Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
In 1958, Betty Friedan wrote an article on global cooling for Harper's magazine.

On April 28, 1974, Time magazine published "A New Ice Age?" and my fingers are still a tad chlled from reading that.

In 1975, Newsweek magazine published "The Cooling World" about this new ice age.

A few years later, the stuff about global warming commenced, and people like Al Gore and John Kerry started taking private jets with enormous carbon footprints to lecture lesser mortals about global warming.
By Clownkicker
"In 1958, Betty Friedan wrote an article on global cooling for Harper's magazine."-johntfibs

Nowhere in her article did Friedan claim there was "global cooling" occurring in 1958. You made it up, as you make up everything you post.
Quite to the contrary, Friedan said that scientists had based their theory on the fact that Arctic ice was melting due to rising temperatures of the day.

"On April 28, 1974, Time magazine published "A New Ice Age?" -johnignoramus

Apparently johnforbes failed to notice the question mark at the end of the title. Apparently even if he did notice the question mark, he was so ignorant that he didn't understand that the title is not an assertion of anything at all and thus cannot be used as the basis for any dimwitted partisan points he is pretending to make. It is a question. A question that later science has since answered for him. But as we see here, johnforbes is not interested in science or its answers. Those he stubbornly ignores. johnforbes is only interested in discussing unsupported partisan propaganda, as we all see from this repetitious, mewling thread.

"In 1975, Newsweek magazine published "The Cooling World" about this new ice age."-johnflubs

Once again johnforbes is confusing popular gossip with actual science. Notice he refuses to include a single reference to any scientific journals of the day publishing articles making such claims because they WEREN'T making such claims.

As I've told the dimwitted johnforbes many times, stop getting your scientific information from internet gossip sites. Sadly, I now must amend that sage advice with "and also stop getting your present day scientific information from non-scientists who wrote non-scientific articles over 50 years ago."

The only thing johnforbes got right in his partisan screed is that some time later Al Gore and John Kerry started to warn him about what the scientists had been telling us all in reputable scientific journals. And does he have the good breeding to just say "Thank you"?

No, of course he doesn't. He's nothing but a course partisan scumbag.
By johnforbes
Last time I saw Clowntoker, he was sporting white socks with sandals.

And his Bermuda shorts were lime green...
By Clownkicker
The last time I saw johnforbes was when he invited me down to his house on Fire Island where he was wearing a Speedo while strutting proudly in front of a bunch of buff all-male guests by the pool. Since he had been ignoring my 'cease and desist' emails telling him to leave me alone because I wasn't gay like him, I had to tell him face to face to knock off his constant fruity strutting about on a certain political bulletin board.

And his Speedo (what there was of it) was "Hasselhoff Red."
By johnforbes
We have all put up with many things over the 79 years which Clowntoker has inhabited -- or infested -- this fine forum.

But enough is enough.

Mocking David Hasselhoff is too much, and beyond the pale.

Besides, we all know that when Clowntoker sings, he sings this:

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