Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
To: The Honorable Mr Forbes

From: Joe Canadian

Re: Years of Pleasant Discourse

First of all, thank you Mr Forbes for the 49 years of pleasant discussion we had on the Interwebs.

Secondly, I learned a lot on the forum, which I entered as a naive young Marxist from scenic downtown Beaver Slide, Canada.

Third, Joe Canadian has transformed into Josephine Canadian and requests that all others join him in misgendering himself.

Fourth, the new email for Josephine Canadian is j_trudeau_is_Castro's_love_child@nuttysocialist.net.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^^ Unsurprisingly, Joe Canadian is still living rent free inside johnny's cavernous skull.

In fact, I think he's my next door neighbor.

There's a lot of wasted space in there.
So Much Winning!!!!

I knew this thread would be here, lol . Anyway, no[…]

"They relied on serial liar Cohen who admitte[…]

johnny, no intelligent person cares what RFK Jr. t[…]

^^^^^^^^Look at 'im squirm.^^^^^^^^ When johnforb[…]

johnny, you made it up, as you make up everything […]

The Meaning of Life

In some of his 8,241,025 postings over his 78 year[…]

A short while after I started dating my wife I fou[…]

Almost Clown Pride Month

Sad to relate, Clown has gotten a jump on many thi[…]