A place to share your sexy stories
By AnonAnon
Date night with my wife can often be a pleasant surprise when it comes to pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable and most of the staff at our favorite neighborhood eateries have seen all they're going to see of her, which doesn't make it any less fun, but the most interesting reactions are usually from patrons. This time, the outfit was simply jeans, boots and a structured but completely see through halter top showing beautiful broad shoulders with a slight tan and generous views of breast curves and nipples through the fabric. I'd say about fifty percent topless. The high summer evening light always makes the walk to food interesting, because of the visibility to passing traffic, which can be appreciative via their horns. This time was no exception and I think I actually saw one car double back. Waiting at the restaurant for seats brought more fun with patrons turning to look at she leaned back on a bar table and I looked into the reflection in her sunglasses. We had a new guy for our waiter. He screwed up our order. My wife laughed, "Do you think it would help if you ordered?" "No, I doubt he's paying attention no matter which table he's at."
By Biguns
I have noticed through the years that when I go into a restaurant dressed sexy or revealing, my level of service is always dependent upon the gender of the server. Male servers give me a lot of attention and great service. Female servers have a tendency to give bad service and many will give me dirty looks while serving. However one time i had a female server take our order and a male brought us out drinks. She came back later and in talking she admitted the waiter was a boobs man and she let him deliver the drinks because she knew he would deeply appreciate the show.
I love when the servers will talk to me and share their experiences.
By AnonAnon
That kind of makes sense. In our neighborhood, the female waitresses are no slouches when it comes to showing off. It is not uncommon for a few of them to be braless with shirts that show their nipples clearly. It makes for a comfortable atmosphere to show off in, because it is the person's style and not the fact that they are showing that is being enjoyed. My wife has a reputation there, so they expect something fun when we go in. She wore a very staid silk top once and the bar tender seemed a little puzzled until he looked down and saw she had on see through stretch pants with no panties. A slight pattern kept them decent, but the pants showed off her heart-shaped butt and her trimmed bush pretty tastefully, but provocatively. The guy just smiled and said, "That's good. That's good." We all laughed over it.
By AnonAnon
Biguns, probably as a result of my wife wearing a simple ribbed silk top without bra, we enjoyed some excellent service at dinner today. The top is very see through and the fabric rests directly over her nipples in between the ribbing, showing them as two dark points that move tantalizingly under the fabric. It can be a waiter's delight, because it shows well under downlighting at close quarters. Because it is so see through, my wife likes to wear it with dark dark glasses for cover, which seems to make people more comfortable looking. It's fun to see people look down while brushing past her, not really expecting to see much, and then being greeted by a close-up view of her erect nipples.
By AnonAnon
My wife loves lace and one of our earliest sexy dates involved me taking her to a bar owned by a friend of mine and her showing up in a lingerie top without a bra and sitting at the bar chatting to my friend. "I think he approves," she later laughed. He did. Though she has shown more wearing other outfits, there is something about lace that seems to invite people to come chat, so she has minimized such tops on outings over the years and moved to lace pants more. I don't like them much, because she has to wear some obvious underwear under them to be decent and that doesn't look great.

So, when she wore lace pants to "Jurassic World" last weekend, I didn't think anything of it until we had reclined our seats to almost flat and I looked over and realized she had nothing at all on under them. When I leaned over and expressed my approval, she tapped the 3D glasses, as if to say that'd give her enough privacy from the stares that would no doubt take place.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to catch the movie on video on account of missed bits.
By AnonAnon
Sometimes simple is best. Today, with guests over to dinner, a simple black fitted maxi dress with a plunging back, breast-hugging fifty percent-see through top, no underwear and no shoes. Nipples stiff and pointed with neat one and a half inch diameter areolae visible around them. Flashes of bush silhouette, darkened and made triangular with washable marker and some random marker slashes on her breasts and bare back tantalizingly close to her butt crack. The impression of having thrown on a flimsy dress after someone marked up her naked body. Very sexy.
By AnonAnon
Braless white tank over jeans for an early evening movie today. Not provocative, but there's something fresh and interesting about perky nipples and areolae visible through a tank. Easy looking, easy showing. Early evening appropriate.
By AnonAnon
An early dinner today had the wife in a short shirt dress, generously unbuttoned to provide clear side views of her breasts all the way up to the nipples. Our entrance didn't go unnoticed and there was a lot of head-turning after we'd sat down. I made sure to sit at right angles to her and not across the table so as to be able to enjoy the view for the entire meal and found myself facing a beautiful slightly pendulous breast with erect nipple completely free of the dress. The waiter, on the other side, had similarly generous views and was making no secret of the fact that he was taking them in. At one point, after a bunch of people had walked by and stared down her dress, my wife thought I might think it was a bit too much and remarked that the waitresses were showing a lot of cleavage, too, probably to help increase tips, but that her dress was probably making them look bad. I laughed and said I had no idea what she was talking about.
By Jocko64
My wife was not one to flaunt herself, she would wear sheer bras or shelf bras with cotton or silk button up blouses, thigh highs, never wore any panties and skirt about 3 or 4 inches above the knee. She had great body and very pretty and loved showing glimpses of the goods. She had total control of what she wanted to show. She would go sit at bar and there were always guys who wanted to pick her up and buy her drinks. Sometimes she would get chummy and let a guy cop a feel or depending on where it was they might get their hand up her skirt. She would rub their leg and then I would come in after 30?35 minutes and and get lovey with her and pick her up or go get a table and eat. A few times a guy would come to the table and ask if he could take her out after but that never happened. She had all the man she could handle with me and at her job.
By AnonAnon
One of the fun things about my wife's outfits is that she is not that much in control of what shows once the selection of outfit has been made, but that she's able to rise to the challenge.

