeing how this shakes out.

White cotton panties.
By Lisz
koyote wrote: White cotton panties.
How could I forget about that. It is the main reason none can be found at my house.

Igor did a great service to the community with this one.
By TheDrumGuy
Lisz wrote:
koyote wrote: White cotton panties.
How could I forget about that. It is the main reason none can be found at my house.

Igor did a great service to the community with this one.
Totally disagree. I loved them then and I love them now! 8-)
By PrincessRed
I am a returning "Oldster" who took pretty much a 5 or 6 year hiatus I guess. It is good to know that the "Rotten Cottons" are still banned. LOL. I am also glad to see that there are still some names around here that I remember. I was hoping to come across "Grey Ghost" and "The Critic". Is the Dowager Duchess "Jewels" still around? LOL. Yeah I am back and hope to have fun.

If you know me...then you know me...if not...Maybe you'll get lucky. :D

The one
The only...
By DangerousDi
I have been here since 1993, getting ideas. Igor was rude and he probably was mean. I would find gals that posted at VW and now had thier own sites and I would mention VW and they would say what Igor did to them and why they moved on. Therefore I have to say the history is probably right about how he commented on posts. I figured he was a dirty old man. Least he mad it rich off other's people's expense.

He probably will do it all over again.
DangerousDi wrote:I have been here since 1993, getting ideas.
that predates VW and most internet sites.

GWS was a ProAdult joint venture with VW. It started as a means for some girls to archive and post images for the fans outside of the confines of VW/RC contri. Free webspace and bandwidth for starting a Fans of Redclouds (FRC) website - RC members had free access. ProAdult sold memberships to non-RC members. The website owner received a commission on sales through their sites that granted the member access to all the PA sites. Then the big porn masters came in and demanded higher revenues, and Quantum was born as an exclusive one key for all access membership program. And they flooded VW/RC with contri that were totally foreign to the VW community.

John at ProAdult encouraged them to do so. The FRC gals and VWebbers running the small sites were pushed to the side. Problems went unfixed for them in order to make sure the big porn masters had more membership base month after month.

It was at the that time, ownership of VW was brought into question. John stated on the PA Webmaster BB that Igor did not run VW, and Igor had nothing to do with PA. Yet Igor knew how to get things done on both sites. When Igor made a post on the PA BB, things happened. Ownership and running a site are two different things. Igor was clearly in charge of running things. John at PA had to backtrack many times when he stepped on Igor's turf. Some of us long time VWebbers tried to teach John about VW, but he felt he knew everything he needed to know, even posting false information easily refuted.

It was quite clear, no love was lost between Igor and John. Igor wanted to encourage the amateurs; whereas, John had the big bucks in his eyes looking for anyone with content to post in massive quantities. Quality was not a prime concern with PA. The scheme started to fall on itself. New PA sites wanted new members, but the old sites had their claws in the renewals without new content. The new site builders were getting little for a lot of work, and the old site builders of tired old content were taking in lots of money. When the newer sites started to wane, the older sites saw less renewals and complained. Sites were closing, and the members were leaving. And this was all on the PA site with John running things. The damage was spilling over to VW through the GWS connection. Many VWebbers purchased the Quantum memberships but soon realized they were not getting everything they hoped. Many FRC site owners were being encouraged to drop their free RC access by John, and @l@n's RC9 site was no longer enough of a draw to keep the FRC idea alive. Those with PA access were seeing fewer signups, too, and John recommended Quantum memberships for them. But that only feed the big porn masters, not the individual FRC girls. The community was divided and the pot of incoming money was getting smaller.

When John's PA stopped mailing checks, the problem was clear. Igor removed the cancerous PA/GWS from VW. ProAdult failed leaving hundreds without promised checks of thousands of dollars each. Someone got rich. It was not Igor. PA money stayed in PA hands. Igor only bargained to get free webspace in return for the FRC experiment. That was no longer feasible. John disappeared with ProAdult, and the checks owed never arrived.
By Groucho1961
Fabulous piece and I remember the late 1990s VW very well. It started off as wild entertainment and eventually just became another money making venture.

I remember Kelly as my particular favourite and we used to correspond via email. Many a picture she posted was one I suggested or requested. She eventually stopped posting to the site because all her pictures were done with a webcam and the quality suffered in comparison to other contributions. She struggled to stay online and we fell out of touch.

I wish she was still around, she was a good person and a very, very attractive lady!
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By Shimmer
My wife and I found VW back in March of '99 and posted a few "Web Cam" photos of her that summer that were panned pretty bad for the photographic quality of the photos. We had plenty of actual photos of her but when we scanned them on our flat bed scanner the quality was equally bad. It took until the summer of 2003 before we bought our first digital camera and posted some photos that were decent quality. Sailor used to comment on most of her contris and seems to have liked her quite a bit. We changed our online names after a while and while I posted a lot of comments in the public boards under this nick, I used Deadhead over in the contributors lounge. That was a great place until one of the Igors kicked everyone out who was not a current contributor.
By PeersBrasman
Eh, I never liked Igor for some reason. He seemed like an ass. I still miss ******** though. I won't tell you why but I do. I like both sites and still hope it settles and VC is comes back. I have be a viewer of VW for over 11 years... it was the best, now I can't join any site because they all seem unstable.
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By Shimmer
One thing that's bugging me a bit about VW now is on the VW Wiki. Everything I posted there is listed as being posted by the administrator. At least when it got reconstituted on the VC site they left the original credits for who posted what and when. Since the new guys here were so openly childish in their dispute with whomever it was that escaped to VC I'm not sure I fully trust them.
By KatiaKit
We started posting in 1998 just after we were's been such a fun and exciting place to play...

