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By Jbe

Still trying to figure out the "new and improved" :roll: link posting. But here is one from Christmas Eve of one of my favorite contributors. Vanessa and Richard always put out the classiest photos and this set is no different. I don't know why but pic 4 drives me wild! BTW, Vanessa, the longer hair looks great on you.
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By Coffjr
John, a photo of Vanessab fully clothed drives me wild. And I also agree about the longer hair. She is very beautiful and has lots of class. I'm thinking that all Richard has to do is point and shoot (camera that is) and with Vanessa, it will always be a great shot. She also has a lot of personality, I've talked with her on the RCBBs.
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By Vanessab
I've only just found this new part of the forum. Thanks for the thread, Jbe .. and also for the great compliments. :)

That's very kind of you, Coffjr. I wish it were that easy to get a good shot, but Richard's always pretty focussed trying to get the lighting and everything just right ...

Kisses to you both, M and F .. it's always a pleasure to hear from you and it's nice to see you're both still here.

What a lovely comment, retro .. many thanks.
By Jbe
Hi Vanessa! It's great you "discovered" that the Feedback sections are back! It's so wonderful to be able to chat with you again. Oh,I went back and looked at the pics again... and pic 4 STILL drives me wild.

Richard's focus (no pun intended) on getting everything just right certainly does pay off. I've never seen a bad shot of you. I'm sure with all the fussing he does you might get a little impatient waiting for the "click"... but it never shows. One pic that comes to mind is when you were sitting on a log in a red (?) dress waiting for him to get ready and he did a candid shot. That pic was one of my fav's of that set.

During the time we didn't have the Feedback sections and you were posting, I still added pics of you to my Erotic Photography Gallery of Fine Art. :D
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By Vanessab
Yes, it's good to be able to chat with everyone like this again, Jbe. As for getting impatient .. no, not really, I'm either daydreaming or thinking up the next pose. I really enjoy the process so it's never a bore; I'm pleased they come across that way too.

Hello Masseur, I appreciate your kind words.
By Jbe
Vanessa, what Grumpy said above (or is it below :roll: ) goes for me as well. During the 6 or 7 (or it could be even more) years I have been perusing this site you have consistently been one of my favorite contributors.

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By Skeetz
Lots of "long time" fans here Vanessa, as you well know.

We miss you over on the RC boards but I'm sure glad to see you posting here. Now, if we could just get you to load one of your delicious propics, (or should I say avatar?) to brighten up the left column.

And of course, I'm sure you know you can post images with your text here just the same as RC.
(insert Shameless, Selfserving Hint, emoticon)

Love Ya' V&R, hope you're enjoying your summer!
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By Coffjr
Vanessa, I have to echo what Skeets said, lots of "long time" fans and miss you at Sam's Place. But I'm glad you found us here. I hope you can stop by more and chat with us. Oh and please feel free to post any pics, would love to see anything you have. :)
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By Vanessab
Hi Skeetz and Jr .. thanks for both your notes. We are having a good summer over here, lots of days at the beach and we've finally got some rain after a few weeks of heatwaves.

Unfortunately we don't have the time to run a thread on Sam's at the moment as we keep pretty busy elsewhere on the net. I didn't realise you could post photos on this forum, so that's a good option .. and yes, an avatar pic would be a good idea too. I'll see what I can find.

Best wishes ...
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By Vanessab
I thought I would try loading up a couple of pics and see how they look :)
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By Jbe
Vanessa, they are not to big. Click into the pic to get the full size. And they look GREAT! Of course any pic of you is great. Love the propic as well! :mrgreen:
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By Coffjr
Vanessa, bigger is always better isn't it? OK, maybe on some things.

No, these pictures are not too big at all and thanks for posting them. I love them but then I love all the work you and Richard do as long as you are the subject. Fully clothed, half clothed or no clothes at all. Seeing that smile lets me know that you really do enjoy the pictures (but not as much as we do). ;)
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By Coffjr
Oh yea, it works well. Also love your propic - that sexy back just begging to be massaged and some lotion to be put on. Now where did I put that lotion? :D
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By rockclimber

You seem to have discovered one of the coolest features of the new boards...attaching pictures and clips....nicely done I might add......!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

This feature IMO opens up a whole new way to post and share with an almost instantaneous result. Thanks for making such delicious use of what is probably the niftiest new feature here!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
By DangerousDi
I agree with the comment, have never seen a bad pictures of Vanessab. She truely has wowed the masses and continues to do so.
By Jbe
Suuuuhhhh-weeeet! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks for sharing the extra shots, Vanessa. There's no such thing as too much Vanessa.
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By Vanessab
Hello jr .. yes, I love being photographed, I'm glad it shows. And that lotions sounds just great ...

You're very welcome, rockclimber .. and I agree it is a great feature and the pics come up very well here.

You're very kind, Di .. many thanks!

That's a sweet thing to say, Jbe ... :)

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By Coffjr
Grumpy, if you noticed on Vanessa's vid - her Venus dimples shows. This is what you were referring to on another thread. Oh so sexy along with the rest of Vanessa!

And Vanessa, I have a gallon of lotion ready and waiting - do you think that will be enough for the summer? :?
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By Vanessab
Thanks very much, Retro .. I don't know what the instructions say, I just thought I'd load up the gif and see what happened.

I think that lotion should do the job quite nicely, jr! :)
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By Skeetz
Your "Rocking Pussy" is cute Grumpy, but I think I prefer "Vanessa, riding with a Pony Tail" 8-)
By dennis
You are so sexy. Every day when I look at your new pics I find myself stroking because you are so damn hot.
It sure would be nice to see you in person, I'm sure the camera doesn't do you enough justice.
By hunting4
Hi Vanessa,

This is John from Fotki. I am glad to have found you and see that you are still posting sexy photos. I have missed seeing you and am glad i will be able to continue to enjoy your beauty.
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By Skeetz
I kinda' liked the way it was gently used in this shot . . .
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By rockclimber
A bump and a swat with that crop.....
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