A case in point was an invitation to a birthday dinner at a restaurant where it turned out we had to eat sitting on a rug. She was in a shortish shirt dress without panties, but didn't flinch at the fact that the person opposite her would get quite a few glimpses during dinner. She neither showed more than she needed nor sat weirdly to show less than was going to show. Completely natural. I only realized what was going on when the guy opposite us whispered to me later, "Underwear is kind of useless." I figured it out and asked her and she confirmed.
By AnonAnon
Having been told by my wife that I should leave my phone in the car and prepare to stare at her chest during dinner, I thought I was prepared. I wasn't. When I arrived at her restaurant of choice, my wife was already standing outside in very low-cut black linen pants making no secret of the fact that there were no panties underneath and a short black front tie top tied low and loose to reveal her toned abs below and most of her tits above. The top itself had half inch diameter holes in it that allowed not only for see through viewing, but for well-illuminated reveal-all downblouse views.

The meal provided the usual downblouse views she's so fond of providing. When we were done, she insisted on putting gas in the car, bending over the gas cap and shrugging the top away from covering her tits. Next came the movies, with more stares at her top. Just when I thought she was done, she pulled the bow open for the ride home, allowing for some nice views to those in traffic around us, laughing as the bumps in the road made her tits jiggle.
By AnonAnon
I requested my favorite brewery for dinner today and my wife picked a short medium see thru linen top over tights to wear with a thin gold paint line faintly outlining her nipples and some gold glitter on her tits. The slightest highlighted visibility for a dark room.
By Jocko64
Wife read this, reminded me of a time that I had bought a small remote controlled dildo and I talked her into wearing it when we went out for dinner with some very close friends. Now she never wears panties but this night she did because she had visions of it coming out, LOL. We meet them at a restaurant about 20 miles away, very nice place, we get a booth and she sits on same side as my buddy and his wife on side with me, women were on outside of seats. My wife had given me the remote saying no funny stuff during dinner. We had drinks, a couple rounds, and I reached in pocket and turned it on low, she squirmed a bit looking darts at me but could not say anything. I could see the look on her face that she was now enjoying the motion from it. What I did not know was that she had my buddy's dick in her hand under the table rubbing it. She told me later that night. When we left he insisted that my lovely lady ride with him and his wife with me, that was fine with me, my wife had removed the dildo when she went to rest room.

Later when she told me the story she said she tried to blow him on the drive home but he had steering wheel to close so she jacked him off. luckily he had bunch of napkins in glove compartment to catch what she said was big load! Later that evening she discovered how big his loads were. That is another lengthy story!
By AnonAnon
The last time we went on a double date with friends it was to a local hole in the wall barbecue joint near our house. My wife intentional over dressed for it with a dress with a neckline plunging almost to her navel and cut wide enough to where her nipples were about two inches from the edge. The dress was a dull pink and allowed her nipples to show through clearly. The owner, whom we're friendly with, made some comment about not much dress to spill on and I asked for some sauce to take home for later, so the evening started well. Right after my friend asked me to go talk to his wife while he spent some time looking at mine. The place has standing tables and my wife was getting a lot of stares when she said to me that she felt our friend might like her to sit. We finished and found a half wall outside to sit on with our drinks. The dark covered more than the dress, my wife obliged with light by consulting her phone a few times.
By AnonAnon
We both worked very late on Friday and when I went up to take a shower I found my wife applying the heavy eye make-up she likes to apply when she's most in the mood to show off. An invitation to a late drink followed and I eagerly took it up. We walked to a local brewery, my wife having elected to wear some very tight black pants topped with a very loosely knotted stiff satin front tie top meant to provide some respectability for entry into an establishment rather than cover for her tits. She spent the hour at the brewery with the top's minimal cover shrugged off most of her tits, enjoying the casual display resulting and the stares. It's a bar she's worn very see through tops to, but there's something totally different about a lack of any cover. When we were walking back, it was late, and her top had been adjusted to show off her nipples to any neighbors watching us walk home.
By sjd0404
Thanks for sharing Anon

Ginger and I have been invited to a xmas party tomorrow night. it is being held on the top floor of a hotel over looking the city and lake. As always Ginger wants to look her best. She sent me a preview picture of a top she is thinking of wearing. The lounge is always low lighting and it is a dress up affair. She asked for my suggestions. Of course she will have her matching shaved beaver coat on. That coat never leaves her sight and I like looking at her beaver also.

I suggested maybe a shear lacy bra would be a better start and she could also adjust her wardrobe from there. I do like watching her as she talks to other gentlemen and plays with her coat. There eyes always go to one area.

I also recently purchased a new collar for her. Very discreet; not real wide. It is fun to see who picks up on that it is a collar and not a choker. I said if she wears the collar I would put her leash on at the end of the night and led her out.

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By Jocko64
These stories are great, wife loves reading them, told me I should tell about the Halloween party we went to once, she went as a Greek Goddess She had a shelf bra on never wears panties. it took a while before all the guys realized she had little on underneath and she had a full face mask on. She was dancing with all the guys and they were coping feels when they could. That never bothered her, (we had open marriage so not big deal). Playing silly games, she even dunked for apples and got front of toga wet, her nips sticking out 1/2 in hard. More dancing feeling and she whispered to me that she was going to get laid. She took snuck upstairs with two guys and nobody was the wiser, doing both of them! I did not get so lucky at that party!
By AnonAnon
SJD, I hope Ginger went to the X-Mas party without a bra. Sounds like she wanted to. Sometimes my wife will give me a preview of a very revealing outfit and I have learned that it is because she wants to wear it and needs a nod. Once or twice, when she's miscalculated and been over-exposed in a dress, she's casually mentioned later that it was my decision as well. Obviously, I'm not one to push reduced exposure, but I'm amazed at how much an attractive and stylish woman can get away with. A few months ago I took her to a conservative steak house with another couple and she wore a halter neck dress that was pantyhose see through from just under her boobs up to her neck. No jacket. We walked from home about a mile each way. The dark and fabric provided acceptable cover, but everything was clearly visible. The male of the couple made several excuses to turn around and take a look and clearly enjoyed the view during dinner. Other than that, my wife spent quite some time at the bar getting drinks while we waited and there were no frowns, just quick appreciative glances by other patrons.
By AnonAnon
Jocko, we're not in an open marriage, but my wife enjoys being provocative with her body and often goes with the flow.

