Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
Before destroying all its own work product, that Schiff-Liz Cheney committee suppressed testimony showing that Trump did indeed offer 10,000 Guard troops to pacify that January demonstration.

Pelosi and Mayor Bowser of DC said no.
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By Clownkicker
There are just a few minor problems with johnny's silly post above:

1. johnflubs has not yet learned to write a complete sentence in the English language, instead posting only a sentence fragment without any meaning or point to be made. So why would anyone have an opinion about a topic that conveys no meaning? (But that doesn't stop dimwit johnny from posting nonsense.)

2. johnfibs left out the fact that Republican Mitch McConnell also agreed that Trump didn't offer 10,000 troops to defend the capitol. For some reason Dishonestjohn left out that detail from his diminutive purely-partisan screed.

3. There was no testimony whatsoever from anyone to "suppress" in the first place which said Trump offered 10,000 troops to the D.C. police to control the January MAGA riot at the capitol. When you find such evidence, be sure to let the rest of us see it, dummy.

4. "Pelosi, [McConnell] and Mayor Bowser of DC said no." So who are you gonna believe, johnny? The three people who know the truth or some person you can't even quote making the phony claim and who doesn't even exist?
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By johnforbes
As is often the case, Clowntoker is sadly mistaken.

On January 4, Pelosi was offered the 10k troops and on Jan 5 Mayor Bowser also was.

They both declined, evidently because it had been decided that stability was not wanted.

The J6 Committee had testimony from a guy who heard Mark Meadows making those phone calls on Trump's behalf, and the Committee suppressed evidence which was directly relevant to its supposed probe.

Then the Committee destroyed all of its own work product, thus erasing any credibility it might otherwise have had.
By Clownkicker
As is often the case, johnfibs is sadly mistaken.

True, johnforbes did manage to write a complete sentence in English this time, so kudos for that.
However, Dishonestjohn still has not learned that simply saying something happened does not make it true.
This failure of simple reasoned thought on his part DOES account for his repeatedly falling for Trump's unsupported lies, but it doesn't pass muster on this fine forum.

The day johnforbes posts some evidence to support his assertions is the day we will consider that he isn't merely another gullible Republican partisan hack. (We should all live that long.)

"The J6 Committee had testimony from a guy..."-johnflubs
Oh, REALLY? From a guy. From a guy with no name? A guy who heard Meadows say something? And for some reason Meadows didn't offer this damning tidbit of information to the committee? And you blame Democrats for this? Well why didn't you SAY so, johnny? Gawd, you are gullible.

I heard there was a guy who knew a guy who said Trump said "Fuck the Capitol. Let them kill Pence and the rest." Then some Republican operatives had the testimony deleted and murdered the guy and tried to frame Democrats for a cover up.
So that's what I believe happened and johnforbes must agree that it's true since I've provided him with the same amount of evidence he has given us to support his claims. It meets johnny's requirements for the veracity of a particular piece of hearsay, so it clearly must be true.

Of course, neither Pelosi nor Bowser nor McConnell were offered any troops, EVER. (Why would they be since none of them is responsible for the security of the Capitol. johnforbes simply made it up.) Obviously, if johnforbes had a shred of evidence to support his lie he would post it.

The person Trump SHOULD have offered troops is the Capitol Police, but he didn't. There is no record of such an offer in Capitol Police records.
By johnforbes
As is often the case, Clowntoker is not merely mistaken, but repeatedly mistaken.

The prior comments of Mr Forbes cannot be surpassed for lucidity and general eloquence.

For Clowntoker's full position, look at his web site, which is Simperinig_Socialist.com.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^ ...and johnfibs once again demonstrates he's lying by simpering and whining about anything else rather than come up with a simple name of anyone whose testimony was "suppressed" by the J6 Committee.

As is ALWAYS the case, johnfuckhead is not merely mistaken, but he's a lying weasel as well.

For johnforbes' full Depends, look in his garbage can out back, which is disgusting.
By johnforbes
As is often the case -- and, sadly, as is manifest yet again -- Clowntoker is not merely mistaken, but repeatedly mistaken.

The prior comments of Mr Forbes cannot be surpassed for lucidity and general eloquence.

They also reflect great credit on Mr Forbes, who comes across as not merely handsome and fit, but also charming and amiable.

