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By Thinker
Not sure why this forum is dying. Almost all of the regulars seem to be gone forever. :( Others like fastglass, retro, and coffjr, visit every now and then.
327retro liked this
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By Coffjr
Grumpy - I've lost all mail and contacts. I never did hear from many others - John ever once in a while. Nothing from the fine women from here - but that was to be expected. Time changes all and real life must go on - damn it. We did have fun while it lasted. I still wish every one happiness and hope they have the best out of life. I will always remember the coff parties and getting the band together. Oh well, time to get real again. Take care buddy.
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By 327retro
Thinker wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:55 pm Not sure why this forum is dying. Almost all of the regulars seem to be gone forever. :( Others like fastglass, retro, and coffjr, visit every now and then.
Work and some health issues with Sugar have prevented me from coming on here lately. Then we can't get ladies down here as the trolls seem to scare away some and the others are just here to make some cash that doesn't seem to happen so there gone. Sadly the crash screwed up a good thing and the contributor mostly don't read there comments so there is no way to bring new gals down here. Bree is the only one that stops by to keep the beauty and fun alive. (Thank you Bree!)

Nice to hear from Thinker. I'm still here of sort. I have gone over to the dark side so to speak. At least there one can speak to the ladies directly and get a response from some. Something VW never seemed to cotton to.

Catch you later Thinker.
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By 327retro
Coffjr wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 5:49 pm Grumpy - I've lost all mail and contacts. I never did hear from many others - John ever once in a while. Nothing from the fine women from here - but that was to be expected. Time changes all and real life must go on - damn it. We did have fun while it lasted. I still wish every one happiness and hope they have the best out of life. I will always remember the coff parties and getting the band together. Oh well, time to get real again. Take care buddy.
Hey Jr.

I think I still have your contact info somewhere if it's still up and running. In fact I think I mailed you a while back. I'll try to find again if I can. If not I'll send you a privet message if that is still an option here. Can't leave a friend floundering even though he's a closet Mopar man. (chuckling) The only person I hear from is John and he keeps me updated on some of our old crew. I'm not on this face splat book or whatever it's called, so I'm out of the loop so to speak. Sadly the ladies have gone into our pleasant memories. Bree is to only ever lovely lady that stops by every now and again.

Catch ya later Jr.
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By fastglass427
I still check the page out almost everyday and it seems like the old geezers club...lol and I mean that in a good way we all comment on each others posts and your right it's a damn shame what happen to this site
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By 327retro
Hey Fastglass427,

Yep I'm still here of sort. Wrote you a few years back when we were discussing something about a 62 Chevy pickup. Don't know if things were lost in a move but thought I would leave things stay. Then work and other problem came up and just lost track. It's sad what happened to the Gearhead, COFF and other sections here. I'll have to give you a shout as soon as I can 427. The past few years have been trying.
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By fastglass427
327 I completely understand we have had some issues here at home non Covid related but stress of any kind puts a damper on a lot of things, we try to make up for it by having fun in the bedroom and keep a positive attitude. I think the cold weather is now behind us so thats a good thing. Hope Sugar is doing well send her my regards
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By 327retro
Regards given and thanks 427. Sugar is doing much better for now. Sure did cut into getting the garage built but that's how it goes sometimes.
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By Thinker
My avatar says "I just want to be happy, And naked." I guess that is my motto too. Last weekend I did jus that. I belong to a nudist group. We went to the local lake, got naked, caught up (it has been 18 months), skinny dipped, and got caught in the rain. Since I was not wearing any clothes, nothing got wet except my skin. It was a great day outside.
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By Thinker
With 2 couples from the nudist group, the 6 of us had a potluck and played a murder mystery game. We solved it! Yay us! Also loved seeing the other couples.
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By Thinker
Really enjoyed seeing them. Was in the kitchen when the dog sniffed a guy's dick then switched to sniiffing the gal's pussy. Lucky dog!
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By 327retro
Chuckling. That would have been a lucky dog if he got to lick a lovely kitty. But I digress, somewhat knowing you dirty dogs got to lick some lovely kitties.
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By Thinker
Happy 2022 Everyone! Hope this year is finding everyone well and getting out and about. Went to a couple of nudist events and have a few more planned. Fun times.
327retro liked this
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By Thumper
Just saying hi.
We're alive, but like many of the old vets, life has moved on.

Every now and then I miss the old days and the old facts that filled them.

Happy St Pat's... lift a glass.
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By 327retro
What a great flash back! Wonderful to hear from you Thumper. How have you and your lovely lady been? Sadly, it's been pretty dead here for a while. Hope to catch ya later mate.
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By 327retro
I'm going to try and get some ladies back down to this forum, sadly the ladies of late couldn't give a s**t less about interacting. I do miss the days when real ladies would interact and have some fun here. Lil' Red, Manda and others. Sadly, I think it may be wasting time. No one knows how to have fun any longer. Nor compliment a lady without wanting to poke this or that. G'DAY. 327 Retro/Grumpy. The last holdout.
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By 327retro
Thanks for passing that along John. If I recall, he stopped by at VC several years back but disappeared from there as well.
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