One evening we went to a small independent gallery that a friend was opening at. My wife was wearing a tight white stretch cotton shirt unbuttoned almost to her navel with her braless boobs on display almost to the nipples just looking from the front and totally visible from the side. Even for the late evening artistic environment, it was provocative. As soon as we walked in, the artist whistled his approval and my wife spontaneously walked up to him and French kissed him right in the middle of the gallery, her boobs almost spilling out of her shirt as she held his face. Later on in the evening, she was standing in front of a painting talking to our friend, her hands in the back pockets of her jeans so she struck a pose that minimized the coverage the shirt was providing. We still hear about that kiss almost a decade later.

Much like sjd's wife, my wife likes to dress "up" for holiday parties at her clients. At one such, she was wearing a plunging dress in a thin material that was doing a great job of showing off her nipples registering the motion of her braless boobs on the fabric. A female coworker with a crush on her got quite drunk and grabbed her boobs by sliding her hands under the dress through the plunging neckline. In the process, my wife's nipples were revealed for several seconds, to say nothing of the groping maneuver itself being pretty provocative. She dealt with the coworker smoothly, took her time putting the dress back in place and managed to only partially hide the fact that she enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure the clients at that workplace have not forgotten the incident.
By sjd0404
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Ginger did wear a bra to the party. I don't know if you can see it well in the picture. It was a sheer mesh bra. She said she wanted the support and the tease. It was a very good tease. To offset the bra, she didn't wear panties; she said that would be more fun. It's hard to tell but her skirt is of a lite fabric and the slit goes from the bottom to hip. She could change the length of the slit to fit the tease.

Standing with light behind her gave a nice silhouette. It was fun to watch where eyes were going. When she sat down, the slit was open all the way to her groomed pussy. The gentlemen at the party were very discreet and so was Ginger.

We all had a good time.
By AnonAnon
sjd, that sounds like a very successful outing!

My wife's approach is to put it all out there, so I don't really see her do a tease. We went to a holiday party at one of her client's offices this past week. She usually tries to push it a little at these parties to add to her reputation as a risqué dresser. She wore a simple black knee-length dress, but it was a little plunging and a lot see through. No bra or panties, just the dress with no overlapping fabric. She's very comfortable showing off her nipples and they were on display. She greatly enjoyed chiding her boss for not being able to look her in the eyes. Despite my experience staring at her naked, it was pretty hard for me too.
By AnonAnon
Last week we found ourselves overseas in somewhat conservative circumstances with an evening to ourselves for a date, but no venue for my wife to comfortably underdress. Not to be beaten, she emerged from the hotel bathroom in a white slightly see through one-piece swimsuit with a wide plunging cleavage and abs baring neckline. Instead of using the lined dressing gown provided by the hotel, she pulled out her own, a thin version she knows always has my interest. The plan, which unfolded over the next few hours, was to get wet and "naked" in the see through suit and hang by the pool, then strip and get a massage and sit around in just the thin gown over a cup of tea at the spa. The suit was a hit at the pool, but a relaxed cup of good tea in her ridiculously flimsy gown clinging to a slightly wet body and covering less than her crossed legs was the star feature of the date. When she got up to return to our room, I realized she meant to wear it to the elevator and up and that she'd had her suit sent up to the room. Worn "fitted" the gown was even more revealing . . .
By Biguns
My husband and I were having a date weekend many years ago. We went out of town and went to a mall. this was when the body shop had just opened and there dressing rooms were build up on a platform and had imitation car doors for the entrance to each dressing room. On this day, one of the women working there kept blocking the men from going up because any man could look over the top and see in the dressing room. My husband picked out a thin skimpy halter type bathing suit for me to try on. I got undressed and was pulling the suit on when I noticed a young couple had slipped by the woman and he was headed my way. The husband was a young, tall, well built man. He peeked into my room as they walked by and I dropped the top enough to give him a good view of my then C breast. He smiled real big, his wife snatched him on along with her, then the lady saw him and made him come down. I came out and looked at myself in the mirror. The suit left little to the imagination. My husband said every man in the place was starring at me. The lady made some comment to me about getting back dressed. I went back in the dressing room and got dressed. We bought the suit because there was too much naughty fun in it to leave it behind. Hubby said he didn't know which was more exciting on the date, the man looking at me topless or me standing in the store showing off all my glory. It is one of many date adventures I will never forget.
By AnonAnon
My wife loves see through and my favorite date outfit memory has to be of her wearing a short skin tight tee over tight enough to be painted on low-rise see through pants without panties. The pants do a great job of revealing her ass crack and her landing strip and I love that she can mix comfortably at a party at that level of exposure. When she sees someone taking a photo, she dangles a hand in front of her crotch for cover, but given how often she's worn the pants, I'm sure successful crotch shots have been taken and enjoyed.
By AnonAnon
Once in a while my wife gets a wild hair and likes to dress skimpily and pick a dinner spot outside our usual bohemian stomping grounds. Tonight's pick was a street food restaurant oriented towards the working person, a place where people tend to be ogle rather than appreciate discreetly. My wife's attire of choice was a pleated printed skirt and a cropped knot top worn so loosely it was a half an inch from falling off at all times. The top did nothing to conceal her chest, playing the role of the shirt required by the restaurant for service rather than that of cover. My wife had a lot of fun bending and twisting to provide ample views around the meagre coverage, including a fantastic double nip slip as she pulled her shoulders together while placing her order. It's the sort of public exposure she enjoys, but we had to leave earlier than we wanted because men in adjacent booths were turning and staring continuously even beyond her considerable comfort level.
By Jocko64
We love these stories, we have (she has) had lots of fun flashing and showing the goods over the years!
By AnonAnon
Some of our most fun moments are unplanned. My wife wore a gauze halter neck top over jeans out and about this Sunday. The top is totally see through and does a great job of showing off her boobs completely and letting them move underneath. Lots of stares at the mall both at her uncovered back and unconcealed chest, and the wife loved showing off so completely.