For Clowntoker's full position, look at his web site, which is Wimpering_Wimp. org.
By Clownkicker
What did I tell you, johnfibs has nothin' beyond his impotent, pathetic ad hominem attacks.

The one thing we are all sure of, including johnfuckhead himself, is that he hasn't got a single name of anyone who had their J6 testimony "suppressed".
By johnforbes
What did Mr Forbes, in his wisdom, say and say yet again?

As is often the case -- and, sadly, as is manifest yet again -- Clowntoker is not merely mistaken, but repeatedly mistaken.

The prior comments of Mr Forbes cannot be surpassed for lucidity and general eloquence.

They also reflect great credit on Mr Forbes, who comes across as not merely handsome and fit, but also charming and amiable.

For Clowntoker's full position, look at his web site, which is Wimpering_Wimp. org.
By Clownkicker
What did Mr Forbes, in his ignorance, say and say yet again?

That he hasn't got a single name of a witness who had his testimony "suppressed".

Yes, dimwit, we heard you the first time you couldn't produce the name. Posting again and again that you still have no evidence to support your stupidity doesn't make your partisan position any stronger.

It only demonstrates that you are a reliable partisan tool.
By johnforbes
The Committee destroyed its own work product, apparently to hide the fact that it exoerated Trump.

E.g., on Jan 4 and 5, Mark Meadows phoned Pelosi and Bowser to offer the 10k Guardsmen, and those Democrats declined...
By Clownkicker
So what johnforbes is trying to say once again is that he still has no evidence that anyone's J6 testimony was "suppressed".

We got it already, johnny. No need to keep yammering on about it with bullshit you simply made up. (Or your handlers made up.)
By johnforbes
The Committee destroyed all of its own work product, which was paid for by the taxpayer.

An innocent committe would have kepts its work and been proud of it.

But they suppressed the truth about the 10k Guardsmen requested Jan 4 and again Jan 5.

We all wish Clown could suppress his own rampant bias and inanity...
By Clownkicker
AGAIN, what johnforbes is trying to say once again is that he still has no evidence that anyone's J6 testimony was "suppressed".

Why does johhny keep saying this over and over. It's like he's senile or something.
By johnforbes
That Committee destroyed its own work product.


No valid committee would do that, and they certainly would not do that if they had developed the evidence against Trump they claimed to.

Schiff lied, and so did Liz Cheney.

Never trust somebody like Dick Cheney who dodged the Vietnam draft, but loved all later wars his own adipose posterior did not have to go fight.

Similarly, Clowntoker should sit on his own lard-encased posterior in blissful silence.
By Clownkicker
AGAIN AGAIN, what johnforbes is trying to say once again is that he still has no evidence that anyone's J6 testimony was "suppressed".

Why does johhny keep saying this over and over. It's like he's senile or something.

Similarly, johnfuckhead should sit in his own lard-encased skull in blissful silence.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes has shared his valuable insights for one simple reason: Sharing is caring.

When the fabulous Forbes encounters a person devoid of information, such as Clowntoker, he charitably seeks to improve their station in life.

That Committee destroyed its own work product.


No valid committee would do that, and they certainly would not do that if they had developed the evidence against Trump they claimed to.

Schiff lied, and so did Liz Cheney.

Never trust somebody like Dick Cheney who dodged the Vietnam draft, but loved all later wars his own adipose posterior did not have to go fight.

Similarly, Clowntoker should sit on his own lard-encased posterior in blissful silence.
By Clownkicker
AND YET AGAIN what johnforbes is trying to say is that he still has no evidence that ANYONE'S J6 testimony was "suppressed".

Nada. Zilch. Not a single name to offer. He simply regurgitated the slop from his daily propaganda trough.

It's like he's senile with indigestion or something.
By johnforbes
Yet again, Mr Forbes has graced this fine forum with his laser-like focus on the topic.

He has shared his valuable insights for one simple reason: Sharing is caring.

When the fabulous Forbes encounters a person devoid of information, such as Clowntoker, he charitably seeks to improve their station in life.

That Committee destroyed its own work product.


No valid committee would do that, and they certainly would not do that if they had developed the evidence against Trump they claimed to.

Schiff lied, and so did Liz Cheney.

Never trust somebody like Dick Cheney who dodged the Vietnam draft, but loved all later wars his own adipose posterior did not have to go fight.

