Political discussions about everything
By Clownkicker
I think this thread admirably displays johnforbes' ignorance. Thank you for posting it.

And, as with any great thread, it does more than just the intended.
This thread also wonderfully demonstrates the immense stupidity of johnforbes.

Keep up the good work of regularly making a fool of yourself, johnforbes.
We look forward to more of your effete buffoonery in the future.
By Intrepid
Nobody cares what a junkie pot head stoner thinks about anything loser Lucky. You are in good company though, the three stooges, Lucky, ElkinDoofus and Grog/Malcom.
By johnforbes
I salute Clowndoper for recognizing the admirable nature of this thread.

However, when Clownslacker was in the Navy, he was neither admiral nor admirable.
By johnforbes
What percent of America's population would young minority males be?

What percentage of violent crimes do they commit?
So Much Winning!!!!

Obviously, we all greatly appreciate johnforbes li[…]

johnny, you already yammer in the morning. Incessa[…]

Pelosi Admits Responsibility

If McConnell shares some responsibility with Pelos[…]

Mr Forbes is merely flexing the muscles slightly i[…]

I agree with Clown that the words of Mr Forbes are[…]

Senile dementia...

Celebrating Gayteenth

In this most solemn of months, Gay Pride Month, we[…]

Well, Trump's at it again. He claims there were 20[…]