Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
In 1958, Betty Friedan -- in her pre-feminist days -- penned an essay entitled "The Coming Ice Age."

It summed up the then-current state of scientific belief.

This continued through the late 1970s, and in 1979 news magazines like Time were touting a "new ice age" on their covers.
By Clownkicker
"As Ewing and Donn read the evidence, an Ice Age will result from a slow warming and rising of the ocean that is now taking place. They believe that this ocean flood — which may submerge large coastal areas of the eastern United States and western Europe — is going to melt the ice sheet which has covered the Arctic Ocean through all recorded history. Calculations based on the independent observations of other scientists indicate this melting could begin, within roughly one hundred years.

It is this melting of Arctic ice which Ewing and Donn believe will set off another Ice Age on earth. They predict that it will cause great snows to fall in the north — perennial unmelting snows which the world has not seen since the last Ice Age thousands of years ago. These snows will make the Arctic glaciers grow again, until their towering height forces them forward. The advance south will be slow, but if it follows the route of previous ice ages, it will encase in ice large parts of North America and Europe. It would, of course, take many centuries for that wall of ice to reach New York and Chicago, London and Paris."-Friedan

The melting Arctic ice portion of this prediction is now occurring due to global warming.
Leave it to dimwit johnny to present more insights into how the global warming we face today could theoretically lead to another ice age several centuries from now and then pretend that this somehow demonstrates that no one should be concerned with global warming today. What an imbecile.

As I've told the dimwitted johnforbes many times, stop getting your scientific information from internet gossip sites. Sadly, I now must amend that sage advice with "and also stop getting your current scientific information from political activists writing magazine articles 66 years ago."
By johnforbes
It is late April here, and April really is the cruellest month.

As a chilly rain lashed the pavement this afternoon, the intrepid Mr Forbes hiked on, with his taut, tan thighs pulsing and flexing in the dim light.

It is still far too cold to talk about Global Cooling...
By Clownkicker
So johnforbes has told us several times that he can't post about global warming when it is unseasonbly cold out.

And now he also can't post about global cooling because it is too cold in a given week.

He has also always refused to post about global warming when it is unusually hot out; something that is happening more and more often these days. But to be fair, this could be because he is sweating like a pig and can't stay sufficiently hydrated.

So johnforbes can't post about global warming when it is cold, and he can't post about global warming when it is hot, and he can't post about global warming when unseasonable storms and killer tornadoes are blowing through. Which pretty much means johnforbes is incapable of ever posting anything about global warming because he is simply too decrepit to type and apparently he can't manage to keep the heat or air conditioning functioning in his 30,000-square-foot remodeled home.

My heart goes out to johnforbes who even now is cowering in his basement due to the unusual tornado watch announced in his area.
By johnforbes
Even though it is late May, it is only 48 F now where Mr Forbes' taut, tan, fit form reposes.

This is far too chilly for the bronzed fingers of Mr Forbes to type about Global Cooling, which seems to be taking hold.
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