Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
We have all been wondering, in the context of the attempt to ruin Trump financially, when some appellate judge will awaken to the 8th Amendment.

However, those of us who have labored mightily for decades on this fine forum are also beginning to wonder whether Clowntoker's barrage of cruel and unusual postings (now numbering 38,030,122 over the past 72 years online) may also be unconstitutional.

New Info Shows

johnny, never mind that your post is bullshit. It'[…]

Impossible Whopper

This afternoon, after a long hike on a hot and hum[…]

Walz Dancing

I think Clown has stooped to the dreaded Haiti Spe[…]

Correcting the ABC Fact-Checkers

Apparently the idea has been to flood pro-Republic[…]

There are some bodacious bodice-rippers there, alo[…]

21 Lies

Mr Forbes, despite his tan and taut physique, is a[…]

Emotional Support

Dana Walden, a Disney exec with oversight of ABC, […]

Save the Kittens

You can't lick a good kitty discussion. For sure,[…]