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By NiceGuyADK
Seeing that there is enough interest in hearing more about my hot tub experience with Jules, I will continue.

As you might imagine, I was completely caught off guard by Jules' forwardness. I've been lusting after this woman for the last few years, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would be alone naked in my hot tub with her.

At first, I was very nervous. But in my mind, I began to rationalize how low the risk factor was with this encounter. My wife was away. My daughter was sound asleep in an alcohol induced "coma", the remote privacy of my back yard we could not be seen by others.

The only thing I couldn't predict was whether or not Jules could keep this a secret. I sure knew that I could. But secrets almost never remain secrets forever. And too, I didn't want any emotional attachment that could develop into an "affair".

My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour. What I couldn't deny was that I was incredibly turned on as evidenced by the raging hardon beneath the surface of the water.

I couldn't take my eyes off of Jules. She looked beautiful in the light of the moon. I typically enjoy the hot tub with all outdoor lights off, including the spa light. On this night, however, the light from the full moon lit everything up, making it possible for me to see Jules clearly.

Once Jules was settled into the hot tub, directly across from me, she slipped beneath the water's surface to soak her hair. She rose up from the water, brushed her hair back, leaned back, tilted her head up and closed her eyes. "Ahhhhh. This feels awesome, Mr. T.", she said. "Thanks for letting me join you."

"How was your night on the town?", I asked. "It was great.", she replied. "We did our usual club scene. Danced. Drank. Flirted. Made out with a few guys. Collected a bunch of phone numbers. But ya know what, Mr. T.?", she asked.

"What?", I replied. "I'm tired of guys my age.", she said. "They are so immature. So shallow. So egotistical. I'm get bored so quickly with them. I haven't met anyone I'm attracted to in a long time."

"I'm sorry.", I said. "I'm sure there's a perfect guy out there for you. It will just take some time to meet him."

"Ya, maybe so." Jules said. "But I'm in no hurry to be in a committed relationship. I have no interest in getting married anytime soon. It will be a long time before I meet the kind of guy I will want to marry."

"Ya know what, Mr. T.?", she went on. "What?", I replied. "I'm ready for another drink. I was hoping you would offer me one. And I noticed your drink is empty. Isn't it time for a refill for you and one for me?"

"Absolutely.", I said. "What are you drinking?" "Vodka on the rocks.", she said. "And please make it a double."

Because of the nature of the conversation, that hardon I had was no longer raging, but it was more like half staff. I was a bit self-conscious about it, but I thought, "What the heck." and exited the hot tub with my half erect cock. I toweled off so as not to track water into the house and grabbed my glass while Jules relaxed in the hot tub.

I refilled my drink, poured the double vodka on the rocks as requested, and returned to the hot tub.

As I handed Jules her drink, she said, "That's a nice cock you've got there, Mr. T." "Thanks" was about the only reply I could think of at that moment as I felt my erection begin to return while lowering myself in the water.

"Does Mrs. T. ever tell you what a nice cock you have?", she asked. "Well, Jules. After 35 years of marriage, those aren't the kinds of things we say to each other anymore."

"Well." she went on. "I've seen a lot of cocks. I've had a lot of cocks. And that, Mr. T., is a perfect cock attached to a perfect man."

"Oh, Jules.", I said. "Your very sweet. But this is not something you and I should be talking about.", as I took a big gulp of the whisky I poured for myself.

"Ah, come on, Mr. T. We're both adults. Maybe you don't think of me that way, but it's true. I'm 25 now. I'm not that little girl anymore. I'm mature. I'm experienced. And I think I know a good man when I see one."

I'm sorry, guys. That's all the time I have right now. Let me know if you want to hear more when I have time later.
By Ohler
It would have been a waste of your time to put this story in and not finish it. You definitely have to tell us how she ultimately seduced you.
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By froggy007
Yea, stop with the teasing you know everyone reading this wants to hear more. We are all fantasizing how it turns out.

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