Jake & Katia Kit
By NikkisJme
Heya FAQ, Oldtimer, Superguy(gal), et all,. and greetings voyeurwebbers.

I'd like to add a couple of things to FAQs post above.

Yes Igor was always the same and was involved until the BS with closing this place down. As far as Nikki and I could figure out Igor sold VW to the actual owner (all of the correct real names have been here off and on, I even have pictures of them all.) Yes he was the person at both the Las Vegas and the Tampa live parties. I considered him a friend and decent guy...

Selling VW: I don't claim to know this exactly, but Nikki and I believe VW sold and became a partnership with Igor at the time the second (discus) bulletin board launched and things like GWS were added and PROMOTED to those of us already on VW. As Faq said the mega pros came later. I believe it became both the site we posted at but more importantly it became a massive test engine for new programs for the porn world. Tittycam, assflash, instant posting, picture tagging, the wiki, the BBs both free and RC the new picture view...

For us the first big shocking glance behind the curtain was finding out that Igor and crew were actually organizing pro-porn model shoots to submit "anonymous" pictures for the contests, at least towards the end. Thats what Brandie and Nikki were invited to before our last contri. A rented house in the Hollywood Hills with thousands of dollars in photogs, lights, props etc.... OMG, it wasn't people cheating, it was the staff and Igor was there! We were sort of speechless. It was fun to be at a pro shoot. Nikkis pictures are spectacular but we never shared them, it had always been fun for me to take the shots and the only ones from that day I took were the Brandie and Nikki set at the bottom of the entry stairs that posted here.

The GWS nightmare actually lead to a legal case and I have heard from an attorney over a year after that contacted us, more than one person went to jail. Lots didn't get paid and in the cases of the mega porns some were owed tens of thousands of dollars. A major war kicked off, and even we were sent a check to shut up, interestingly from Igor's personal attorney, so he was still somewhat involved at this point even after kicking GWS out. From what we heard it was all kinds of fun, Soviet and Russian passports, aliases, arrests, massive credit card fraud.... I even saw the arrest record on Tampa Bay DAs website for one person I knew in the company with a federal case title. Someday just may make one hell of a book...

We never knew later they actually tried to bring GWS back... we were blacklisted by then...

We've also kept up with quite a few former posters mostly from Cali and can say most are doing well, and from time to time you can find a gang of us at a local beachside watering hole or around the chiminea in one of our yards.

IMHO the start of the downfall at VW was when Jerry left or was fired. For the old timers still around you remember he actually ran VW day to day and was nearly always on the contributors side, and rarely didn't know what was going on. He left a giant hole when he left, and if whoever is running this now has the ability, GET HIM BACK. We never bought the stories of his stealing and drug use fed us by Igor.

Nikki and I are well, thanks for the shout outs. Nik walks with her degree at the end of this semester, and do to my training in dealing with shit at this place, I logically became a plumber when our real life business failed. We hope all our friends still around are doing well, and we miss you all, and what fun we had!!!

(RIP Sam Colt, we still miss ya buddy.)

Jme & Nikki ; )~

Oh and by the way old timers, is that actually our VW Michelle we keep seeing on a pharmaceutical TV commercial dancing and smiling?! Atta girl!
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By rugrollers
NikkisJme wrote:[muchly snipped]

We never knew later they actually tried to bring GWS back... we were blacklisted by then...

[further snippage]
Interesting bit of history, Jme! One hell of a book is right, but who will write it?

Blacklisted for what? Just curious.

Maybe I'll become a plumber too. Or a carpet installer maybe... heh

Rug Roller
By DarknLadyJedi
Jme, great to hear you and Nikki are doing well, always wondered about your disappearance. Maybe now is a time to make a comeback with that beautiful lady!

And yes, that is Michelle now doing regular TV commercials.
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By jimtheplumber
Wow just re registered (today) & back after about a 3 year break.
I joined in 2001 & spent sometime over on RC too.

Darn things have changed since I been away...
Anyhow hi to all the oldies....I miss Holly, Flo & Bexx to name a few.

Thanx for the updates about the site....

Jim the plumber...
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By melissamadison
WOW!! I cant believe how much I have missed since I have been gone. I miss the old VW days and one of the reasons I left was because I could see the changes.. I miss Jme and Nikki and Cherokee and Jewel, who still has a site if I am not mistaken. I got back on here because I truly missed the crew but I can see everything is way different. I joined originally in 2003, I think, and started posting in RC shortly after I posted on VW a few times.. Thanks for the post Old Timer.. its good to see some of the crew is still on here.. never knew what had happened the Jme and Nikki but they were pretty awesome people..
By DangerousDi
Melissa: JBE and Jewel's post on the boards. Nikki was great, my husband's favorite. Plus I learned a lot from her pictures, and poses, and theme's. Really don't know what happened to her.
By DangerousDi
JBE: Whoops, yes I know that she was talking about Nikki's husband, sorry about that I got the initials mixed up.
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