It was a lot of show, but I remember a more fun time when we'd gone to our favorite Mexican restaurant one evening and my wife was dressed in a gold-colored button-up shirt that was see through. She went braless as usual and the way the shirt caught the light in the restaurant really emphasized her nipples and how they were moving under the fabric as she breathed in and out. We'd been there twenty minutes when an old boss walks in, sits down at her table and talks to us for about half and hour, staring at her tits the entire time.
By AnonAnon
Another unplanned evening today when we ran into some friends while on a date and ended up combining tables. My wife had worn some cheeky nipple jewelry under an extensively unbuttoned denim-blue linen top tightly tied above the navel so that it would balloon open above and display the jewelry to me sitting beside her on our date. We ran into some friends at the restaurant and I ended up sitting across from her with another guy we didn’t know at the head of the table between us. While my wife made sure to send a few nipple slips my way, our new friend got the full view for the entire meal. Not just a plain down blouse, but a nipple held perfect erect by a gold ring and some glued on tiny sequins and a bit of contouring make-up. It was kind of fun because at times he seemed lost just staring.
By AnonAnon
"It's cold, but it's also dark," said my wife as she appeared in her choice of outfit for dinner last night, at a restaurant where her last outfit of choice was a plunging back halter neck dress with a see through front panel. That choice being a plain loose dark grey see through shirt. And a few strands of heavy jewelry to make just enough noise to turn heads. Not satisfied with the attention she received the last time, she'd played bocce in her halter dress to the obvious delight of several patrons. This time though that wasn't required. There's a special and addictive delight in having on one's arm a woman bold enough to be essentially topless and more so when she wants to sit facing the room and get the drinks from the bar. It was cold enough that it was clear that she was enjoying the show enough not to care about the discomfort, her nipples were erect and we're pretty sure the folks at the table squeezed her into a "selfie". On the way out, she took the car keys from me, ensuring the valet didn't miss anything.
By Jocko64
Wife says I need to post this short funny story, She wants to go to new restaurant by the mall, it is a Saturday no plans for the evening so we go. She wearing a skirt, no panties shelf bra and a button up blouse, actually her usual go to work outfit. We get there at 5:15 thinking we early but 45 minute wait for table so we have drink at bar. She talking to gal next to her and her husband gets off his stool and stands between the two women getting so views of my wife's tits. We get our table, and eat.

We pay bill, and leave. Wife says les go to VS I need to get a black bra. I ok with it. She gets a couple goes in dressing room, leaves door cracked, I standing where I can see the change. About 4 guys in store but none close, she steps out with shelf bra asks how it looks, I say great she steps back in room and puts another on sheer black, steps out, says how about this? Again I say great, she says sir what do you think? Gut behind me I did not see him, he says you look beautiful, I was in a bit of shock.
We both watching the show through door being a bit opened. She puts blouse back on says watch room I am going to look at some other stuff, come back with three items on arm, taking them in room. door still cracked open. She strips as this guy and I watching and he telling me how beautiful she is and what a body. He asked our ages, I told him she was 55 he was shocked. Now another guy close to us watching, she is now naked in the room puts on a sheer teddy and steps out to show me. These guys drooling, my wife loves showing her body, very proud of it. She tries another on and when she stepped out to show me the one guys wife saw her and went to manager after taking her hub by the arm. Manager comes, asked wife to leave or keep door closed, wife says well I need to show my husband, she says do it more discreetly.
The first guy had walked away , wife gets dressed and takes two bras and one of the teddy's to check out. The manager gave her employee discount and apologized, my wife says no big deal. We will be back, manager says well make certain I am here giving wife her card and telling her that she will get the big discount. It was a fun evening! Needless to say what we did when we got home!
By AnonAnon
That’s a sexy story!

My wife loves it when men and women compliment her directly and confidently. On one of our early dates, we went to a exhibit opening at a small local gallery and my wife wore pelvis bearing low-cut jeans with a tight cotton shirt with one or two buttons done just above her navel. When our artist friend saw her, he let out a low whistle accompanied by something crude but complimentary. My wife’s spontaneous reaction was to French kiss the guy for just long enough for it to be flirty while also taking the opportunity of bending down to him to flash her nips at the room. Some time later I saw her standing in front of a painting with the artist, her hands in her back jeans pockets, the tight shirt spread wide open with her tits on display from the side view the artist was getting. He was staring, she was obviously enjoying it and was genuinely interested in the painting as well.
By AnonAnon
My wife suggested a local brewery with a pleasantly dimly-lit standing tables pub near our house for dinner after a long day of work a few days ago. We went direct after I picked her up from work. She insisted I drive so she could reciprocate by taking off the very cheeky leopard print bra she was wearing under a very see through black top. In the right environment, unwinding after a hard day's work with a drink or two, my wife can get very comfortable and charming while being virtually topless in public. A few minutes after we go there, she was talking to the guy serving the beer at the counter when two guys who'd just walked in said the only reason they came in was because they saw her going in. My wife, her nipples erect from the cold and compliments, thanked them for the spectating while unabashedly enjoying it for the next hour we were there.
By AnonAnon
After a long week of work for both of us, my wife was ready to let her hair down on Saturday. A sheer wrap top to morning yoga set the mood and dinner and a movie featured her in a cotton half button front mid thigh dress she likes to wear completely unbuttoned for maximum in your face sexy that makes everyone stare a lot. A late dinner at a local burger joint where the waitresses like to turn up the heat allowed her to bare chest tits and navel for fun all round. Later at night, with the place winding down, a group of us standing over the women with some of us getting a good look down my wife's dress in between her legs. She knew exactly what she was doing.
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By fastglass427
We just had a little fun similar just like this on Friday evening ,y wife wanted seafood for dinner so we went out to a place on the Jersey shore with outside dinning, not a big inconvenience for use as we always opted to eat out on the deck of this establishment normally but unfortunately now bands or dancing for her to go shake her booty afterwards. She was wearing a black satin blouse unbuttoned enough to show her very able 38DD cleavage her nipples were on display as she was wearing a shelf bra very apparent by her jiggle as we walked to our table she was wearing heels and a black leather miniskirt. Not exactly shore attire but she said she hates when women dress sloppy just because they are at the shore or on vacation.We finished our dinner and asked our waitress if it was ok if we hung out for a while and had a few after dinner cocktails. Of course as long as your eating or drinking we won't ask you to leave that the idiot Governors thing not ours, besides you guys are regulars I've waited on you many times. She complimented my wife on how nicely she was dressed and said you know you always look great when you guys come here. My wife thanked her and she made some small talk with us for a while. She leaned in and whispered I think you may have a few admirers across the way. There were tow women sitting together neither of them hid the fact that they were ogling my wife. She said oh really now maybe that because I'm not wearing any panties. The young girl cracked up and said yup that will do it every time. Looking at me she said you know how I love the breeze blowing on her. All I could do was smile. She said now watch this, as she excused herself to go to the lady's room she no sooner stood up and started to walk away from the table when both women got up and followed her to the ladies room. She told me that they one doing all the talking had all the tact of a bulldozer telling her why don't you leave him behind and come home with us. My wife looked her up and down and lifted her skirt saying unless your packing a 10" cock under there and can afford a brand new Mercedes you ain't got a change in hell. When she returned she give me the short version of what went on in the ladies room I asked her well would you have considered it if I wasn't here. She looked at me smiling said dear yes I Bi but I'm not trash enough to those two, she then leans in and starts kissing me and places one hand on my package and give the two a go F yourself look. Come on baby take me home and fuck my brains out, we got up left she told me don't forget to leave our waitress a nice tip and we walked out holding hands with her hips swinging and tits giggling saying to me those two will be thinking of me all night trust me....
By AnonAnon
That’s a fun story!

