Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
Senile Joe said his uncle was a pilot in WW II, shot down over New Guinea, and eaten by cannibals.

Turns out the uncle was not a pilot, not shot down, and not eaten by cannibals.

In other news, Clowntoker was eaten by a number of indigenous natives in the dank dens of fetid Frisco.
By Clownkicker
Once again johnforbes regurgitates partisan propaganda without question instead of reading the news from reputable sources.

johnny, your handlers are not your friends. They are using you to spread made up stupid shit, dimwit.

It almost as if your brains have been devoured by zombies (which are known to be in the area where johnforbes frequently goes down for Trump fundraisers.)
By Clownkicker
That's nothin', sillydummy.

Trump's been going around telling everyone he's President for the past three years, but he spends his days being prosecuted for crimes and losing lawsuits that cost him hundreds of millions of dollars and you think that's just fine...! :O
By Clownkicker
"...because when he speaks the bias[sic] media calls it , "Breaking News//!""-sillydoofus

When Trump speaks it IS "Breaking News//!" you moron.

You do realize Trump's running for President so that makes him newsworthy, right? He's not just some random fat pig made up by the Left and the media.

No, he's a particular fat pig made up by the Republican Party. You know, by gullible tools like you and johnforbes.

And from what johnforbes claims, Trump's one of the very few true Republicans remaining. The rest of the Party membership all seem to be RINO plants by the Democrat Party according to Dishonestjohn.

So don't blame the Left and the media for what that loudmouth says, dummy. If the Left and the media determine what Trump says, then he's not fit to be President, is he.
By johnforbes
Mr Forbes has never been to New Guinea, nor has he been eaten by natives.

Mr Forbes was taking a few days off in the warmth of Savannah, with his taut tawny thighs glistening in the April sun.

Meanwhile, Clowntoker has been eaten alive by the hedonic homos of fetid Frisco.
By sillydaddy
Judge puts a gagorder on Trump and still allows the bias media to put up mics for him at the court entrance....
so they can report their outrage of what they hear him say..

The Left needs Trump in the news...Without Trump the bias media would be forced to ask Joe why is his story of his uncle sound so racist...
By elklindo69
Trump is on trial because he's a stupid moron. He made an illicit payment using the banking system. When you are criming you don't use the banking system to make payments.

Trump should have went to Costco and got those gold bars and given them to pay off Stormy. It would not have been tracable. Cohen would not have gone to prison. And Trump wouldn't have been dozing off in his criminal trial...

What fucking moron........ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
By johnforbes
This is lawfare and everyone knows it.

The "judge" in NY wants Trump in court for 2 months to keep him off the campaign trail.

The dictator in Rwanda put his political opponent in prison so he wouldn't have to face her in an election.

Sadly, the court system now helps Democrats for political purposes, which is a perversion of the notion that they should furnish neutral justice.

Elkin and Clown are so enmeshed in political hatred that they can't see the damage this does to the credibility of the courts.
By elklindo69
Trump has to be in court physically during litigation because it is required by NY state law...no because the judge says so.

How much more dishonest can you be???
By sillydaddy
the judge has the authority to decide whether Trump can be excused from trial-related activities.
Elk do the research before you post ......You're embarrassing Clown... :O :laugh:
By Clownkicker
^^^^Well, he's right about that. I AM embarrassed for sillydummy and his gross ignorance.

So, silly, why exactly should Trump be "excused from trial-related activities." <--(nice euphemism for being tried for committing crimes)

Is Trump mentally ill and unfit to stand trial or something? :O :laugh:
By johnforbes
Thanks to Clowntoker for admitting (finally) that Mr Forbes has been correct about everything.

There never was any doubt, but it is always pleasant when a resolute leftist dolt such as Clownslacker finally engages in intellectual capitulation.
By Clownkicker
Yes, thanks to johnforbes for admitting (finally) that we agree that Trump is mentally ill and unfit to stand trial, which is the same as saying he's unfit to be President.

There never was any doubt, but it is always pleasant when a resolute rightist dolt such as johnforbes finally engages in intellectual capitulation.
By johnforbes
Thanks for Clowntoker for his agreement that each and every syllable uttered by the fabulous Forbes was completely correct and marvelously majestic.

It took a long time for Clown to admit that, and it came in the 79th year he was on the Worldwide Interwebs, but Mr Forbes appreciates it nonetheless.
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