Similarly, Clowntoker should sit on his own lard-encased posterior in blissful silence.
By Clownkicker
Yet again, Mr Forbes has graced this fine forum with his laser-like focus on anything and everything EXCEPT the topic.

To this day he refuses to address the topic of just whose testimony the J6 Committee supposedly "suppressed" despite the fact that, according to his own thread title, that is the topic of this thread.

johnforbes continues to return to this thread (and will do so again shortly) yammering on about alleged J6 Committee testimony he claims was "suppressed" while repeatedly refusing to offer a shred of evidence to support his absurd lies.
By johnforbes


By Clownkicker
johnny, how many times have I told you not to get your information from internet conspiracy gossip sites?

If one googles johnny's silly quotation, one gets TWO hits. Count 'em: 2. (Not the typical 2 million one gets from googling anything else. Not even Steve Bannon or FOXnews knows about this apparently.)
One is "Texas MAGGOT" and the other is the nutjob who posted it to "Texas MAGGOT"

johnny, we need EVIDENCE to take your nutty conspiracy seriously. Internet gossip sites posting unsubstantiated partisan rumors that even your average Right Wing conspiracy sites won't touch is not evidence.
By johnforbes
It is unknown what the source of Clownslacker's latest incoherent babbling might be.

Perhaps it is the wind in the willows, or the howling rain against the window as the noble brow of the fantastic Forbes ponders the issues of the day.

What kind of a day was it?

A day like all days, filled with events which alter and illuminate our time. And he was there.
By Clownkicker
It is completely known what the source of johnforbes' latest incoherent babbling might be.

It is always another internet gossip site; the only sources johnforbes uses to gather his partisan conspiracy 'information'.

He certainly never posts from reputable news sources. (He can't even find this story on FOXnews, so we know it isn't even Republican-sanctioned propaganda. It's entirely off the deep end somewhere in Looney Tunes Land.)

Notice johnforbes still can't discuss his own topic. He can only regurgitate what little some clown on an internet gossip site posted.
By johnforbes
You can't spell "incompetent" without mentioning Pete Bootygood.

You can spell that word without mentioning Clowntoker, but the word "incompetent" is used so often in connection with Clown's babbling that the two are pretty much synonymous.
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^ Notice johnforbes STILL can't discuss his own topic. Instead, he desperately tries to distract those of us who are straight with his bizarre obsession over some guy's "good" Booty.

johnny, please keep your deviance to yourself. Try to discuss the topic you posted here instead of running from it whenever the facts make you look like a moron and a liar.
By johnforbes
My only deviations are standard deviations in assessing stock risk. However, risk is different than volatility.

It is true that Pete Bootygood's name is right in the word "incompetent."

Similarly, the work "clown" is in the word "Clowntoker."
By Clownkicker
^^^^^^^^ Notice johnforbes STILL can't discuss his own topic.

He couldn't offer a single word about whose testimony was allegedly "suppressed".
By johnforbes
Quite to the contrary.

As just one example of many, the actions of Mark Meadows in offering on Jan 4 and 5 the 10,000 Guardsmen.

No person aspiring to stage something would desire to have 10,000 Guardsmen present to preserve law and order, but that was what T apparently desired.

Now, as to what Clowntoker desires, we dare not descend into the dark, dank, depraved, depths of his disposition.
By Clownkicker
"As just one example of many, the actions of Mark Meadows in offering on Jan 4 and 5 the 10,000 Guardsmen."-Dishonestjohn

No wonder dimwit forbes is so easily duped. He believes the President's Chief of Staff has authority to deploy troops, which he doesn't. The President would have needed to give an order to that effect, which he didn't. The White House can't show one, and the Pentagon didn't get one.

Of course, even if Meadows had the authority, Meadows didn't actually offer any troops to Pelosi. He never talked to her. There are no White House phone logs supporting that lie. And the only person who could have "suppressed" that information is Trump, not the J6 Committee.

Pentagon records show no order for 10,000 troops was ever made by anyone, and since no order was made by Trump, no one in the Pentagon told Pelosi or McConnell or the Capitol Police Chief about any offer of troops by Trump because there was none. Obviously Pelosi couldn't "refuse" something that was never offered to her. (as Pentagon records corroborate)

But I will say johnforbes is correct that his is "just one example of many" falsehoods that he swallows without any evidence to support the claims. johnforbes will believe ANYTHING he hears from his handlers. Evidence is not required for johnforbes to believe partisan propaganda.

