Political discussions about everything
By johnforbes
In yet another valiant attempt to lift the discussion out of the leftist mire in which Clownslogger is entrapped, Mr Forbes herewith offers the fine thinking of leftist Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

Timbs v Indiana (2019)
By Clownkicker
Hey dimwit, we're all still waiting for you to provide some discussion of how the 8th Amendment or Timbs v Indiana (2019) applies to Trump somehow. Apparently you feel this topic is so important that you have, in your senility, posted TWO threads on it while forgetting to include any discussion of it.

Senility is tragic for all involved, as our waning tolerance of johnforbes' mindless posts proves.
By johnforbes
Pardon me for only citing it in two threads.

It should be more, but Mr Forbes is legendary for (inter alia) his avoidance of spam.
By Clownkicker
Yes, we're all still waiting for you to provide some discussion of how the 8th Amendment or Timbs v Indiana (2019) applies to Trump somehow.

But, as always, johnforbes won't discuss anything he posts about because he can only regurgitate what is spoon fed to him by his handlers.

Such embarrassing intellectual impotence is always pathetic in a partisan weasel like johnflubs.
By johnforbes
Excessive fines...

To be fair, though, Clownslacker's postings are cruel and unusual punishment for the green eyes of the esteemed Forbes to peruse.
By Clownkicker
johnny, it can't be "excessive fines" b3ecause the fine was the amount Trump swindled lenders out of plus interest.

To even approach "excessive" the fine would have to be double the amount he swindled lenders out of.

To be fair, though, Dishonestjohn's postings are incredibly stupid and ignorant, which is cruel (though usual) for your typical braindead Trump supporter.
By johnforbes
Nobody was swindled.

All loans were repaid, the lenders were happy and said they would be delighted to do business with Trump again.

Without a robbery, you can't charge somebody with robbery.

For a murder case, elements of that crime must be present.

In the instant case, there was no fraud.

It is okay to dislike Trump -- or hate him as deranged kids like Clown do -- but pretending something is a crime when it isn't is silly.
By Clownkicker
"All loans were repaid, the lenders were happy and said they would be delighted to do business with Trump again."-johnflubs

Only Trump couldn't find a single bank willing to back a bond for him. They laughed at him.

And it isn't me just saying so. Eric Trump said so.

"Without a robbery, you can't charge somebody with robbery.
For a murder case, elements of that crime must be present."-johnfoibles

And yet Dishonestjohn has no problem with insisting an election was stolen through fraud when there isn't a shred of evidence to support the claim. And the price of this dishonesty is American's belief in their democracy.

It also doesn't bother johnforbes in the least that every Republican in the RNC who accepted that Biden won the 2020 election was fired. Now the RNC is only hiring people who believe the election was stolen. Now why would they do that, johnny? So much for diversity of thought among Republicans. RIP

From now on the only people who will be in the RNC will be conspiracy theory nutjobs. Undoubtedly johnforbes will now be applying for a job so that he can be around "his kind of people."

It is okay to dislike Biden -- or hate him as deranged kids like johnforbes do -- but pretending Biden is "crooked" when Republicans have been investigating him for three years without finding a shred of evidence to support the lie is silly.
By Clownkicker
Speaking of lard-encased posteriors as johnforbes is disturbingly wont to do, check out Trump's tournament-winning (he claims) golf swing and lard-encased posterior that johnforbes holds up as a model of physical fitness:

(time stamp 0:35)
https://www.google.com/search?client=fi ... 6t1Zk,st:0

I dare johnforbes to watch the entire video from time stamp 5:45 to see about his silly "victimless crime" bullshit concerning real estate valuation fraud. (Remember, no one is prosecuting Trump with failing to pay back loans.)
The effete johnforbes believes that a speeding ticket should never be issued unless someone is injured as a result of the speeding. After all, being pulled over for speeding is a victimless crime, isn't it. Most of the time no one gets hurt. So those laws clearly shouldn't be enforced.
(Or perhaps it's more likely that johnforbesm, given his legal education, thinks only poor people should receive speeding tickets.)

johnforbes LOVES to ignore all the crimes Trump is actually charged with and instead focus on his handlers' phony charges that sound so absurd because they are. Trump isn't charged with those things in the first place, dimwit. Your handlers are jerking you around, as always.

johnny is actually here telling us that fraud is just fine as long a poor people don't get away with it; that only rich people should be allowed to get away with it.

