Political discussions about everything

When unemployment was below 4% on Trump's watch, johnfibs was here telling us how that showed Trump policies were economic genius and any American that wanted a job was employed.

Now, when unemployment is below 4% under Biden, it is magically because Americans are all out of work, apparently.

johnforbes is here arguing that America would somehow be better off if there were 5 million more jobs left vacant because there are simply not enough unemployed Americans available to fill them all.

How is anyone supposed to take such a lunatic seriously?
Not at all.

No president is fully the cause, or to blame for, an economy.

But what senle Joe did is beyond dispute.

On his first day, he halted Keystone XL and thus set off energy inflation.

Then Milley, Blinken, and Austin embarked on the tragic abandonment of Afghanistan.

Then Mayorkas and the Democrats let 8 million new illegal aliens into the country, catalyzing crime and measles and anarchy.

All that and more...
"But what senle [sic]Joe did is beyond dispute.
On his first day, he halted Keystone XL and thus set off energy inflation."-johnfibs

That had nothing to do with the energy inflation that started because of COVID, dimwit. The cause of energy inflation was a massive decrease in demand globally that initially sent oil prices into negative territory and that caused producers to cut production. When prices began to rise due to the short production, there was no need for the Keystone XL pipeline, which wasn't due to open before 2022 so it didn't have any effect on prices in 2020 and 2021. The real inflation in oil prices came when Trump's friend Putin invaded Ukraine and disrupted world supplies.
https://www.investopedia.com/articles/i ... o-2017.asp

"Then Milley, Blinken, and Austin embarked on the tragic abandonment of Afghanistan."johnfibs

What an unforgivable lie, you lying turd. The "abandonment" was already begun under Trump, not after Biden was in the White House.
Trump had negotiated U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan long before Biden became President. Biden was forced to honor Trump's deal (which johnforbes supported when Trump made the deal.)

"Then Mayorkas and the Democrats let 8 million new illegal aliens into the country, catalyzing crime and measles and anarchy."-johnfibs

To whatever extent immigrants have entered since Trump, if anything, this helped the economy, it didn't hurt it. (Immigration has ALWAYS been a boon to the U.S. economy.) Employers have been unable to find enough workers to fill all the jobs available. But Dishonestjohn is now arguing that eliminating 5 million workers from the work force and leaving their jobs vacant (since there aren't enough Americans to fill them, even if they wanted them, which they don't) would somehow benefit the economy. This is how insane Trump supporters are.

And the measles disaster is directly linked to Trump anti-vaxers who continue to refuse vaccinations for such diseases that were eliminated in the U.S. until recently, as vaccination rates have declined among Republican morons who clearly hate their children. There can be no other explanation for refusing time-tested vaccines as Republicans are now doing.
To further demonstrate that Biden has not fucked up the economy as johnforbes, sillydummy, and Republicans keep saying, the current jobs report also puts the lie to Dishonestjohn's whining.

The reason dimwits like johnny and silldummy keep repeating their lies is that Republicans simply refuse to pass on the good news to them. And since neither of those clowns watch any actual news, replacing it with party propaganda instead, they still believe the lies they are told about how bad the economy is supposed to be despite all the good news out there from all other sources.

"For those rooting for the American economy, Friday morning offered another round of great news: The economy added 303,000 jobs in March, extending an incredible hot streak, as the unemployment rate inched lower to 3.8. The jobless rate has now been below 4% for 26 consecutive months — a streak unseen in the United States since the 1960s."

"What’s more, wage growth continued to outpace inflation, and all of this comes on the heels of 2023, which was arguably the best year for job creation in the United States since 1999.

"And what, pray tell, did Republican leaders have to say about these developments? In keeping with the recent trend, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Mike Johnson responded to the job numbers by saying literally nothing about the good news. No press releases, no tweets, and no public comments.

"It appears that the American job market is so good, Republicans have literally found themselves speechless — again."-MSNBC
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... 5c2d&ei=71

Partisan scumbags like johnforbes and sillydummy will continue to spout the lies of Trump and the rest of the Republican Party simply because the truth makes them look really, really stupid. And if the truth got out, no one would vote to return to the chaotic economic and political days of Trump's tenure.
The role of Mr Forbes on this fine forum -- and indeed everywhere he travels on the Worldwide Interwebs -- is not to swat aside pests such as Clowntoker.

Per contra, Mr Forbes spreads love and light, learning and levity.

Some curse the darkness of leftist lunacy as exemplified by Clowntoker.

But Mr Forbes lights one little candle of lucidity in the vast chasm of socialist stupidity.
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