Now, will johnforbes come back and offer any evidence from the White House that such an offer was made? Of course he won't. johnfibs never has any evidence to back up any of the partisan bullshit he falls for every time.
By johnforbes
Yet again, Clowntoker is a stranger to the facts.

Mark Meadows conveyed by phone the offer of 10k, and do on Jan 4 and 5 to Pelosi and Bowser.

This was suppressed by the Committee because they realized that nobody would make such an offer except a person who wanted law and order, peace and stability -- the very opposite of the picture which Trump Derangement Syndrome aspired to paint.

And, on any painting, Clowntoker is sketchy.
By Clownkicker
"Mark Meadows conveyed by phone the offer of 10k, and do on Jan 4 and 5 to Pelosi and Bowser."-johnfibs

So where is the evidence that this happened, dimwit?

Oh, right, it was "suppressed" so there is no evidence of it. Even Meadows can't provide any evidence.

Meanwhile, Trump's own Defense Secretary Christopher Miller who was there says no order for troops of any number was ever made by Trump. And there are no White House phone records of any calls being made to Pelosi or Bowser. Is it your contention that Trump somehow suppressed these records?

Once again, johnny, whose alleged testimony was "suppressed"? You can't seem to produce any evidence that anyone was suppressed and no results show up in a google search where anyone claims they gave testimony that was suppressed. You made it up.

All johnforbes ever has is his unfounded personal beliefs that any of his claims are valid. That, and a restroom toilet, will give you nothing but a pile of shit.
By Clownkicker
Also, “Never once did I hear the president relative to the 6th specify the number of troops, 10,000 or any other number, for that matter,” said Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who also attended the meeting.

"Trump was watching news coverage of a rally of his supporters at Freedom Plaza when he placed a call to Miller. “They were going to need 10,000 troops the following day,” Miller recalled Trump saying, referring to law enforcement."

"Miller said “the call lasted fewer than 30 seconds, and I did not respond substantively, and there was no elaboration.” He added that “I interpreted it as a bit of presidential banter or President Trump banter that you all are familiar with, and in no way, shape, or form did I interpret that as an order or direction.” -Washington Post

And johnforbes kno0ws perfectly well that an advisor has no authority to do anything about troops.
By johnforbes
Milley, with almost as many rolls of fat as Austin, is a Democrat.

Like most Democrats -- and like most socialists such as Clowntoker -- his auditory acuity is impaired not by wax but by ideology.

The new woke military is rapidly lessening readiness and recruitment.

On a more positive note, we all respect Clowntoker's commitment to conditioning as witness his training at Folsom Prison's very own homo-hedonic ballet competition.
By Clownkicker
As always, I present facts and evidence, johnforbes responds with fantasies and partisan bullshit that fails to refute a word I said.

"Milley, with almost as many rolls of fat as TRUMP, is a soldier who, unlike johnforbes, loves his country."-johnflubbed (I fixed it for you, dimwit.)
No wonder Republicans are quickly becoming irrelevant due to their own stupidity.

Even Republicans are telling us in so many words that Republicans CAN'T govern.

"What they're saying: "This is dysfunction. Nobody can lead this place. Look at it. What have we ever been able to really get accomplished?" Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas), a Freedom Caucus member who voted for the rule, told Axios."

"Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) called the tactic "frustrating" and "moronic," telling Axios, "When they complain that the train's not on time … well, you guys are the ones blowing up the tracks."

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) told Axios: "It's my 1oth term and I've never seen that before. We have to govern. ... When I first came in, if you vote against the rule, there are consequences."
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... 558c&ei=61

And what will johnforbes do now? Why, vote for more Republicans in hopes our democracy will collapse just so he won't have to pay his taxes.
By johnforbes
What adipose Milley heard is hardly germane.

Who would have that refugee from rationality around, with so many staff college decorations as to look silly.

Milley, AWOL Austin, Sullivan, and Blinken should have been fired over the Afghanistan debacle.

Our current "foreign policy" (leaving the US border open, and funding both sides in the Middle East) is wacky.
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