Unbelievable. This is what a Yale law degree produces as a legal philosophy in its graduates: "Only rich people should be allowed to break the law."-Dishonestjohn
By sillydaddy
Well , if Trump over-valued his properties ....
and New York State uses an ad valorem property tax ......
Do you think New York collected property taxes from Trump, based on what he said the properties are worth.
or the lower value the state of New York says they are worth...
What say you Clown....is it possible New York owes Trump a refund ?
By Clownkicker
Geezus, sillydummy, inform yourself already.

Trump inflated the value of his properties committing fraud when applying for loans at favorable interest rates.

Meanwhile, Trump undervalued his properties for the purposes of property taxes, committing further crimes, and left the rest of us literally paying for his crimes when he refused to pay what he was liable for.

That's what I say, you ignorant imbecile.
By johnforbes
Sorry, lenders do due diligence.

When Clowntoker applies for a loan to buy a Nash Rambler, no lender takes Clown's loan application into consideration but instead does its own due diligence assessing Clown's ability to repay and whether he is likely to repay.

In Trump's case, the lenders were happy, repaid, and willing to do business again.

There simply was no fraud.

Clown's political hatred has destroyed his ability (albeit minimal anyhow) to reason.
By sillydaddy
So clown, you're saying New York had its head up its ass while all this was suppose to be going on...
And now they want to be paid for it... :laugh: :laugh:
By johnforbes
Clowntoker was too busy admiring the posteriors of golfers to remain rational about this subject.

Clown's crass carnal cravings caused this criticism of his credibility...
By elklindo69
johnforbes wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:16 pm Sorry, lenders do due diligence.

When Clowntoker applies for a loan to buy a Nash Rambler, no lender takes Clown's loan application into consideration but instead does its own due diligence assessing Clown's ability to repay and whether he is likely to repay.

In Trump's case, the lenders were happy, repaid, and willing to do business again.

There simply was no fraud.

Clown's political hatred has destroyed his ability (albeit minimal anyhow) to reason.
Trump committed fraud by falsifying his financial records when applying for a loan. Apparently this is not against the law as per the party of "law and order."
By johnforbes
Elkin, come on.

You are smart enough to explore the SOP for real estate loans.

Trump's appllcations had caveats, and the lenders did their own due diligence anyhow as they have to.

The lenders were repaid, happy, and would do business with Trump again.

The elements of the crime of fraud are not present here, although a strong odor of Trump Derangement can be discerned.

Both Elkin and Clown are smart enough to realize that this is merely lawfare to interfere with the election.
By Clownkicker
"The lenders were repaid, happy, and would do business with Trump again."-johnfibs

johnny, Trump hasn't been able to get a loan from a U.S. bank in years. That's why he owes Deutsche Bank so much money. No one else would lend to him.
By johnforbes
Elkin finished in the 13th position in his high school class.

However, there were only 13 people in that class.

On a more positive note, Elkin's IQ is the very same number as what most people find a comfortable room temp -- 70 degrees.

No, Elkin does not have 70 degrees, or even one.

But his IQ is 70, which was fairly high in his home town in Georgia where "Deliverance" was filmed.
By Clownkicker
Once again, when presented with an unrefutable argument from elklindo, johnforbes can only resort to his standard operating procedure of making an impotent ad hominem attack completely unrelated to the argument.

What an intellectual pussy. If only johnforbes could at least make up for that shortcoming by playing the banjo decently on his front porch. Alas, he can't even do that.
By johnforbes
I was applauding Elkin's IQ.

He was the very first member of his family (the Jukes) to hit double digits on an IQ test.

All of us are hoping that Elkin will one day learn to tie shoelaces, but is that too much to hope for?
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