When I first met my wife we would often go out of town to visit her best friend. I’d sleep on the couch and my wife and her would sleep naked in the same bed. As far as I know, there was nothing going on, but my wife’s free spirit does appeal to women as I found at at a client holiday party one year where a female co-worker had been eyeing my wife all year and mentioned once or twice that she’s like to fuck her.

It was a casual client and my wife wore a very tiny very flimsy plunging black dress that left her tits so far exposed there were gasps when we entered. The party was going well and what little of my wife’s body her co-workers hadn’t been able to check out during the year was on display with the plunging neckline providing very provocative views of her tits and the occasional not too infrequent nipple flash. With the alcohol flowing the woman with a crush on my wife came up to her slipped her hand into her dress and grabbed one of her tits fondling it free from the dress in front of a few other guests. As my wife put it to me later, “I got fondled today and the only person who couldn’t see how much I enjoyed it was the drunk person doing the fondling.”

By the end of the evening her dancing had made the dress even less of a cover than it was starting out and if the hired photographer present hadn’t been able to get photos of any view he wanted it was because he hadn’t tried. My wife, who enjoys her reputation for sexiness, considers the evening one of her greatest successes.
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By fastglass427
Love it, I could only imagine our wives getting together even at a party such as you described what I love is that typically when women get a little older they slow down a bit but not my wife she is older and bolder but we don't use the Old words We went out the other day and she was wearing a form-fitting lycra mini dress no bra and no panties to say little was left to the imagination is an understatement
By AnonAnon
We live in a permissive area and it’s common to see women going braless in see through tops even in the afternoon on a shopping trip. One of our neighbors has really dark nipples and she often wears beige or rose gold see through dresses that show off every detail from a mile off. There are a couple of younger women often sporting white tank tops without bras who are often wearing very visible nipple jewelry that highlights their nipples. My wife can be tame in comparison because she’s pale and the see through, even when obvious, is not as flashy.

My wife has become far more confident with age. Our favorite local restaurant reopened last week and I asked my wife to wear something that would make even her feel underdressed. She didn’t opt for her usual bra less see through but a transparent dress from one of her designer friends with skin colored lace underwear. She had recently worn it as a model for an afternoon in front of a lot of invitees to the launch of the line so felt comfortable wearing it out. I had to drive because it was too revealing for even the short walk, but about ten minutes into the distanced meal on the patio we both got very comfortable and we enjoyed the buzz.
By Jocko64
Anon said something about women being more confident with age, that is so true, as my wife got older she could have cared less about someone seeing her body. Age 60 (still has awesome body) we shared hotel room with another couple she dressed in front of my Buddy (his tongue hanging out). He got the whole show! Age 62 I think, she was in sucking mood, sucked me in front of her sister. In our backyard, wears t-shirt, big armhole, tits hanging out. Helps washing car naked. I kind of like it myself!
By AnonAnon
Jocko, sounds like my wife. When I met her, she was always braless and usually wearing something see through. The girl whose tits everyone had seen and who liked to keep it that way! She also loved other enjoying the view. A friend of mine brought around a recently acquired Porsche convertible, his first, to show us and she dressed very scantily and had him drive her around the corner so she could buy him a drink and let him enjoy his Porsche with a sexy woman in it. On rare occasions she would wear something that should show off her crotch area. A few years later, she was getting more comfortable with high slit dresses and side views and ultimately loose bikini bottoms and more or less full frontal nudity. Last weekend, we had a few friends over to dinner and she wore a dress that showed a lot of leg and more than the occasional crotch view. It's a thigh length dress with waist high slits that is sexy when worn with a pair of slinky panties designed to be seen, but she left those off allowing for some spectacular views of a mohawk style. When I complimented her later, she laughed and remarked that the lack of waxing during Covid provided all the cover she needed! I love her joy in public nudity. Even when she wears something less showy, she know how to make it fun. At the local family pool last week, she wore a wide plunging suit. It wasn't the skimpiest suit at the pool by a long shot, but the provocatively revealed side views almost to the nipple attracted a lot of fun attention.
By sjd0404
Ginger has had to find other ways to be playful in 2020. She loves being on the boat. She has purchased several coverups. One is sheer and black. Another is crocheted and her third is buttons up the front. Of course need need for a bathing suit and the buttons are never closed. She prefers a slight breeze. I think when people see the boat out for a cruise they purposefully come down to the dock.

And Ginger has always enjoyed mini golf. This year no bra and sheer tops. She is still paying off last years wagers. Last week was a tight black shirt barely hiding her ass checks and no panties. I let her get her and mine ball out of the cup.

