Political discussions about everything
Clownhacker, come on.

You and Elkin are nice enough youth, uneducated leftists, but you are not bright people.

Heck, you are still so astonishingly stupid that you don't even know that science consisted historically of instance after instance of false certitude.

Why did Copernicus publish when he did?

Why did Newtonian orthodoxy surrender to Riemann and Einstein et al.?
So Much Winning!!!!

Obviously, we all greatly appreciate johnforbes li[…]

johnny, you already yammer in the morning. Incessa[…]

Pelosi Admits Responsibility

If McConnell shares some responsibility with Pelos[…]

Mr Forbes is merely flexing the muscles slightly i[…]

I agree with Clown that the words of Mr Forbes are[…]

Senile dementia...

Celebrating Gayteenth

In this most solemn of months, Gay Pride Month, we[…]

Well, Trump's at it again. He claims there were 20[…]