Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
Ketanji recused herself from the Harvard case, but voted in the NC one, so both Ketaji and Sotomayor were only present because of affirmative action.

For 50 years, hiring and promotion in the federal government (civilian and military) has depended to some degree on affirmative action.

It was wrong for the same reason all racism is wrong -- you can't look at a person's genetic accidents (gender, melanin) and ascertain their moral merit.

The Obamas are angry, but their LSAT scores remain secret.
By Clownkicker
"Ketanji recused herself from the Harvard case, but voted in the NC one, so both Ketaji and Sotomayor were only present because of affirmative action."-johnflubs

You just made the case FOR affirmative action, johnny, giving examples of highly qualified people who might not have gotten into schools they were qualified for. And you still can't see it.

"It was wrong for the same reason all racism is wrong -- you can't look at a person's genetic accidents (gender, melanin) and ascertain their moral merit."-Dishonestjohn

Admission to colleges is not based on one's "moral merit," johnny. Where did you come up with that nonsense? If it were, half the Ivy League would be in Community Colleges. And legacy admissions also had nothing to do with "moral merit" or any other "merit." But you have never complained about the pro-white racism involved in those. They often took places that more qualified minorities could have filled.

"Based on the merit of your character and not the color of your skin."-brandon

You pulled the same bullshit that johnny just pulled. You don't get into college "Based on the merit of your character..." If it were that simple, many more minorities would have been admitted over the centuries, but white racism didn't allow it. And you have never had any problem with that. You never started a thread or even made a single comment critical of the damage done by traditional racist segregation and Jim Crow admissions policies.

You're both missing the point, both of college admission and what King told you. It isn't the "merit" of your character, but the "content" of your character. One's character is not defined by one's poverty or lack of educational opportunity growing up, just as it is not determined by one's wealth and opportunities growing up.

What you are cheering is a system where rich whites will perpetually be the beneficiaries of the best college educations because they can afford to raise their children to be supremely 'qualified' for them. Others who aren't rich and white can't possibly compete for those slots without some other criteria influencing the selections. Being smart isn't enough to succeed as children and gain entrance to elite institutions. And as guys like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg demonstrate, being rich and white and highly educated doesn't mean you will succeed in an elite college. They had endless choices in life but took slots that talented minorities could have had. The "merit of their characters" was not superior to many who didn't get in.

It's also pretty hilarious that you both detest Gates and Zuckerberg, but are here applauding the "merit of their characters." :laugh:

You are both apparently so clueless that you think this is the end of racism in college admissions. What it is is the permanent entrenchment of racism and classism in college admissions. It's a throwback to the highly segregated and racist days when you and Trump think America was "great".

Wealth and the opportunities it affords is not "merit of character" or "moral merit." Mostly it too is just an unearned accident of birth, which you both claim is an invalid criterion for admission.
By johnforbes
Geraldo was saying he was an affirmative action fellow, and Michelle was also bemoaning this correct ruling.

But Geraldo and Michelle forgot to realize that some better-qualified person was passed over so their own less-qualified selves got into law school.

Now Geraldo -- who natters on and who dodged the draft to avoid Vietnam -- is not somebody I hate. He could have become a lawyer without affirmative action probably.

Michelle, when has anybody ever heard her say anything intelligent? Her senior honors thesis read like a 9th grade paper.
By Clownkicker
I wonder why johnforbes conveniently overlooks the fact that Clarence Thomas is also a product of affirmative action.

He only mentioned two liberal justices. It's like johnny's some sort of partisan hack or something.
By johnforbes
He may well have been, and the question wouldn't be the way Geraldo phrased it.

The issue is the better person who was pushed aside to make way for Geraldo (who does see to have some ability) and the vacuous Manchelle.

If Thomas pushed aside somebody else, what contribution could that person have made?

For that matter, Clowntroller could have helped society, but then he spent that lost decade in the tawdry tearooms of fetid Frisco.
By Clownkicker
"He [Thomas] may well have been,..."-johnforbes

Don't take my word for it, johnny. Takes Thomas' word for it.

If you don't care about all the ways Thomas benefited from affirmative action, at least listen to him talk about getting into Yale--time stamp 6:50-7:14. (But the whole clip is worthwhile and fair to Thomas.)

By johnforbes
If he is on that list, he is on that list.

Ketanji and Sotomayor were selected by ONLY looking for what they chose, and that is the wrong way to go about it.

The problem is that Ketanji and Soto want this unfairness to continue.

A pale male such as Mr Forbes had to score several hundred points better, on the old LSAT format, because minority females didn't.

The same was true of the GMAT and GRE, as Clown probably experienced himself.
By Clownkicker
Gee, it's like I can see the future...

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/after ... b202&ei=11

Now rich white conservatives will have to face losing some of their privileges because of their obsession with affirmative action that just pisses them off.

Now they will be sued to stop affirmative action for legacy admissions, wealthy donors' children, and faculty and staff kids who take slots from more qualified minorities. There is no academic merit in being born to those people. Get ready to hear the outraged bitching of Republicans over this. They didn't mean WHITE PEOPLE should lose their affirmative action, only that minorities should!

Another really bad thing about ending affirmative action in college admissions is that it will exacerbate the doctor shortage in minority neighborhoods because whites don't want to go practice in the barrio or the ghetto. They have no stake in it. Their families aren't from there.

But Republicans don't care if minorities are even more underserved by doctors and nurses. That's what they get for having the audacity to be poor, right?
By johnforbes
Amen to getting rid of legacy admissions, which were a silly notion all along.

Ending one form of invidious racial discrimination, but replacing it with reverse discrimination (affirmative action) was absurd but typical of the march of folly which is, alas, much of human history.
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