Yes older women are more confident.
By Jocko64
sjd404, We had a lake house and all the toys one could want, kids would us on weekends and wife and I used during week less folks on lake. I liked fishing and would take our pontoon out and spend 4 or 5 hours and wife always with me and most of time naked sunning! I loved looking at he naked body (still do). Sometimes she would give me a BJ if I wanted, it was great! The fun times were when we rode jet skis, we had several place we would go and have sex but she when nobody but us around would just wear a life jacket nothing else. Got stopped by marine patrol once , I had papers of insurance verification my jet ski with all three numbers on it (we had 3) so she did not have to stand up. Had she stood up they would have seen her bald pussy. We got many chuckle over that. On the pontoon if someone got close to talk she pulled a towel over her. One time we had guests for a few days, the woman wanted me to pull them on raft toy we had We take the Mastercraft and I am pulling them easy(my wife and her on Tube). Husband inside boat with me I take it up a few notches, wife signals faster, I am whipping them around, both fly off. I go to get them out of water and they climb up platform and my wife's bottom to her bikini gone. She says give me a towel, I throw her one, she puts around waist. My buddy all eyes looking at that bald pussy but she covers it. Takes her life jacket off and her top was up at her neck and tits now in full view. I am laughing and she sits in back of boat and says well you guys have seen it all now and take the top off sitting with her lovely tits showing! My Buddy drooling but his wife not at all pleased with mine LOL!
By AnonAnon
When we were first dating my wife had a slight competitive streak with another woman that lasted well after we were a confirmed couple. This other woman came to see my wife with her boyfriend when my wife was slightly unwell and my wife came down wearing some very see through pajamas, no panties and an unbuttoned top that she was making a weak attempt at holding closed with one hand. Mostly the hand was just pressing the flimsy material and making her nipples show through clearly. A blatant power play, but she looked scorchingly hot with her tumbled out of bed looks and blatant exhibitionism. The boyfriend, quite naturally, was taking the sight in with his tongue hanging out. Didn’t go down too well with the other woman though.
By AnonAnon
Jocko, the first time my wife tried frontal nudity in public was also on a boat. She was already topless but when she climbed out of the water and back into the boat her loose G-string bikini bottom moved aside providing a show that she didn’t get to fixing for quite some time. At some point she looked down and made a small adjustment that made a small improvement but didn’t make the view much less interesting. Then she went and reclined in the back of the boat with quite a lot of display for the next hour or so.
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By fastglass427
Well last weekend had to be one of her all-time best as far as shock value We went out of state to see a few friends Eric and Nancy we hadn't seen in a while his wife is one to talk the talk but never walk the walk if you know what I mean, along with them were another couple we had never met my wife has that kind of personality where you instantly like her and feel like you've known her for years, such was the case with Bob and Sherry We went out for dinner at a nice upscale place my wife dressed very sexy, wearing a short black miniskirt and a white satin top her 38DD's supported nicely by a brand new bra she just bought especially for the occasion she looked hotter than hell my friend couldn't keep his eyes off her tits all part of the plan. The plan that was not revealed to me so this entire evening I was as surprised as everyone else, we had several after-dinner cocktails and shooters so everyone was feeling nice and buzzed. My wife says I want to go dancing lets go have some fun,. Everyone thought it was a great idea, so we headed out Bob and Sherry were riding with us as we headed down the highway, Lori sparked up a joint and her and Sherrie and Bob were taking hits I obtained because I was driving and had to be the responsible one but the girls were getting buzzed, adult every place we tried was closed and the girls were getting a little upset when my wife spots a big billboard for a gentlemen's club and it says "We're Open" let's go there my wife yells, Sherri laughs and says yeah it will be a hoot I've always wanted to go to one, Her husband says oh really laughing. Lori looks ar Sheeri saying what about Miss fancy pants Nancy. Sherrie says ah just keep feeding her shooters she'll warm up tot he idea. So we pull in the parking lot and this place judging by the cars in the parking lot was no dive strip club so we all go inside. The place was hopping and even though we weren't the only couples in the place the girls got a lot of looks. We sat at a table close enough to the stage to get a really good view of the dancers. Nacy was like oh God couldn't you have picked a better place the bikini-clad waitress showed up with our drinks and we all did a shot, my wife and Sherrie looked at each other and winked we'll have another round of shooters please make it a double. So not to be outdone Miss Fancy pants Nancy kept up with the girls shot for shot. One thing about my wife she can drink a sailor under the table I have never seen a woman with such a high tolerance for alcohol so now all of them have a pretty good buzz going when Lori says I have to go to the ladies room why don't you girls on me. Good idea Sherrie says with Nancy in tow they disappear into the crowd.

So we're sitting there drinking and BSing checking out the strippers of course tipping each one. Well they took a little recess, the DJ was playing music, I was starting to wonder what happened to the girls, Bob says I wonder if they're ok maybe we better go look for them. Eric says what and lose our seat yo have nothing to worry about with Lori being with them tell he says looking at me. My wife is a 4th-degree blackbelt and martial arts instructor which she is and I've seen her kick the crap out of a 280lb guy like he was a rag doll so Eric is a little more at ease. The lights go dim and the guy who was introducing the strippers say good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to club Risque tonight is amateur night but we have a special treat in store for you all, With that, the DJ starts playing Pour Some Sugar on Me" oh wow this is one of Lori's favorite songs too bad she's missing it I'm thinking when the DJ says directly from Atlantic City New Jersey everyone give a big club Risque welcome for "Peaches" a real Jersy Peach and Lori comes out on stage strutting her stuff wearing a black PVC bikini top with long fringe down to her waist matching black panties, and harder belt and black stockings and a pair of stripper heels The guys looked at me and I was pleasantly shocked and just said she carries an awful lot of crap in that bag. Lori was strutting up and around the stage shaking her ass and tits bending over showing off her tits rubbing them and gyrating in every erotic move she had some leaving nothing to the imaginations. The guys were going crazy whistling clapping the more they did the more she danced, the next thing I know is she undoes her seat on her bikini top and his teasingly holding it to her tits, she struts her way over to us and she gives me this big smile and removes her top completely twirling it around her head and she tosses it to our table now the place was getting so rowdy it felt like the building was vibrating, she made her way around the bar collecting tips, with a bouncer (we nicknamed Mountain) moving along with her as they had a strict no-touching policy but the patron was allowed to slip the tip in the waistband of her panties as she pulled it opens he was smiling from ear to ear and putting on one hell of a show,

She loves to dance and works out 6 days a well and even took a pole dancing class with a few of her friends looks like it paid off. She again made her way to us and wiggled out of her panties and did the twirl as she strutted around the stage when she came back our way she tossed them to us and Eric caught them. She was down to her garter belt and G string which I figured would be coming off any second when she started dancing towards the curtain when the DJ announces Miss Peaches brought some friend with her tonight and she returns back to the center stage with her and Sherrie each holding one of Nancy's hands. It appears one of our other Jersey girls is a little shy everyone give her a big club Risque welcome the three started dancing and it was like someone flipped a switch Miss Fancy Nancy wasn't going to be outdone by Lori her bra came off in no time no twirling for her she unhooked and threw it into the crowd, Sheerie followed suit real quick exposing her nice 36DD tits she had the biggest pair of nipples and was working the crowd for tips pulling at them and laying with her tits. Well, Lori knew it was time to fish or cut bait and within seconds her G string was being twirled around her head as she strutted around showing off her clean-shaven pussy Nancy attempted to drop her panties but she almost tripped in the process All three of us had our phones out recoding the event when these two monster bouncers came over saying no picture put those away club rules or you're out, Bob says but those are our wives one guy looked at the other saying club rules and leaned in saying keep them down out of sight ok. The girls were dancing up a storm Sheery had lost her panties as well by now and within a short time, the music had ended the girls collected up their money and went backstage. Maybe 15 minutes later they were escorted back to the table by three big gorilla's all smiles and laughing the one in charge said Ladies drinks are on the house and thank you for coming to club Risque enjoy the rest of your evening. He leaned over to Lori and glanced at me saying you should really think about becoming a dancer here you'd make a lot of money. She smiled thanked him and said she would think about it. :D Well they were all excited and talked about it nonstop a few guys offered to buy them drinks but they declined she looked at me and said I think its time to leave. Looking at a sea of honey men who probably had dicks as hard as Chinese arithmetic she put her hand up so the bouncer would see it and he came over, would you mind seeing us out the door I think we might have a problem looking at the crowd some of whom were already looking at the regular dancers. Of course, not a problem follow, me as he called for two of his friends and they escorted us tot he VIP area and out a private entrance. Bidding us all good night and safe getting home looking at Lori say seriously think about our offer Ok I sure will. When we got in my SUV on our way back to our friend's house the two were like a couple of school girls laughing and giggling that was so much fun when Sherri said hey easiest $150 I ever made, how'd you do Lori. She said almost $400 but here I want to split it with you, Sherri protested saying you earned it girl but Lori insisted and she said ok give me $50 and we'll call it square. Lori joked said for another $50 can I get a lap dance When we got to our hotel Lori confessed she had the entire thing planned she scouted out stip clubs with mature nights the only thing she hadn't planned on was getting the two of them up on stage with her she was originally going to do it for shock value and to put Nancy in her place as she always flirted with me, I laughed saying well some guy got a great souvenir with her bra.
By AnonAnon
Sounds like your wife is both brilliant and sexy!

The shock value comment hits close to home. My wife says, "They'll remember that," or, "Sometimes you've got to show them how it's done," when she does something for shock value. We went to an older age group rant style comedy show in a large auditorium with some slightly older friends and my wife decided to wear some skin tight ass crack hugging see through pants in skin-colored material woven into a medium tight weave that added visual confusion but didn't hide much. No panties. You could actually see a mole on her butt cheek right through it. From a front a narrow seam went over the center, but it was pretty clear she was sporting a landing strip hairstyle. For a top she wore a very short very stiff and very loose halter with no bra. As you can imagine, she stuck out in that crowd with other patrons staring openly at her naked butt and people seated close to us getting some great views of her crotch. The best part of it was the shock on our friends' faces when they saw her for the first time. She put them at ease quickly, but those first looks were great.
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By fastglass427
She decided she needed a new dress to go to our relatives on Thanksgiving like your wife says this out to show them how its done and for shock value, I think this will accomplish both
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By AnonAnon
Shortly after we started dating, I asked my wife to take my father to the symphony. He used to play the violin and I thought he might enjoy it. He did enjoy the concert and a nice dinner but I’m pretty sure she was the star of the evening because she wore a paper thin medium grey silk maxi dress without underwear. It wasn’t see through but every curve and two pencil eraser nipples were on conspicuous display for the entire outing. My Dad was a sport and must have paid her a compliment because the next time she visited for lunch she had on her signature see through look in the form of a short white shirt dress held together mostly by a belt and not too many buttons, her quarter-sized nipples on display through the fabric along with the occasional revealing downblouse view. What I recall was that we ate at wire mesh tables on a patio and that the dress was so short and that there was so much inner thigh and ass on display that I can’t recall anything else!
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By fastglass427
Funny thing with my father she never showed a hint of cleavage or even would dress remotely sex she couldn't hide her big tits and signature protruding nipples but whenever e entered the room she would put on a sweater os something to hide them, when we first dated she said can I tell you something with you getting mad, sure is it about my old man, she looked startled ah yes. Yeah, he's a fucking letch and a low life cheating POS who if given half the chance would grab one of your tits. She was shocked and said holy cow don't hold back. I told her how while at a party at our house he copped a feel of my ex's ass, she instinctively turned around and slapped him across the face.

It was witnessed by one of my nieces who promptly told my mom well hell knoweth no fury like that of an old Italian wife, she apologized to Mary who she really didn't care for but then turned to him and I clearly understood every curse word in Italian and she told him if you ever even touch that girl I will cut your dick off with a butcher knife and she meant it. But on the opposite end of the scale, we have an elderly friend who she helps out by taking him shopping and helping him around the house with little chores. He very sheepishly asked her if she would mind going to lunch with him to a place where some of his old cronies hang out. Hey just to be seen with such a beautiful lady on my arm would make me feel young again. She kissed him on the cheek sayingI'd love to but is it ok if I go home and change first I'll bright back. Ok but don't forget about me, she smiled and said never I'll forget about you handsome. She returned a short time later to pick him up for their lunch date wearing a very tight-fitting silk blouse with one of her shear push up bras that supported her girls lifting them up fighting the forces of gravity and the thin sheer material allowed her hard nipples to be seen against the silk material of her blouse, which was unbuttoned enough to show her very ample cleavage, she was wearing a black leather miniskirt with nude pantyhose a gold ankle bracelet and a pair of black heels. She said old George's eyes bugged out of his head and he said oh my you're a goddess.

She smiled saying oh Georgie you're going to make me blush. Well, when they got to the little cafe like clockwork all his cronies were there for their usual lunchtime and bitch and moan session. With her heels even bing only 5'-3" tall she towered over him and she said he had a smile on his face from ear to ear as he walked in with her like a gentlemen her holding his arm. Oh hi, fellas he nonchalantly looking at his pals, my wife said she thought these old geezers were going to knock each other over trying to get up to say hello she said oh don't get up on my account and leaned over giving them a perfect cleavage shot of her melons as she shook each one of their hands. Georgie, you never told me you had such nice friends in her best little bimbo voice. Ah, they're a bunch of bums but I hang around with them once in a while. They offered her a seat at the table and asked the waitress to bring another couple of chairs when George spoke up saving that's ok fella we're going to have a seat at a nice quiet table in the back. She made sure to wiggle her ass as they walked to the back of the small cafe, saying to Georgie hows that you think I made them a little jealous, he replied I bet their pacemakers are ready to short circuit. He was a perfect gentleman the entire time and she smiled and said you do know we have an audience, watch this as she said oh my its a little warm in here and unbuttoned her blouse even more exposing her bra as she smiled at the group of gawking geezers as she called them. She even spread her legs a little giving them an upskirt shot of her red panties that matched her bra. Geroge was trying his best not to laugh out loud and she said he looked at her boobs and a big smile came covers his face.

He excused himself to go to the men's room, the waitress came over asking if they wanted their drinks refilled and whispered to my wife I've seen you in the market with Georgie you're his neighbor right yes my wife said he is such a sweet old guy. oh, we love Georgie he's always nice and not grumpy like the over the hill gang up there. She said I think what you doing for him is great. My wife smiled and said well he is an animal in bed you know. They both got a laugh out of that. Well, when it was time to leave my wife didn't button up allowing her tits to be observed by the Geritol squad. When they got back to his house she walked him to the door she unlocked it and they stepped inside. He said well that was the best time I've had with my cloth on in a long time they both laughed my wife saying oh my!now Georgie you behave yourself looking at her tits he said you know it's hard to behave when looking at such beautiful breasts, Oh really now is it well here have a better look as she pulled his head in between her tits and held him there for a minute or two she heard a few muffled words then released him from her clutches figuring she had better do so before he had a heart attack. Needless to say, he was a little lost for word but recovered saying dam it I knew I should have renewed my Viagra prescription. My wife bust out laughing and had to one-up him saying well you let me know when you get your refill, Georgie, he asked her if she wanted to come in so she figured why not. He sat a little closer than normal next to her on the couch after bringing her a glass of wine. They sipped their wine and made small talk about the day and he kept bringing up her breast she smiled and thought to herself hey maybe I'll give the old guy a good time he'll never forget. Just as she was about to unbutton her blouse or figure some way to expose her melons to Georgie his phone rand he answers it as she's thinking ok when he turns around I'll be topless and we'll see where this goes.

She hears him say ok honey see you in a few minutes. Oh that my daughter in law she's coming by with the bratty grandchildren would you like to stay and meet them, she stood up and looked herself up and down saying maybe another time when I'm more appropriately dressed to meet your grandchildren, oh yeah that might be a good idea, they walked to the door and she told him she had a wonderful time, just before she ready to open the door she says hey Georgie don't forget to say goodbye to my girls pulling him into her tits once more, all he said was exquisite she thanked him and walked out the front door to her car. When she got home she told me the entire story in detail I said Christ what are you trying to do give the guy a heart attack. She laughed and said I think old Georgie has a few good one's left in him I just looked at her and she had that impish grin saying well maybe I'll just have to find out
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By AnonAnon
When I first met my wife, she used to wear a lot of mostly unbuttoned tucked in shirts braless to dinner invites to my friends' homes. You got to see everything and she was very comfortable showing off her tits and nipples. The looks were blatant with the shirts often so open they would catch on a nipple when she was talking. To have met her was to have seen her tits. It was incredibly hot, more so because she obviously enjoyed it. She used to have some very flimsy wrap dresses that occasionally provided a beautiful glimpse of pussy for extra heat and you knew it wasn't accidental because she was always perfectly groomed. She's more subtle now, but I miss the days when she was sometimes little more than a shrug away from being naked in public and it looked it.
By AnonAnon
One of our very first dates to a friend's house was casual, just pizza. I thought we were going direct from work, but my wife, girlfriend at the time, stopped by home and dressed for it. More like undressed. We'd just started seeing each other so when she arrived in a high waisted skirt with a silk blouse tucked in but mostly unbuttoned with heavy buttons weighing it open it was a little scandalous and a lot exciting. His dog ran up and she squatted down to play with it, the blouse falling away entirely and giving the two of us guys a great view of her chest and very erect nipples. When she talked to us in the kitchen she leaned on a barstool back allowing us direct spectacular views of her tits and erect nipples. The blouse itself seemed there only to allow erect nipples to brush it for additional effect.

The best part of it was that she was having fun with it, not ignoring the show but occasionally looking down and tugging at the shirt acknowledging and owning the show without the least bit of embarrassment. I took a picture of her leaning over one of the barstools showing off a beautiful nipple and she asked me not to post it even without looking down.
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